
Tween multiple filters Actionscript 3

I have a circular graphic that has 7 images on it. It needs to spin and stop on the next/previous image. It should spin through more than the 50deg required to get to the next/prev image so I added 360. This part works fine. But when I try to add some motion blur type effect during the spin, the spin sometimes stops without completing. ...

Infinite tweening hue loop in AS3 with Tweener.

Hi, I'm trying to infinitely loop a bitmap all the way through the colour spectrum using AS3, Tweener and its ColorShortcuts class. This doesn't loop back to the function "tween1": function tween1():void { Tweener.addTween(image, { _hue: 180, time:5, onComplete:tween2 } ); } function tween2():void { Tweener.addTween(image, { ...

Flash AS3 error when importing 3D-tweened movieclip

I've been working on an AS3 application and it's nearing completion. At the same time, one of the designers I work with has been building a movieclip in a separate .fla that acts as an intro animation to the application. The intro uses the 3D motion tweening capabilities of Flash CS4 / Player 10, and runs fine in the .fla in which it w...

How do I slowdown an animation in AS3 without decreasing the fps

I have this code that I found online that does an infinite rotating gallery, now my problem is that on enter frame it jumps and too fast. I want it to be as fast at after you hover out of the logo. Here is the code: //Import TweenMax import com.greensock.TweenMax; //Save the horizontal center var centerX:Number = stage.stageWidth / 2;...

How to make them all the sam speed (AS3)

I currently have an animation that rotate infinitely but it's just too fast to begin with... I tried lowering the fps to 12 but it would just be skip.... Is there a possibility to make the animation slower by this code: //Import TweenMax import com.greensock.TweenMax; //Save the horizontal center var centerX:Number = stage.stageWidth /...

Dynamicly added movieclip from library tween problem

Hi, I'm having trouble with tweening (with TweenMax) movieclips added dynamically in a for loop. The targeting works fine but the tweens are just not happening. :( My second problem is that I need to randomize my array but I dont know how. Anyway here is my code, and thank you for your help. :D import gs.*; import gs.easing.*; stop(...

as3 tween position relative to current position

Hey, I have a tween set on a timer: var manTimer:Timer = new Timer(1000,14); manTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, moveMan); function moveMan(e:TimerEvent):void { var manX:Tween = new Tween(man, "x", Regular.easeOut, 0, -40, 1, true); } I just need to make the tween's position relative to it's current position, as opposed t...

as3, flash fl tween transitions freezing

Hey, I have a bunch of different tweens going on in different movie clips but it seems that sometimes the tweens will freeze halfway through during my transitions. This guy is having the same problem and his question was answered but I'm not too sure exactly what they meant when they told him what to do:

ActionScript -- How do u make sth move somewhere and move back?

Using Tween class maybe? I tried the easeOut. But if will write 2 Tween, the 2nd one will overwrite the 1st one, so I only see the obj moving in the 2nd Tween direction, not the 1st Tween direction. I know the coordinates for the 2nd Tween below is not correct (cos all coordinates shld follow the defined reference point), so I need to f...

(ActionScript) Move objects in an array producing a stadium wave effect...

I want to move all objects in an array producing a stadium wave effect, how do i do that? I want to move the objects based on their y-value on the stage... all my squares are of 50x50 in size. I want to move them up then move them down. Below is my code, please give me advice. Thanks! import fl.transitions.Tween; import fl.transitions....

Actionscript 3.0 Tween Error

i'm attempting (so far unsuccessfully) to programatically increase and decrease the scale of an object on stage. there is a Grow button (grow_btn) and a Shrink button (shrink_btn), which increase and decrease the scaleX and scaleY properties of a selected object (either redObject, greenObject or blueObject) over time. the problem i'm...

Tweening Pixel Bender Filter Using Number Value With Basic Tween Class in Actionscript 3.0

i'm studying Pixel Bender. i have a filter who's parameter i want to tween. as far as i know, in order to tween a pixel bender parameter, i need to tween a number object and assign the tweening number object as the array value for the shader data. i was convinced the following would work, but it seems that Number class doesn't have a ...

Tween library for AS3

Could someone recommend me of a good Tween library for AS3 (for use with Flash, not Flex) ...

How can I find the current position of a View when it's being translated by a tweening animation?

I have a View in an Android application, which is used to show a graphic. This View is being animated by a translation animation, specified in an XML file. In my case, the translation is moving the View from right to left across the screen. I'd like to be able to tell where on the screen the View is when a touch event occurs, but I can'...

MooTools Tween in percent

Is it possible to tween an element in percent in MooTools? var slide = new Fx.Tween($('slide_box')); $('next_slide').addEvent('click',function(){ slide.start('left', '-100%'); }); But this code tween an element by 100px, not in percent. ...

Action script 3 bitmap glitch, alpha fade in out

I have actually solved this problem but it was a weird one so I will post it and my solution. I had a movie clip with several children each of which had it's own alpha settings. It also had a bitmap child object with a masked movie clip sitting on top of it. I was fading in and out the parent movie clip and was getting some odd results...

ActionScript Bitmap Filter Tweening

i can't seem to tween any bitmap filters. here's my code: var dropShadow:DropShadowFilter = new DropShadowFilter(); mySprite.filters = [dropShadow]; var dropShadowTween:Tween = new Tween(dropShadow, "distance", Regular.easeOut, 4.0, 20, 2, true); what is my mistake? i've also tried the following but it doesn't work: var dropShadowT...

ActionScript 3 - Tweening rotateAroundExternalPoint

i'm unsuccessfully trying to rotate a rectangle around an external point while tweening. i'm trying to lock the top of the red rectangle to the line while it tweens from left to right and rotates from 0º to 90º. the image above shows 3 states of the tween. state 1 shows the red rectangle at the start of the line with no angle. stat...

ActionScript 3 - Tweening Numbers With Tween Class

currently i'm tweening numbers with the Tween class by adding their value to an object's items array: var tweenObject:Object = {value:20}; distanceTween = new Tween(tweenObject, "value", None.easeNone, 0, tweenObject.value, 5, true); is this the most common, simple way to tween numbers with the Tween class? i'm aware there are more s...

Changing the framerate of a tweened animation in Flash

As part of a project I am recycling old AS2 flash animations for use in a new context. The old framerate was 60fps, the new 30fps. The new project is also AS2. Several of these animations are fairly complex timeline animations, with multiple layers, tweens, and clips within clips with timeline tweens applied. Editing these to run at the ...