
What type of Transaction IsolationLevel should be used to ignore inserts but lock the selected row?

I have a process that starts a transaction, inserts a record into Table1, and then calls a long running web service (up to 30 seconds). If the web service call fails then the insert is rolled back (which is what we want). Here is an example of the insert (it is actually multiple inserts into multiple tables but I am simplifying for thi...

MSMQ: Remote access in transactional context

Considering MSMQ version 3.0 Hello. I want to send and read messages from a remote MSMQ queue. In version 3.0 remote reads with transactions are not supported. In version 4.0 transactional reads can be made not with receive method but with peek. I saw a problem using transactional remote reads with MessageQueueTransaction and the an...

Managing mysql schema changes with SQL scripts and transactions

Hi all I am working with multiple databases in a PHP/MySQL application. I have development, testing, staging and production databases to keep in sync. Currently we're still building the thing, so it's easy to keep them in sync. I use my dev db as the master and when I want to update the others I just nuke them and recreate them from m...

Linq to SQL Chunked Delete or Update Operation?

I have a lot of rows to delete in a table, and using ADO.NET I might send a SqlCommand with this text: WHILE(1=1) BEGIN DELETE TOP(5000) FROM myTable WHERE myval=123 IF @@ROWCOUNT < 5000 BREAK END I would wrap that in a transaction or 2 and could then delete in chunks so the DB could come up for air. I would like to do th...

No MSDTC - Still getting "communication with underlying transaction manager failed"

Hi In my project I am using Ado.Net's DbTransaction object to manage transaction... Then why I am getting MSDTC related error - "communication with underlying transaction manager failed". Here is my code. DbTransaction trans = Connection.BeginTransaction(); //Code if (successfull) { trans.Commit(); } else { trans.RollBack();...

Updating Aggregate Column In Isolation Question

I have a deal and transaction table, where the deal table has an aggregated column, 'TotalSales', which is simply a count of transactions per deal. With the following command, is there ever a chance the transaction row count and total sales count would not be in sync (not including deleting rows)? Does the default isolation level work f...

What is the relationship between blocking, locking, and isolation levels?

I understand a little about Oracle blocking - how updates block other updates till the transaction completes, how writers don't block readers etc. I understand the concept of pessimistic and optimisic locking, and the typical banking textbook examples about losing lost updates etc. I also understand the JDBC transaction isolation l...

Can two transaction run at same time in Oracle?

Hi, I have a method void SaveApplicationData() { begin transaction update insert commit transaction } if two users call this method at same time, can these two database transaction run at same time? thanks! ...

EclipseLink: Checking current transaction isolation level

I have a standalone Java application that uses EclipseLink 2.0.1. It is configured by a persistence.xml, and then does something like: final EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("xy"); final EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager(); em.getTransaction().begin(); .... em.getTransaction().commit(); I want...

Sql client transactions from code vs database-controlled transactions

I've always done transactions from within stored procedures but now I need to wrap a bunch of "dynamic" statements executed from code against sp_executesql in a transaction. Specifically I need the READ UNCOMMITED isolation level for these in some cases (I know what that does, and yes, that's what I need). This is SQL2008. My question ...

How do I transactionally poll a database queue table with rollback?

I wish to setup a database table that will be used as a message queue. The table will have messages inserted into it with a unique id and a timestamp and a status of 'PENDING'. Assuming that the insertion into this table is properly handled, I wish to know what is the best way to transactionally process messages from this table using a ...

How to test MySQL transactions?

I have a question about testing the queries in a transaction. I've been using MySQL transactions for quite some time now, and everytime I do this, I use something like: $doCommit = true; $error = ""; mysql_query("BEGIN"); /* repeat this part with the different queries in the transaction this often involves updating of and inserting ...

C# and SQL Server: any reason to put a single INSERT into a transaction?

Using C# and SQL Server, would there be any reason to put a single INSERT statement into a transaction? I am reviewing code written by someone else. I can't understand why a transaction would be needed since there is only one SQL statement. ...

Hibernate updates database though all the service methods marked as read-only by spring transaction management

I have already posted this question before but as the thread is little old I think I am not getting reply so sorry for duplicating but my issue is something related to spring transaction. I am facing a similiar problem with Spring Transaction management. I am using hibernate as ORM framework. And below is the excerpt of spring configura...

Database transactions - How do they work?

Hi, I'm trying to learn more about database transactions, I found the ACID rule of thumb for writing transactions and thought of a few questions. The ACID rule of thumb: A transaction must be: Atomic - it is one unit of work and does not dependent on previous and following transactions. Consistent - data is either c...

Transaction Control across multiple JVMs

I have what seems to be a standard java problem: multiple database transactions, in Oracle, that need to all be committed or none. This is complicated by the fact that each process is in a seperate JVM. The modules are connected by JMS queues in a pipeline configuration. The idea is that a series of messages can be passed through the p...

NHibernate: Multiple Entities, One Transaction - Multiple Repositories?

I'm developing a web service using NHibernate, WCF and Oracle 11g R1. The web service is pretty simple: it maps DTOs to POCOs and performs various CRUD operations on them based on the operation called. Each entity has its own set of CRUD methods - this is a temporary, but necessary for the time being. I'm looking for input on a good R...

Does Ehcache 2.1 support the transactional cache concurrency strategy in Hibernate 3.3.2GA?

Does Ehcache 2.1 now support the transactional cache concurrency strategy in Hibernate 3.3.2GA? That is, does Hibernate, when configured to use Ehcache 2.1 as its cache provider, allow the <cache usage="transactional"/> element in a mapping file or the Hibernate entity class annotation @Cache(usage=CacheConcurrencyStrategy.READ_WRITE)? ...

Groovy, How to do 2 phase commit? Is Sql.withTransaction can manage transaction scope accross multiple databases?

Hi there, Well, I think my question says it all. I need to know if Groovy SQL supports two phase commits. I'm actually programming a Grails Service where I want to define a method which does the following: Get SQL instance for Database 1, Get SQL instance for Databsae 2, Open a transaction some how: Within the transaction call two dif...

MQQueueManager constructor hangs if Queue Manager is unavailable and transaction is used

I have an issue where the call the MQQueueManager constructor is hanging if the queue manager is down. I have a TransactionScope open with EnterpriseOptions.Full when I call the constructor to the MQQueueManager. If MQ is down though (or possibly attempts a connect as the QM goes down) then this call hangs. Even if the transaction exp...