
C# Newbie Question from tutorial book: "Head Start C# Greyhound Lab"

Hello, I'm an extreme newbie at C#, but I've been slowly moving through the Head Start C# tutorial book (and finding it extremely enjoyable so far). However, I've hit a wall on the first "lab" assignment: They give code for controlling a PictureBox, and I can get that code to work on the main Form, but I can't get it to work from withi...

A good NASM/FASM tutorial?

Does anyone know any good NASM or FASM tutorials? I am trying to learn assembler but I can't seem to find any good resources on it. ...

Good tutorials on Bitwise operations in Java

Can anyone please point me to good online tutorials on Bitwise Operations (preferably in Java)? Before anyone write LMGTFY, I've already Googled it but couldn't find one with good examples. Java's own tutorial is also not that extensive and doesn't clearly explain what is going under the hood. I'm a visual learner; so, if there are any r...

PHP SPL Reference Documentation

I'm pretty green at all the new features implemented with the PHP SPL, from this very long list all I've played with was with the RecursiveDirectoryIterator class, I don't even fully understand it I just saw an example and hacked my way through it. I've come to love the PHP documentation, but the lack of documentation on these new and s...

(C#) Quick way to operate on multiple Array items in sequence?

Hi all, C# newbie working off some tutorials. Is there a way to run an identical command on every object in an array? Here is my current (working) code: Guys[0].Cash += Guys[0].MyGuess.PayOut(WinnerNumber); Guys[1].Cash += Guys[1].MyGuess.PayOut(WinnerNumber); Guys[2].Cash += Guys[2].MyGuess.PayOut(WinnerNumber); I...

Good JQuery and PHP rating tutorials?

Is there any good JQuery and PHP rating/voting tutorials that are out there that can't be found doing a simple google search? Can you pleas list them if possible thanks. ...

SWFAddress and AJAX

I'd like to use SWFAddress in an AJAX project. On the web site there are some examples but any tutorial. Do you know where I can find a quick guide to implement SWFAddress on my web site? Thanks ...

Resources for learning ASP.NET MVC 2.0

What are some good resources for learning ASP.NET MVC 2.0 (if I don't already know ASP.NET MVC 1.0)? ...

Ext-Js Tutorial or videos

Hi, I am new to Ext js ...is there any website or forum which provides basic Introduction videos,samples and tutorials for Extjs .. ...

Datawarehouse Tutorial

My boss has discovered a new magazine which mentioned data warehousing. Thus I am in search of a good tutorial or book on data warehousing. I will also accept recommendations on ways to stop my boss reading. ...

Beginner Java Applications?

I have learned that the best way to learn a language is by finding a good project to start on, and working out how you would create it. I've been programming for 4 years as a hobby, and it's only been in PHP, so I decided that I should learn a "real" programming language. I have tried C++ in the past, however I was never able to find a p...

Projecting in Blender

Could you help me to find a tutorial for projecting a text onto 3D surface in Blender. Regards ...

UniVerse learning materials

I've recently come in contact with a proprietary descendant of UniVerse. Does anyone know where I can get a good tutorial or brush up on the syntactic quirks of its more popular parent? I can't figure out how to even get a table listing. Navigating my way around is difficult, and I don't see any man pages. UPDATED with the official Rock...

What are some good ASP.NET 3.5 tutorials?

how to learn asp.net 3.5 in short time.. please refer some links and studying materials. ...

Looking for GD tutorial in C/C++

I see a lot of GD tutorials for PHP, even though GD was written in C, not PHP. Could you please suggest any good tutorial for GD in C? ...

Flat File Database Example

I would like to see some examples of simple flat file databases and how they are accessed through a data layer. I've written to and read from a flat file before, but I have not ever created a data layer that accessed the data for an application using text files. If possible, it would be nice to see a tutorial that had a data layer that ...

What is a good resource to learn Chai3D?

Apart from the documentation, is there any good source to earn Chai3D coding using C++? I searched on the internet for some tutorials, but could not find anything. Do you know of some good place to learn programming for Chai3D? ...

Google Web Toolkit Tutorial Question.

I searched high and low and cannot a button tag in any of the javaScript that is generated that referred to step 7 of the tutorial. I must be looking in the wrong places, or I'm generating the code incorrectly. I generated the code in the three different levels of detail. Can anyone point me in the right direction who's completed the ...

Good research papers and tutorials for creation of image processing tool/application (free)

I'm looking for good research papers and tutorials for creation of image processing tool/application which are free. They may not have full-blown description. Papers and tutorials dedicated to a single feature are good enough. Thanks in advance. ...

What are the current resources for building a Facebook application with Rails?

I'm looking to build a basic Facebook application with Rails. What are the resources (books podcasts, screencasts, blog articles etc) that you'd recommend? (One answer per post please, and up-vote instead of duplicate). ...