
How do I get ItemStatus from a UITestControl?

The UI Automation framework has a base class, AutomationElement, that has a property, ItemStatus, that can be used to store arbitrary strings. I'm trying to get that property from the Visual Studio 2010 Coded UI Tests base class, UITestControl. ...

Get all texts and items of open applications on Windows (UI Automation)

I need a source code to retrieve all Texts and Items (Menu Items, List Items,...) of all open applications... Any idea? ...

Fiddler with White UI automation

Hi I have very wired problem. I have a WPF application that calls web services. When I run the application I can see the communication to the services through fiddler. I wrote some UI automation test for the WPF application, using White framework from thoughtworks. When I run the tests with NUnit, the tests will start up the applica...

Funky results when using UI Automation to get items in a ComboBox.

We are using the code below to get a list of items out of a ComboBox inside another application's window. This code works (correctly retrieves the list of items) for ComboBoxes in any other application we've tested this code on, however for this particular application the Name property retrieved for each ListItem is garbled. Here is the...

Silverlight 3 automation for user training rather than unit testing?

We are developing a Silverlight LOB app. It would be great for users to be able to click a help button on the top of a page and have the app walk them through the functions of the page as though the movements and key strokes were pre-recorded. I've not really familiar with automation on any GUI framework but googling around it seems ...

What's a good, if any, .NET Windows automation library?

[Note: edited q. for the bounty and to make it clear, but q. remains the same] I'm looking for a library that can be used in native .NET code, just like any .NET assembly. The purpose of the library must be to automate Windows (push a button, select a window, send keys, record & playback, that sort of thing). So: the library is suppose...

Cross platform solution for automating ncurses-type telnet sessions

Background Part of my work in networking and telco involves automating telnet sessions when legacy hardware doesn't offer easy solutions in other interfaces. Many older pieces of equipment can only be accessed via craft ports (RS-232 serial ports), SNMP, or telnet. Sometimes telnet is the only way to access specific information, however...

WPF UI automation - Doesn't support rows? (or how can I select and deselect an entire row)

Note: This is no longer an issue, the .NET 4 built-in DataGrid solves this problem I have a WPF app which is using a DataGrid; I'm using the WPF ui automation API to write some automated tests for it. The DataGrid is the WPFToolkit one, I'm using the .NET 3.5SP1 with VS2008, and, the datagrid has multi-select enabled. Where I'm at is...

How do you write a consistent UI Automation for MS? MSAA & UI Automation don't seem to overlap.

Working on a general Automation tool, considering moving from Win32 Message hooks to .net UI Automation, however the feature set of UI Automation doesn't cover all we have in Win32 and still doesn't seem to support all the GUI on Windows. One such example is Windows Live Messenger. Windows Live messenger 2009 is still using the older D...

bubble unhandled exception to white automation from silverlight

Hi, I am using the white automation API to test a silverlight app, but when an unhandled exception occurs in silverlight I don't know of a way to report this back to the unit test or check in the white api to see if there was an exception. Anyone got a way to do this? ...

Tools for automating SilverLight application

I want to automate the application develoepd in silverlight. Can you let me know whether there are any open source tools are available which can be used for automating SilverLight app. Thanks. ...

How do you write a ksh script that automatically fills in user input?

Is there any way to automate the user input in a ksh script? I realize that in many instances you can create an expect script to do exactly what I am saying, but expect is not installed on the server and there is no chance of that occurring in the near future. But I still need a method of automating user input so the only reaction requ...

WndProc(ref Message m), Prevent minimize Games, Send key strokes.

Overview: I am going to create a touch application that interfaces with games and other apps. This concept is similar to the app found on touch-buddy.com but I will be using C# and WPF instead of how the application is written in Perl. I have a few challenges I would like to evaluate. The touch-buddy app uses two approaches while intera...

How can I get to the value of my WPF UserControl DependencyProperty from UI Automation Framework?

Hi, I'm having trouble getting access to my WPF UserControl DependencyProperty values through the UI Automation Framework. I've used James McCaffreys article in MSDN as a starting point (Automating IO Tests in WPF Applications, MSDN March 2009), but I can only see properties etc in standard controls such as buttons. I'm assuming ther...

UI-Automation cmdlet not finding the control

Hi, I am trying to test a WPF application using the UI-Automation framework that MSFT provides. There were a few powershell scripts written that invoked the cmdlets created to manipulate the visual controls of the application. There is a DropDown within my application that has an entry 'DropDownEntry'. In my cmdlet, I am trying to do s...

UI Automation Button Style Enabled

Hi, I'm evaluating UI Automation for UI testing for that I have a WPF application with the following button defined: <Button Style="{DynamicResource ButtonStyle}" x:Name="MyBtn"/> when I need to visually disable the button I just change the style so the user is aware that the button is disabled (the colour changed) but still the butt...

How do I bring Set Focus of MDI Child Window using UIAutomation

We have an old legacy application we need to automate. It uses MDI Windows. We're using UIAutomation and I can succesfully get the appropriate AutomationElement for each MDI Child window. What I cannot do is bring that element into focus. Here is some example code that I tried, that fails: var desktop = AutomationElement.RootE...

Hudson Doesn't Seem to Run Process.Start Correctly

For a project I have to start an application in C#, rip out the AutomationElement tree related to the process, and then close the application and output the tree. I'm doing this by opening the application using Process.Start. Then I'm finding the AutomationElements related to the spawned process and walking the tree using a combination o...

How do I use UI Automation on a WPF ItemsControl that groups items?

I am using Microsoft UI Automation (i.e. AutomationElement) to run automated acceptance tests against my application. This has gone well, but I've hit a situation that doesn't appear to be exposed to the automation framework. I have an ItemsControl (although I could be using one of its derived controls, e.g. ListBox) and I am using Coll...

How to explicitly add a cookie in Watir?

I need to set a cookie in IE to execute some specific flow. I tried using the following code ieb = Watir::IE.new ieb.document.cookie="rememberme=foobar;Path=/; Domain=sometestdomain.com" # Bring up browser and do bunch of stuff However, I see that when the IE comes up, rememberme cookie is not set. Am I doing something wrong here? ...