
Getting started with JAX-WS...

Can someone suggest some good tutorials for getting started with JAX-WS? Using various tools like wsgen etc... ...

Learning VB.Net using Sharpdevelop

I’m new to visual basic.net. I have experience in C++ programming, but never created gui with it so learning vb.net for some quick gui development. and i want to learn vb.net. I can’t install visual basic express on computer cause i’m on shared computer and such huge install is not possible on that computer. So i picked up sharpdevelop. ...

Where can I learn the SQL way to get data out

There's a gap in my SQL knowledge I'd like to fill and I'm after recommendations on where to find resources, eg. websites, how-tos, books, etc. I've been using SQL databases for a long time. I'm quite comfortable with: basic SQL and its syntax; creating tables and indexes; inserting data; and basic DBMS maintanenance. Where I struggle ...

Generate the xml code specified from java file using JAXB

Hi, Can anybody please help me by providing the java code using JAXB to create an xml file covering the code below: <possibleValues> <possibleValue representsNull="false" cannotBeSoleTarget="false"> <displayName>True</displayName> <value>True</value> </possibleValue> <possibleValue representsNull="false" can...

Looking for a good book to learn How to program aspnet over facebook

Hi all, I don't know if any such book exists. I am an aspnet developer and I am now thinking of developing facebook applications. I'd seen many tutorials on the web explaining how an aspnet developer can write his own app, though what I am looking for is a tutorial book, so I can have a clean and logical studying course. Does any of you...

Any good resources for learning intermediate javascript?

hello, I'm very confused .. I have just finished studying Javascript , and when I wanted to learn more practical uses of js like making a sliding menu or drag and drop actions on online tutorial sites like nettuts, or pixel2life, I find very complicated examples that are not suitable for my level. They treat me as a pro, they use in the...

I am looking for a clean HTML tutorial.

I've been doing web programming from 1999 to 2004 and it looks like a lot has changed. The layout is no longer done with tables, but with DIVs, etc... I am looking for a tutorial that combines CSS and HTML and DIVs, etc... and teaches you how to layout a page. I don't want a tutorial that focuses on a specific one technology, but more...

How to structure your c program?

I've been working/coding in C#/Java for some years, so the basics etc. don't give me to much a hard time. But I've never done anything larger than small commandline learning programs in c. Now I'm trying to make a mobile phone emulator for Linux and I have no clue how to structure my code when its not object oriented. I have 3 big books...

What are some best UNIX Online Tutorials/Books ?

Hi, I am new to Unix Operating System and my job involves mainly working with Unix Environment and so what are some of the best resources, online/books that one would recommend for Unix. Thanks. ...

Intro me source on Flash Actionscript 3.0 communicating with ASP.net

As title, any books, tutorials, site that you guys recommend to me on how could AS3 can communicate with ASP.net. ...

Noob-Ready Cython Tutorials

I know a bunch of scripting languages, (python, ruby, lua, php) but I don't know any compiled languages like C/C++ , I wanted to try and speed up some python code using cython, which is essentially a python -> C compiler, aimed at creating C extensions for python. Basically you code in a stricter version of python which compiles into C -...

Facebook Connect on phpBB2 !

Hi :) I'm trying to integrate Facebook Connection module to an old phpbb 2 version. Have you ever tried a similar integration or found a nice tutorial showing how to do it ? thank you :) ...

What are good resources/books/podcasts on Enterprise Portal Development ?

What are some of the very good online resources/books/pod casts/tutorials/blogs/articles etc for learning and understanding different areas of Enterprise Portal Development ? ...

Looking for *working* Hibernate examples

I have been scouring the intertubes for working somewhat recent Hibernate examples. I understand it well on a conceptual level, but I'm having trouble throwing together a "hello world" program, because every one I find doesn't build for me. I should be able to adapt to different entity relationships after that, but I would settle for a...

Feed generator for PHP, allowing åäö and images

Hi, I'm new to feeds. I want to create feeds, so first, should I use rss 1, 2 or atom, whatever is best/standard? Second, do you know any easy to understand tutorials or code-examples? Any other good to know for feeds is more than welcome. I'm using php and mysql. Thanks in advance. /Johan ...

Looking for recommendations on a good ** beginners ** bash tutorial

Hi, I am an ETL developer by profession that just started reading The Pragmatic Programmer by Dave Thomas & Andrew Hunt. I have been meaning to learn more about bash & command line in Ubuntu for a while but reading this book made me realize how essential it is for me to start learning it. Therefore, I would love to get some recommendati...

Where can I learn about using Struts in Java?

Where can I learn about using Struts in Java? ...

What is the best ajax tutorial site

Yes i know ajax is a silly term etc... but i need a decent thorough tutorial? ...

Tutorial/Example of how to implement "Browse A to Z" for a website

I have found that simply googling this does not return what I am looking for. I am to find something simple and easy. I don't know if this requires javascript or not. I know I can "View Page Source" but I was hoping to find a tutorial. Some examples of what I am talking about can be found here: -IBM -Auburn -About.com ...

Modern, Non-trivial, Pygame Tutorials?

What are some 'good', non-trivial Pygame tutorials? I realize good is relative. As an example, a good one (to me) is the one that describes how to use pygame.camera. It's recent uses a modern PyGame (1.9) non-trivial, in that it shows how to use it the module for a real application. I'd like to find others. A lot of the ones on ...