
Using PIP in a virtual environment, how do I install MySQL-python

When I'm in my virtual environment, I attempt to run: pip install MySQL-python This didn't work, so I tried downloading the package and installing it by running: python setup.py install This returns the following error: % python setup.py install ...

How to add an entry to Gnome's context Menu?

Hi, how can I add an item to Gnome's context menu? I want 'shred' to be in there, too. KR ...

Simulate No Flash in Ubuntu

I've searched this and cannot find it. I've tried different plugins and different browsers (Firefox, Opera, and Chrome). I've tried most of the no flash plugins for each of those as well as disabling Flash plugins/addons in the settings. I also renamed the .so file in /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/ i found by searching the system. when ...

How install Ubuntu without create a new partition

Hi, I want to try Ubuntu but i don't want to create a new partition on my disk. I have Windows XP. And i don't want to use Live CD. Thanks a lot. ...

Noob questions for SVN checkout and network issues regading it.

We have a local server with SVN installed on it that we are using for development/testing purpouses. We would like to checkout the data from it to the live server that is somewhere out there. The only way to do that which I thought of was to use "svn checkout" from the live server, right? This way we do not need to FTP the changes to it...

What is the best Linux comand line server monitoring tool

I have a desktop at my house that has a SSH shell running htop that i use to keep an eye on my remote server. Do you know of any other tools that run in a shell that give more of an overview of the general server? Which maybe monitors online users, mysql, email etc... ...

Is there a way to use my current SSH connection for an SCP transfer?

I'm already connected to the server via SSH. How can I transfer files from it to the machine I'm connected from using SCP and the current SSH connection? ...

Ubuntu server: manually changed /etc/passwd shell for my user, now can't login

I attempted to change shell from bash to tcsh via editing /etc/passwd file directly. Yeah, dumb move. I guess I've learned my lesson. Now I can't SSH into the remote server. Any way to fix this? PS. I can still connect to MySQL server via SSH tunnel. Any way to use this? ...

PHP Scripts Unresponsive After 120 Seconds

This one really has me stumped. I have not ran across this problem on any other servers I have worked on. This is on an Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS server with PHP 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.5. When I have a PHP script that does not have any output for over 120 seconds, the script will not show any subsequent output; however, any non-output will still be e...

Node.js installation: openssl not installed

I have installed libssl-dev and openssl but I get this when I install node.js: > ./configure && make && make install Checking for program g++ or c++ : /usr/bin/g++ ...

Saving encrypted SVN password in IntelliJ Idea on Linux

I use IntelliJ Idea (Ultimate 9.0.3) on Linux at work, and our VCS is Subversion. Idea proposes to store my SVN password but then tells me it is unable to store the password encrypted, and asks if I want to store it in plain text. Well, no. This is on an Ubuntu 10.04 install with Gnome Keyring available. Any hints how I could convinc...

how to move the eclipse development platforms into one on ubuntu

i have eclipse Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers Eclipse for PHP Developers Pulsar for Mobile Java Developers but how can i merge them and have a single interface just by changing perspective rather as if i have installed them from the update site as a plug-in can i just move all the files f...

PySide or PyQT SQLite support in Ubuntu

I am running Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid and am developing a application in QT using Python. Today I tried to create a database binding to a SQLite database via QtSQL.QAddDatabase and got the following error: QSqlDatabase: QSQLITE driver not loaded QSqlDatabase: available drivers: QMYSQL3 QMYSQL So obviously I don't have the SQLite driver...ho...

What Should i do to get PyQt4 working?

Installed python-qt4 and pyqt4-dev-tools packages on ubuntu Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Sep 15 2010, 15:52:39) [GCC 4.4.5] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> from PyQt4 import QtGui Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> RuntimeError: the sip module imple...

cron that will run a ruby script every day at midnight

I heard crontab would be a good choice but how do i write this line and where do i put it on the server ...

PHP code not executing, new to PHP

Last week I started playing around with LAMP Ubuntu and I didnt have any issues. Today some code wasn't working so I tried running this in index.php: <?php phpinfo(); ?> This doesn't work when I connect to localhost in my browser, but it works in testphp.php at localhost/testphp.php Any suggestions? Thanks ...

sudo permission denied

I ran this code: sudo cat <<EOF | sudo sed -e "s,%,$,g" >/etc/init.d/dropbox echo "Hello World" EOF But even though, I get "permission denied", cause you have to be root to make changes in the /etc/init.d directory. And somehow, my command above doesn't work. Is there a way to solve this? ...

"sed" command in bash

Could someone explain this command for me: cat | sed -e 's,%,$,g' | sudo tee /etc/init.d/dropbox << EOF echo "Hello World" EOF What does the "sed" command do? ...

How to customize pynotify?

How to set icon size in the notifications? How to set how much time the notification have to be shown? Where is a complete pynotify documentation? Can the notification be clickable? (example: if I click on the notification, print "hello world" in the terminal). ...

Why Ubuntu eats more power than Windows?

I play full screen video with maximum volume or browse the Web with WiFi. Under Windows 7 my laptop works ~5 hours. Under Kubuntu 10.10 only ~2 hours. I've got Acer Aspire 1810TZ. Battery wear degree 90%. Installed: acpid acpi-support pm-utils upower Not installed: laptop-mode-tools I like Linux, don't want to change it. What to d...