
[iPhone] Handling Alert with UIAutomation

Hi, I'm trying to test the presence of an UIAlertView with UIAutomation but my handler never gets called. At the beginning of my javascript i write : UIATarget.onAlert = function onAlert(alert) { UIALogger.logMessage("alertShown"); return false; } As i understand it, as soon as i specify my onAlert function, it should get ca...

Windows Automation with Matlab

Hello I'm trying to control FastHenry2 via Windows automation with Matlab. I'm new to that topic. If I understood everything right I have to open it: ax=actxserver('FastHenry2.Document'); and than run the function I want with the handle? ax.Run('coils1.inp') but that doesn't work. Matlab can't find Run and uses run instead, which i...

Automate Remote Window with with AutoIT

I'd like to use AutoIT's COM interface in a C# application to automate a window on a remote machine. I have code that looks like this: var type = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("AutoItX3.Control", "my-remote-server", true); var automater = (IAutoItX3) Activator.CreateInstance(type); automater.DoStuff(); The problem is that the automater does...

PowerShell UIAutomation script not returning expected result

[I have posted this question earlier in the PowerShell Technet forum, but without a response] I am attempting to change Windows XP Quick Launch settings (enable / disable it using PowerShell). Existing VBScript solutions rely either on Registry or SendKeys, so I thought that this would be feasible in PowerShell through UIAutomation. My ...

Whats necessary to get Accessibility.active to be set true

Trying to get accessibility 'events' from flash - like being informed that there is new content/form and that it should be read. Looking at examples leads me to believe that either the flash apps I'm looking at are not accessibility enabled or that my app is not causing the Flash accessibility to be marked as active. Maybe it as simple...

iPhone UIAutomation button tap does not fire

I am trying to use UIAutomation in Instruments with the iPhone Simulator and the latest iOS SDK 4.1. Here is the snippet of javascript that is having a problem: // there are sufficient delays here to make sure the view is loaded UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp().logElementTree(); main.buttons()["theButton"].tap(); UIALogger.logMes...

How can I tell if a process has a graphical interface?

I'm using automation to test an application, but sometimes I want to start the application via a batch file. When I run "process.WaitForInputIdle(100)" I get an error: "WaitForInputIdle failed. This could be because the process does not have a graphical interface." How can I tell if the process has a graphical interface or not? ...

How can I find and react to a process spawned by a batch file?

I'm using Microsoft UI Automation to test an application, but I'm using a batch file to launch that application. When I run process.WaitForIdle(100), it fails because the batch file has no graphical interface. How can I react to the application being launched and find the process spawned? (I may already have a similar window open so I c...

Recording Screen Interactions using UI Automation for Silverlight controls.

Hi, I am trying to use UI Automation to record screen interactions in my Silverlight app. I have the Automation Peers for my control setup but am not able to figure out how to track these controls. For my WPF app I would get hold of AutomationElement.RootElement and then navigate down to my App and setup Automation event Handlers on th...

[iPhone] handle picker in UIAutomation

Hi, I have picker view with only one component, and 5 values in the component. I could get the number of wheels , and values in the component, as below var picker = window.pickers(); UIALogger.logMessage("picker array count: " + picker.length); var pickerWheels = picker[0].wheels(); var pickerWheelsValues =pickerWheels[0].values(); ...

How do you handle a UIPickerView in UI Automation iPhone application testing?

In the following UI Automation script code, I'm able to get the values from a UIPickerView, but I'm not able to select the picker: var picker = window.pickers(); UIALogger.logMessage("picker array count: " + picker.length); var pickerWheels = picker[0].wheels(); UIALogger.logMessage("picker Wheel count: " + pickerWheels.length); va...

Why can't I access the Back button in my iPhone application using a UI Automation script?

I have a simple function that should check if the view is at the home interface, and if not, bring it to the home: function returnHome() { if (UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp().navigationBar().name() == mainTitle) return true; // set tab bar to calculations UIALogger.logMessage("Set tab bar to main."); if (UIATarge...

Get component type of custom .NET class from window handle

I need to see the component type, meaning the name of the class that was programmed, of a clicked control in another process. I need the type so I can react to the clicked control and then do some Automation tasks. Right now I am doing the following: 1. I FindWindow() from Win32 to find the main window handle of the process. 2. Then, I...

How can I read the top level class of a clicked component in another process?

I want to be able to read the top level class of a clicked component in another process, ie.which type class instance the clicked control is. The class type then needs to be used for some Automation tasks. So far, I have a Windows hook that will give me the XY coordinates. Then, I can get the IntPtr handle of the control, but this will...

Empirix hammer and mobile testing is it possible?

Hello, I am looking into the feasibility of automating tests for some mobile apps that have calling functionality. I have been looking around for automated ui testing for mobiles which seems feasible but they all stop short of simulating any voice data. We currently have an old hammer and are looking in to upgrading. Is it possible...