
How do I properly handle a PreviewMouseDown event with a MessageBox confirmation?

Earlier I asked how to cancel a WPF TreeViewItem.Selected event. The answerers suggested I instead handle the PreviewMouseDown event before the selection even takes place. That makes sense. I've tried to do that... XAML... <TreeView Name="TreeViewThings" ... PreviewMouseDown="TreeViewThings_PreviewMouseDown" TreeViewItem...

What is the best way to store data on a TreeView Node?

The TreeView is a nice way to present a hierarchy to users, but imagine the following scenario with the hierarchy depicted below: Building 1 -Tenant 1 - Payment 1 - Payment 2 Building 2 -Tenant 1 - Payment 1 -Tenant 2 - Payment 1 - Payment 2 where you need to do an insert to a database when the user clicks on the Pa...

How to show Selected treeview node's attribute & values in listbox & textbox respectively using C#?

Hi, I have to create a project in C# in which i have to create a XML Tree View, select a xml file from hard drive(System) it is displayed as Tree View on winform. When a user selects a particular node/element in the tree view,its attributes and values have to be displayed in list box and text box respectively. Till now i have done a pa...

Access text selection within a TreeNode (WinForms)

Is it possible to access information about the text selection within an editable TreeNode of a WinForms TreeView? I discovered methods such as BeginEdit() and EndEdit(bool cancel), but I need finer granularity of control -- something like TextBoxBase.SelectionStart and SelectionLength properties, but on the node itself. Is this possibl...

ASP.NET: TreeView CurrentNodeStyle missing?

Is there a CurrentNodeStyle set of properties in the ASP.NET version of the TreeView, or am I just blind? I want to set the CssClass for whichever node the user is currently on, and I'm not seeing a way to do this. Googling reveals there was such a beast in classic ASP, but I'm trying to use ASP.NET 3. ...

c# Obtain a list of TreeView Parent nodes

If I have a TreeView (myTreeview),how can I obtain a list of all the nodes that are parent nodes? i.e. nodes that have children ...

Horizontal scroll position when a winforms treevew item is selected

We have some code that uses the .net Windows.Forms.TreeView. When an item in the view is selected then code does treeView.BeginUpdate(); // ... some stuff ... SendMessage(treeView.Handle, WM_HSCROLL, SB_LEFT, 0); treeView.EndUpdate(); This is so that the tree view display doesn't scroll right (which is the default behaviour - to show ...

TreeView-Like list of Links

I have a have a table with Region_Name, Region_ID fields, and another one with Area_Name, Region_ID fields (each region have Areas that belongs to it). I want to display on my page a list of links (something that looks like a treeView) so when someone clicks on for ex The Bronx from Region New York in this list: New York The ...

TreeView re-grabs focus on Ctrl+Click

I have a WinForms TreeView control that I would like to use to open another form based on which node is currently selected. I want to open that other form when I Ctrl+Click on the node. Currently, it works the way I would like if I open the other form in a DoubleClick handler (and double-click on the node, obviously); however, if I use...

ASP.Net TreeView Scrolling the selected node into view

Is there a way to scroll the selected node of an ASP.Net TreeView into view after a postback? In my parrticular scenario the control is repopulated after each postback. Thanks! ...

C# replacement for standard Treeview ?

I'd like to find a replacement for provided System.Windows.Form.Treeview. I need the following improvements : Multiple selection of items Better performance (performance of standard widget is simply awful, in particular when adding a long list of items) Scrolling while drag and dropping an item inside the treeview widget I may be for...

TTreeView node handles freed after TTreeView's parent changed???

i have a very interesting problem. background i've used TTreeView for years but only now am using it with a docking library (from AutomatedQA). i've learned that when the parent of the TTreeView is changed, all the handles are recreated. this is something the docking library does during normal activites. i've been using the Data p...

How do I bind a tree control to a data source in VB .NET?

Edit: Duplicate I'm new to .NET, and I've taken on a small work project, converting an existing VB6 product to a current version of VB (its either that or learning VB6!). This product is an internal desktop application (not web-based). I need to create a new tree view, that is linked to a particular table. Each row in the table ha...

TreeView, Linq-To-SQL recursive data population

I have an IEnumerable(of Employee) with a ParentID/ChildID relationship with itself that I can databind to a TreeView and it populates the hierarchy perfectly. However, I want to be able to manually loop through all the records and create all the nodes programmatically so that I can change the attributes for each node based on the data ...

How can I bind a dataset directly to a TreeView (with hierarchy)?

If I have a DataSet as a result of a SQL query, can I bind it directly to a TreeView and show the hierarchy of my data? I know I'd have to use several HierarchicalDataTemplates, but I don't know how to tell each one what data to display. If I have a 4-level hierarchy, like so: <HierarchicalDataTemplate x:Key="FirstLevelTemplate" ItemTe...

Select TreeView Node on right click before displaying ContextMenu

I whould like to select a WPF TreeView Node on right click, right before the ContextMenu displayed. For WinForms I could use code like this, what are the WPF alternatives? ...

Migrating from VB6 to .NET, is there an equivlaent function for TreeNode.FirstSibling?

The desktop application I'm migrating makes heavy use of a treeview control, and many calls to TreeNode.FirstSibling, e.g. 'UPGRADE_ISSUE: MSComctlLib.Node property tvTreeView.SelectedItem.FirstSibling was not upgraded. If tvTreeView.SelectedNode.FirstSibling.Index = 1 Then ... End If Is there an equivalent function to use? ...

Why e.Source depends on TreeView populating method?

I have two trees: fooTree - made up of elements, barTree - constructed by Both trees have MouseRightButtonDown event, but the e.Source type differs: fooTree - System.Windows.Controls.TreeViewItem barTree - System.Windows.Controls.TreeView Why e.Source differs? Also, how can I get the clicked item for the barTree? Markup: ...

Can I automatically wrap HierarchicalDataTemplate items inside of a TreeViewItem?

I have a 4-level tree structure, defined by: <HierarchicalDataTemplate DataType="{x:Type src:Level1}" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Level2Items}"> <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Level1Name}"/> </HierarchicalDataTemplate> <HierarchicalDataTemplate DataType="{x:Type src:Level2}" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Level3Items}"> <TextBlock T...

How to display treenodes by binding nodes in the treeview to nodes of the XML document.

Hi, I have a Treeview where on selecting a node the attributes and values has to be displayed in listbox. In treeView1_AfterSelect, the text parsing code depends on the textual representation for a node in the tree view, which can be changed at any time and break the entire logic of list display. This strong dependency between the tree v...