
struct and typedef

Are the following equivalent in C? // #1 struct myStruct { int id; char value; }; typedef struct myStruct Foo; // #2 typedef struct { int id; char value; } Foo; If not, which one should I use and when? (Yes, I have seen this and this.) ...

Is typedef'ing a pointer type considered bad practice?

Possible Duplicate: Typedef pointers a good idea? I've seen this oddity in many APIs I have used: typedef type_t *TYPE; My point is that declaring a variable of type TYPE will not make it clear that in fact a pointer is declared. Do you, like me, think that this brings a lot of confusion? Is this meant to enforce encapsula...

Fundamental typedef operand syntax

Given: typedef type-declaration synonym; I can see how: typedef long unsigned int size_t; declares size_t as a synonym for long unsigned int, however I (know it does but) can't see exactly how: typedef int (*F)(size_t, size_t); declares F as a synonym for pointer to function (size_t, size_t) returning int typedef's two operands...

typedef problem

hey people kindly tell me if the following declaration is correct? if it is then kindly explain typedef char HELLO[5]; HELLO name; now what datatype is name? [as in a character,integer etc] i came to know that name will be an array of strings but when i run the following programme i get error #include<stdio.h> typedef char HEL...

I don't know how to use typedef enum.

typedef enum { kA = 0, kB, kC, kD, kE, kF } index; @interface myViewController : UITableViewController<UIAlertViewDelegate> { index enumIndex; } Hi, guys. I declare index which is composed by typedef enum. But I didn't found code like that. and If that code useful, does not need to release ? I don't und...

How do I get Hibernate to call my custom typedef?

I'm trying to define a CompositeUserType to handle a specific type in my JPA/Hibernate app. I have a CompositeUserType called ApplicationMessageType that is designed to handle my mapping. According to what I've read, I should be able to create a package-info.java class in my domain hierarchy that contains the TypeDefs. Mine looks like ...

Why should I have an enumeration declared with a typedef in C++?

I had code that looked like this: enum EEventID { eEvent1, eEvent2, ... eEventN }; And that got reviewed and changed to typedef enum { eEvent1, eEvent2, ... eEventN } EEventID; What is the difference between the two? Why make the change? When I looked at this question, the only mention of typedefs got downvoted. ...

Is typedef ever required in C?

Typedef is very useful for portable names, tag names (typedef struct foo Foo;) and keeping complicated (function) declarations readable (typedef int (*cmpfunc)(const void *, const void *);). But are there situations in C where a typedef is really truly needed? Where you cannot accomplish the same by simple writing out the derived type. ...

Does PHP have structs or enums?

is there a typedef keyword in PHP such that I can do something like: typedef struct { } aStructure; or typedef enum { aType1, aType2, } aType; ...

Typedef struct question

Why would I want to do this? typedef struct Frame_s { int x; int y; int z; } Frame_t; Also if I want to create an object what do I use Frame_s or Frame_t? ...

[C++] typedef enum

Hi, I have this: typedef enum{ Adjust_mode_None = 0, Adjust_mode_H_min, Adjust_mode_H_max, Adjust_mode_S_min, Adjust_mode_S_max, Adjust_mode_V_min, Adjust_mode_V_max }Adjust_mode; and at some point I want to do: adjust_mode_ = (adjust_mode_+1)%7; but I get Invalid conversion from int to Adjust_mode This is ok in other lan...

Typedef of structs

I am using structs in my project in this way: typedef struct { int str1_val1; int str1_val2; } struct1; and typedef struct { int str2_val1; int str2_val2; struct1* str2_val3; } struct2; Is it possible that I hack this definition in a way, that I would use only types with my code, like struct2* a; a = (struct2*...

How to typedef a type derived through several layers of templates?

Maybe my Google-fu just isn't strong enough. Using GCC 4.4.3, I've got a set of classes like this: template <typename storage_t, typename index_t = std::size_t, typename leaf_payload_t = std::size_t> struct btree_node { public: typedef btree_node<storage_t, index_t, leaf_payload_t> this_t; typedef boost::shared_ptr<this...

What's the point of this series of C typedef/struct/union/enum definitions?

Inside of this first step towards a bootstrapped scheme interpreter I find the following set of typedef, struct, union, and enum definitions: typedef enum {FIXNUM} object_type; typedef struct object { object_type type; union { struct { long value; } fixnum; } data; } object; In particular, I'm ...

Referencing a typedef as its struct counterpart.

Ok guys, we all know there are all lot of typedef/struct questions out there, but I feel this one is a bit of a mind bender. I'm simulating the neighbor interactions of a crystal lattice using strictly C. I have a struct called "ball_struct" which I typedef'ed as just "ball". The struct contains a pointer to a list of ball_structs (sin...

typedef templates in global scope

using template classes I usually make some typedefs like: typedef super<puper<complex<template<type> > > > simple_name I usually do it in 2 ways: template <class A, ...> struct Types { typedef ... } template <class A, ...> class Part_Of_Logick { public: typedef ... } Is it possible to set typedefs at the global sco...

g++ typedef templates in inheritor class

simplifying my problem we can consider: template <class T> class Base{ typedef typename std::pair<T, T> pair; }; template <class T> class Inheritor : public Base<T> { pair *p; // mean that we want to use constructor of std::pair. // say: std::pair withou argument list Inheritor<T>::pair *p...

What's the benifit of such typedef in c?

typedef struct _VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS { GUID guid; ULONG VideoStandard; SIZE InputSize; SIZE MinCroppingSize; SIZE MaxCroppingSize; int CropGranularityX; int CropGranularityY; int CropAlignX; int CropAlignY; SIZE MinOutputSize; SIZE MaxOutputSize; int OutputGranularityX; int OutputGranularityY; int Stretch...

Errors in simple template code

template <class T> struct ABC { typedef typename T* pT; }; int main(){} The above piece of code gives errors expected nested-name-specifier before 'T' expected ';' before '*' token What is wrong with the code sample? ...

Opaque C structs: how should they be declared?

I've seen both of the following two styles of declaring opaque types in C APIs. Is there any clear advantage to using one style over the other? Option 1 // foo.h typedef struct foo * fooRef; void doStuff(fooRef f); // foo.c struct foo { int x; int y; }; Option 2 // foo.h typedef struct _foo foo; void doStuff(foo *f); // fo...