
CakePHP IBM Tutorial: Incorrect API doc for Model::validate()??

Okay, this is driving me nuts. I’m working through the IBM CakePHP Tutorial, and in the first part, I’m at the section where the author is introducing validation rules for form input: www.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/tutorials/os-php-cake1/section5.html#N107E3 For the life of me, I can’t figure out what’s happening in this line of...

Learn How To Develop GUI Applications

Hello, I'm learning Objective-C and already know many other languages, but every time that i try to develop GUI applications i stuck, because i didn't understand and mental visualize the application running and those coordinates of the buttons and the other objects always let me confused, but where i can learn how to do good GUI applica...

How to explain Dependency Injection to a 5-year old

Hello there, Could anybody point out a good dependency injection tutorial? I found a ton on Google but none of them that would assume the reader is a just Java beginner. Thanks! ...

Please post some tutorials links on charts4j.

I have to generate charts on my Web application, and after getting the answer of Is there any free library which can be used to generate Graphs in J2EE environment?, i chose Chart4j for this purpose. The reason behind picking this api over JFreeChart is, its ease of use, and also i am tempted with chartle, which is using Chart4j. But the...

REST WebServices in C#

Hi, I need to develop a Rest Webservice, Where can I find tutorial or complete sample code to build REST WebServices in C#. Please help me with sample Thanks, ...

PInvoke.net is nice but where do I get good examples and information relating to usage of Win32 in .net apps?

Stuff like this and this is very nice and to some extent is representative for the information I am generally looking for. I found that using Win32 functionality in C# winform projects is possible and, when used wisely, can provide a much enhanced user experience. Sadly, information on MSDN can be scarce at best and almost never offers d...

visio: tutorials to design software systesm

I am looking for good tutorials on the high level design of software systems that would show things like DLL, Databases, etc. Where can I find good visio tutorials? ...

Want PSD to html skills, any step by step tutorials/ videos that you can recommend?

I am a server side dev, but I notice that more and more I am seeing the requirement for us to be able to convert flat images to html. I have a basic understanding of CSS i.e. I can work with it, but haven't ever done a prject from scratch before. Can someone direct me to online tutorials or videos (preferred) of someone going through t...

A road map to learning Flex for dummies.

I need to familiarize myself with this technology. My problem is that Google is swamp with results for tutorials. Where should I start? What development environment should I use assuming this is only for learning purposes and I don't want at the moment to buy any expensive software? What tools should I use? Any road maps for dummies? ...

Recommended books/tuts/useful links on pascal programming language

Tried google, but could not find good enough book/tuts on pascal programming language.So what are your recommendations? thanks. ...

Donut Caching Tutorials

Can someone point out a couple of good quality tutorials/pages for donut caching? Like everything else on the web, you can google a million things, but several of the articles I've found are a bit confusing. I'm looking for What is donut caching When should you use it How do you implement in ASP.net ...

Java classloader tutorial

Hi all, Does anyone know of a good (and thorough) tutorial about Java class loading, how to extend that mechanism and how to actually work with the extension? Thanks! ...

The practical Haskell tutorial for a programmer coming from the imperative universe

What would be the most practical online tutorial(s) for quickly getting up to speed with Haskell? I have a decent amount of programming experience with PHP, Java ja Javascript, so there is something to build on. I have checked out the Haskell official homepage @haskell.org but the materials there are a bit ..well.. a bit difficult to fo...

Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 and Entity Framework walkthrough

I am in the process of evaluating Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 and looking for possible replacements for current our data access layer. The Entity Framework looks like a promising replacement to the data retrieval functionality in our applications. Does anyone have a great walk-through/tutorial that demonstrates how to use the Entity Fram...

LaTeX books VS online tutorials?

What were you missing from the online tutorials and manuals, that you found well explained in LaTeX books? Any LaTeX book, but I'm mainly referring to The LaTeX Companion by Mittlebach, and the A Guide to LaTeX by Kopka. I'm working on a book project in LaTeX and the question came up why don't I buy these much reputed books. Until now I...

compiling my own kernel (not from linux-kernel source)

I'm following the kernel tutorial from here im having problems compiling my files. i get the following errors when i try to compile: main.c:8: error: expected declaration specifiers or ‘...’ before ‘size_t’ main.c:8: error: conflicting types for ‘memcpy’ ./include/system.h:5: note: previous declaration of ‘me...

Tutorials for VS2010 modeling/designer tools

I'm interested in learning to use the new VS2010 modeling & design tools. I've stumbled arcoss videos and tutorials, but have found no 'table of contents' that lists them. Can you point me to a TOC or to individual tutorials that you have found useful? TIA! ...

Learning C: Online resources

Can you point me to some online resources? I couldn't find any good. Also the resources shouldnt be too old. There also wasn't any SO question covering this. Or atleast I didn't find it. Edit: Practical approaches would be very nice too. Something like Real World Haskell but just for C. Is there something like this? Edit2: With "too ...

Resources for learning Flex using just the open source compiler, not the IDE

I'm interested in learning just enough Flash/Flex to do things that I can't do from HTML and JavaScript alone - play sound files and video, use multiple file upload things, perform cross-domain Ajax requests using the crossdomain.xml file etc. As such, I don't really want to learn (or pay for) the Flex IDE. I'm not much of an IDE guy in ...

XML, XML Stylesheets XQuery: book and development environment

I'm completely new to XML Schema, XML Stylesheets and XQuery. To me, XML is just a text file just containing tags and values. I know that much, lol. I just got a homework asking us to design simple XML Schemas, and also applying Stylesheets and XQuery. Could anyone please point me to: "Best" books/resources (based on your experience...