
How do I use Perl to parse Twitter XML?

I'm using cURL to get the XML file for my Twitter friend's timeline. (API here.) Currently (though I'd be open for more suggestions) I am using Perl to parse the XML. This is my first time using Perl and I really don't know what I am doing. Currently this is my code: #!/usr/bin/perl # use module use XML::Simple; use Data::Dumper; # ...

Addition to php twitter status script

I'm using the script below to display my twitter status, but would like to add the option to not display tweets that start with a @username. I've done it so it won't display my username, but would like not to display tweets replied to another user. Thanks $doc = new DOMDocument(); # load the RSS if($doc->load('twitterurlrss')) { # ...

using the twitter api in objective C

So, the twitter API has the method "statuses/update": URL: Formats: xml, json, rss, atom HTTP Method(s): POST Requires Authentication (about authentication): true API rate limited (about rate limiting): false Parameters: * status. Required. The text of your status update. URL encod...

What is the best way to post to Twitter from a django app?

What I want to do is pretty straightforward. I have a site powered by django. I want to have the site automatically post to twitter any time a new object is created and saved in the database. What is the absolute best way to do this? ...

MGTwitterEngine - Using getImageAtURL on iPhone

Essentially, I'm working on asynchronously downloading images and adding them to specific UITableView cells (twitter profile images using MGTwitterEngine from Matt Gemmell). I've looked at general asynchronous download code and must admit, I'm still too much of a noob to understand it well enough to adapt it to my purposes. Instead, I'm...

Twitter REST change "from API" to something meaningful

When using simple request to post to Twitter the messages are signed with "sent from API". Is there a way to change that to the actual name of your application? Is it another post parameter or something else? ...

How do I get around the Twitter API caching problem?

I'm building a Twitter app that requires to check user data somewhat frequently, but I'm facing trouble with a cache that's oddly on Twitter's side, not mine. Try the following user: users/show in XML: users/show in JSON:

$.getJSON scope problem

$.getJSON('' + query1 + '&callback=?', function (data) { console.log('JSON data string 1 is: ' + data); $.getJSON('' + query2 + '&callback=?', function (data1) { console.log('JSON data string 2 is: ' + data1); f2 = ...

oauth_callback on Android

I created a Twitter app I need user of my Android application to authorize its use. I'm at the point where I can call Twitter app page in the browser and successfully authorize. However, the callback seem not to be working, I end up with the confirmation message and PIN in the browser but my Android activity is never called (onResume is ...

upload a tweet using C#

Possible Duplicate: What is the best Twitter API wrapper/library for .NET? My boss wants to make periodic updates to the company twitter account but doesn't really want to mess with it through the web or follow others. I'm sure there is plenty of info but I thought I would start out by asking the experts is there a twitter cl...

url problem with json data

For the API script of It is given that for using the follow cost API follow cost has a simple JSON API. Send a GET request to using the Twitter user name: GET /lof.json The server responds (formated for clarity): 200 OK Content-Type: application/json {"milliscobles_all_time":141.93, "average_tweets_p...

Should I provide lost credentials to users via a direct message on Twitter?

Is it better (more convenient or secure) to provide users with a lost username or password via direct message on Twitter rather than via email? ...

SQL CODE to do: Trending topics equals a twitter

If i wants count the matching words in a rows of two tables, with milions of rows, sample: Table posts, sample: +----+---------+-----------------------------+ | ID | ID_user | text | +----+---------+-----------------------------+ | 1 | bruno | michael jackson is dead | | 2 | thomasi | michael j. moonwalk...

Are there APIs for translating short url's back to regular links?

I want to translate bulk numbers of short url's coming streamed from twitter. Rather than accessing each individual request I want to use API's that accept a list of short or tiny URL's and return the original URL's. Are such API's available? ...

json data not responding to alert

$(document).ready(function() { $('form#search').bind("submit", function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $('#content').html(''); var query1 = urlencode($('input[name="user_a"]').val()); //userA $.getJSON('

google api feed like twitter

im tryin to integrate my twitter search with google so that the query will show both twitter and google feedback BUT does google have an search api like twitter does where it will be able to send me back a json feed then what is the url that i need to use like in the case of twitter we use

Hold Twitter script from loading until all other scripts have been processed

jQuery, Cufon, fonts, jQuery plugins, and JavaScript code, are at the top of a page. The Javascript code is all wrapped in a document.ready(). Two Twitter scripts, one the actual script and one the JSON, are at the beginning. A problem that is going on is that I have found out that even placing the scripts at the bottom of the page, Twi...

Gmail,Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter contacts importer in PHP

Which is the greatest, cheapest application in PHP that I can buy to import Gmail, Yahoo, MSN, Facebook, Twitter contacts from my user's accounts if they wish to invite their friends? I have gone through: and Octaz...

How do I get the Twitter API to respect the callback parameter with OAuth?

I'm working on an iPhone app that ideally uses OAuth to communicate with Twitter. I know a lot of people are doing the OAuth workflow inside of their apps using a UIWebView, but I don't agree with that and am going with the Pownce approach. The problem is, Twitter has this whole scheme for working with desktop apps, using a pin number. ...

Compiling a week's worth of tweets automatically?

I'd like to be able to run a script that parsed through the twitter page and compiled a list of tweets for a given time period - one week to be more exact. Ideally it should return the results as a html list that could then be posted in a blog. Like here: I'm sure the...