
What C++ tutorial would you recommend for an experienced programmer that has some patchy knowledge about the language?

In my early days of programming, before I started working professionally, I wrote a fair share of trinket/exercise apps in C++ and felt fairly confident that I know the language. Then, as opportunity came, I went to do real work and left the C/C++ world. For the past 5 years I've written tons of code in C# and have had scarcely any encou...

Python Cheatsheet

Is there any definitive cheatsheet available for Python (3.1 especially). I'm learning from a book but I keep forgetting the various methods explained for lists, dicts, strings etc.. I'd like a cheatsheet or a tutorial spanning a few pages that has object type definitions, list of expressions, list of methods available for each object t...

Tutorial for converting PHP applications to Cocoa?

I do a lot of coding in PHP and MySQL, but I'm looking at moving my applications to a desktop environment in order to allow users to access the data offline, and periodically receive updates from a central online database. For the time being, however, I'm looking for a decent tutorial on how to convert PHP applications to Cocoa, and how...

Jasper Reporting Tutorial

Hi. I am looking for a walkthrough or tutorial for jasper reporting. I have tried searching fortutorials but each tutorial has it's own way of using it. Some are shortcuts and some are incomplete. Can you give me a tutorial or a link which teaches on jasper reporting from setup down to running sample apps ...

Good resources for experienced web developers moving to PHP?

Good morning, all. I've been doing websites now for about seven years (most of which have been in ASP.NET, but some just HTML) and I'm getting ready to make the move to PHP for my next project. Can anyone suggest some resources and/or tutorials that are more than the usual Hello World kind of thing? Specifically, any guidelines on cod...

Best C# Tutorials for a newbie?

Were there any awesome C# tutorials you found that helped you learn it? Or any books that you thought were particularly successful? Any that should be avoided? UPDATE: Tons of good answers, thank you all! To clarify the earlier question, hobbyist with only light programming experience previous. Working through online tutorials curr...

What should I learn?

I work for a small web design company, and learned everything I know on the job (my degree is in chemistry!). The other coder here taught me a fair bit of php, and I've had to pick up MySQL and a bit of javascript. I've also increased my knowledge of CSS. (HTML itself I already knew, really, along with a little CSS.) Now, I am the sort ...

How do you move the MSDN "Self-Hosted" WCF example away from localhost?

Hello, I've gone through the MSDN WCF - Getting Started Tutorial, and it went great until I tried to move the client from one machine in my domain to another in my domain. When I moved the client peice to the other machine in my network, it gave me an SecurityNegotiationException. Here is what I've done: I defined a service contra...

I've written a java getting-started tutorial, where would be a good site to post it for checking?

Hi all, For our company's internal training, I'm writing a java getting-started tutorial. This will go all the way from installing eclipse through to writing a working demo application with Struts, Hibernate, Sitemesh, and Sql server. Now, admittedly i'm new to Java (although have good c# experience) - where would be a good site to pos...

Interface Builder won't connect button, but the tutorial says it should work...

I've been trying to learn Core Data, and browsing through questions on Stack Overflow lead me to a recommendation that I try the tutorial on Core Data over at Cocoa Dev Central (Link). Everything is making sense so far in the tutorial, but when I got to step 16, it wouldn't let me connect the + button to the Posts array controller. I'v...

Android "Hello, MapView" Tutorial - Map Tiles Do Not Load

I am new to Android software development and new to this site. I am hoping someone might have some experience with the problem I am having. I've been following the Hello, MapView tutorial in order to not only learn the Android framework, but also the Google Maps library. I've tried my best to implement things exactly as the tutorial h...

Any good tutorials on using OAuth with Piston?

I've looked at the relevant section of the Piston documentation, but it only seems to focus on how to turn it on, not what it would look like for clients or how to test it to verify it's working. The example only seems to use HTTP Basic and curl. Finally, Ned Batchelder's question makes it look like a tutorial is in order. Thanks. ...

Need To Build Simple DNS Resolver in C

As the title says I need to build a simple dns resolver in C... Not in C++, I have looked on internet for some tutorials to help me get going but mostly find C++. Wondering whether anyone knows of a tutorial to get me started or can give me a couple of tips on how to build my DNS request header in C... Any help will be much appreciat...

beginning web programming

I've been programming in the classic way: read input, process data, print output, for 4+ decades. Web programming is not quite like that... I've done some HTML and created some pages. But where do I get information about where to place things on the web, how to call/reference them, what permissions do my files need, how do I protect pro...

Vital Ruby concepts to learn before I jump into Rails?

Disclaimer - Ruby is the first language I've ever learnt. I don't have any CS background. I've worked through "Learn to Program" by Chris Pine which has been enjoyable and I now understand the basics pretty well. The next recommended book would be "Programming Ruby 1.9" (the next PickAxe). From what I've read it's just a massive referen...

Where do I find some tutorial through using SQL Server Compact 2008 in Visual Studio C# 2008 Express Edition?

Hi, I've been searching for half a day for some tutorial or walkthrough the SQL server compact 2008 usage in the C# code. I have never used any sort of database in C#/studio yet. Where am I supposed to get this info, please? ...

Nice screencast tutorials for programming

hello, i am looking for a website that provides nice screencasts and tutorials about programming and webdesign. Currently i am using http://net.tutsplus.com. I think this one is pretty nice. Anyone know of any good alternatives? ...

Introduction to GUI programming with c

Hello there, I'm new GUI and programming as whole and so far I have a general understanding of c and have spent quite some time writing console applications. I'm trying to learn GUI but have so far been unsuccessful. I've tried learning wxwidgets (through official documentation), gtk (through official documentation) and win32 (forgers...

Real Time Strategy Game Programming Books or Tutorials

I'm coding a simple RTS game as a hobbie, and to learn about pathfinding algorithms, a*, strategies, flocking, etc. I think I'm doing fine so far, but now that I have completed about 50% of the goals I wanted to achieve, I was looking for some tutorials/books to compare what I've been doing so far with the common techniques used in RTS ...

Best Step by Step tutorial for Symfony - (I am running PHP on Windows)

I have tried to follow the symfony tutorial here: http://www.symfony-project.org/book/1_2/03-Running-Symfony It's incoherent : It says to download the sandbox but the rest of the tutorial seems for the non-sandbox version. It's not a step by step as it seems and I can't get the same result. This is really frustrating and if I haven't a...