
Can't Start Ubuntu 10.04 What steps to take?

I installed Ubuntu 10.04 and was happy with how it was working. Then I tried to restart. After restart, Ubuntu wouldn't start. It doesn't even get to the "ubuntu" loading screen with th e5 little dots that light up under the logo. The screen just goes black and, actually, looks like the power to the monitor is shut off. Finally got it to...

CakePHP Installation Broke (Probably Apache2 Problem)

I tried to install CakePHP on my home Ubuntu 10.04 desktop for development/testing purposes, and I believe I have gone through all the appropriate steps. However, I am still running into the problem that my layout is broken. I believe this is a DocumentRoot or mod_rewrite problem, but I don't have enough experience in Apache to diagnose ...

Add directory to path globally on ubuntu server

How can I add my own directory to PATH without editing my local profile's .bash_profile or .bashrc? I need to make the scripts in the directory universally accessible from any user that is logged in. ...

Why can't I install ruby 1.9.2 on Ubuntu via apt-get?

apt-get install ruby Installs ruby 1.8.7 When I install ruby 1.9.2 from sources via ./configure make install, ruby is not installed (ruby -v gives nothing). So how can I install ruby 1.9.2 on Ubuntu? ...

which directory should I checkout our java project files into for a team build

hi all, we use svn(subversion) for our source repository. On the same box, we build our project PLUS deploy it onto an appserver. All the team members(under 10, in number) will login to the Linux (ubuntu server) box and run the build script. Question : I would like to know which directory is typically used for creating the home directo...

set environment variables for system() in R?

I've been using R in Ubuntu to make system calls using system() for things like spinning up Amazon EC2 instances, managing files on S3, etc. If I start R from the command line everything works fine. But if I start R from a script using Rscript, or from ESS, I have issues with environment variables not being set. I think this is an issu...

How to map my windows C drive in Ubuntu

Hello As the subject line goes. I need to map my windows C:\ drive in Ubuntu Please help me as am a novice when it comes to Linux based environment. ...

Variable initialisation not happening everywhere on certain platforms.

I have a program that I built for RHEL5 32 bit and ubuntu10 64 bit (c++ qt4.6). When I run the program on ubuntu, all the variables are initialized without me needing to code this initialization. But When I run the program on RHEL, some of the variables are not initialized, I have noticed that they are mostly integer type and the typic...

Netbeans settings for PyQt4

I installed python-qt4 package (and other dependencies) and have netbeans with python support on ubuntu. What settings in netbeans must i change to be able to import from PyQt4? ...

Help: Shifting to ubuntu and opensource from Microsoft stack

Hi Guys, I love SO and have been using it for the last 2 years. I've never posted any questions on it (because I found most answers though SO's search). I have high hopes for this question. I have been a .NET developer for the last 7-8 years (ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC etc) and now i want to learn something new, especially outside Wi...

Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted

I'm handling witha quite little big database (87mb) import and to do that I use a php script. All the operations are made in locale with an apache installation on Ubuntu Lucid. When I run the script after few minutes I receive this error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted I've changed 'memory_limit' to 2GB in php.ini...

ssh doesn't auto start up in ubuntu 10.04 64bit

I installed ssh using apt-get install ssh it showed that it was successfully installed but ssh cannot start up with the booting of ubuntu, every time i need to log in ubuntu and start the service by hand. i searched the web and came to a method of using update-rc.d ssh defaults 99 but it also fails. is there anything else should be...

zlib module missing

I have compiled and installed python 2.7 on my ubuntu lucid. But I am unable to install setuptools for python 2.7 because the data decompression module zlib is not present. This is the exact error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "setup.py", line 94, in <module> scripts = scripts, File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/distut...

Ubuntu Installation

I was installing 32-bit Ubuntu(ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso) on my IBM Thinkpad T510 laptop. During installation an error came up with the following text. "(initramfs) mount: mounting dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squashfs failed: Input/Output error Can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squashfs" I d...

Installing openGL and openAL in ubuntu

Hi, Please tell me how to install openGL (with GLUT) and openAL (with ALUT) in ubuntu lucid lynx. I tried installing Mesa 7.8.2 using configure and make (the method told in www.mesa3d.org), but it is not installing anything. X.org's X is installed in my system, but there is no /usr/X11R6 directory. Is that a problem? Please help me soon....

how to run quota in UNIX ?

Hi, I am using ubuntu in my machine and wanting to run the command quota -v. So, I install quota by typing in sudo apt-get install quota. When I type in quota -v, it doesn't show any information. only commands that works is quota -h and quota -V. could you please tell me if I have to anything else to make quota -v to work? Thanks a lot....

run an assembly code on ubuntu

The code i am trying to run is bellow. I use nasm util to convert it into object file. When i tried to execute it says "can not execute binary file". I run the command: nasm -f elf -o helloworld.o helloworld.asm segment .data msg db "Hello, world!",10 len equ $ - msg segment .text global _start _start: mov eax,4 mov ebx,...

How to get back ubuntu gnome again?

I was using Ubuntu desktop 10.04. By mistake I had deleted some items from System>Preference>Main menu>Other (some of the unchecked items). After that the windows borders were disappeared & Durring shutdow XUBUNTU screen was appearing instead of Ubuntu. I searched a lot for the solution and found that the metacity was not running a...

Zend simplexml_load_file() path not working in Apache in Ubuntu

I am trying to load an xml file from a helper method inside scripts folder with $styleData = new Zend_Config_Xml($this->view->baseUrl().'/styles/style1/style.xml'); And i am getting error Uncaught exception 'Zend_Config_Exception' with message 'simplexml_load_file(): I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/my_blog/public/styles...

how to start an application as soon as the x start up in ubuntu?

Hi , I want to run a gui application as soon as x startup in ubuntu, I found upstart may work,so I create a conf file inside /etc/init/ but it seems that it cann't work correctly. myjob.conf start on startup task exec /home/camino/test/qt/guiapp any suggestions? Thanks advance for your help Best regards ...