
How do I really know when a UIButton has been released?

I'm running into an issue where I have a UIButton in which I want to track press/release events. So I am tacking on to the Touch Down/Touch Up events. Unfortunately, in certain situations this won't track Touch Up events -- for instance, if an Alert pops up. - (IBAction)buttonDown:(id)sender; - (IBAction)buttonUp:(id)sender; How do I ...

How do I add a hyperlink in my app?

I've tried a number of methods: A UIWebView doesn't do the trick because I've got a textured background, and the UIWebView doesn't do transparent backgrounds. A UITextView - seems like a really good option. I've got it auto detecting my hyperlink, but it overrides my link colour with blue. :( I've looked at the Three20 code - this look...

iPhone, Stylish Buttons?

I am trying to work out (or find) a button that looks half decent for use in my app. In the image below I have two buttons at the bottom, the default button (interfaceBuilder) and one using two png images from the Apple UICatalog. I am a little shocked that apple did not include something a little more stylish in IB. I assume that my on...

UIButton - should we release or not?

Ok. Let me explain the situation. I want to add a button on a view dynamically. Here is the code. UIButton *x=[UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeRoundedRect]; Here, I have not used "alloc" function. The questions for this statements are as follow. If we are using imageview for the same situation, we have to create an temp imagev...

remove all UIButton's from subview

i'm programmatically adding a couple UIButtons to my view. After clicking one of the buttons they all should be 'removeFromSuperView' or released, not just one. for (int p=0; p<[array count]; p++) { button = [[UIButton alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(100,100,44,44)]; button.tag = p; [button setBackgroundImage:[UIImage...

change UIbutton color inside UITableViewCell

I have a simple problem ... but its turning into a very difficult problem .. i have a button inside uitableviewcell and want to change its color through code .... i could aceive it by changing its background image. But its kinna hazy ... its not the solid color ... and when i use [cell.button setBackgroundColor:[UIcolor redColor]] ... th...

How to Instantiate and Call UIView Subclasses Without Using a Nib

Without using Interface builder or xib files, what is the correct way to instantiate two classes which inherit from UIView such that they can switch between themselves using UIButtons located on the views themselves? I think this involves setting up a UIViewController from the app delegate and adding two instances of my classes which im...

How can I assign the UIBarButtonSystemItemAction icon to a UIButton?

Hi, I have a UIButton within a UITableViewCell and I would like to assign the standard 'Action' icon to this button. This icon is normally associated with a UIBarButtonItem by assigning the icon to UIBarButtonSystemItemAction, however I cannot add a UIBarButtonItem into the UITableViewCell's view and therefore I would like to know if i...

UIButtons in UIScrollView stop it scrolling, how to fix?

Hi all, I have a problem with adding a set of UIButtons to a UIScrollView. With the buttons added it seems that the scroll command is not being passed to the scroll view as the buttons cover the whole surface. I've read various posts on this but still can't figure it out. I'm pretty new to iPhone programming so there's probably something...

iPhone SDK: Programmatically change IBAction

Is there a way I can programmatically change the IBAction of a UIButton? I know I can just create two buttons and use button.hidden = BOOL, but I'd much rather just change the IBAction itself. ...

What is the best way to make a UIButton checkbox?

I am trying to make a standard check box for my iPhone app from a UIButton with a title and image. The button image changes between an "unchecked" image and a "checked" image. At first I tried subclassing UIButton but UIButton has no -init*** method to use in my -init method. What is the best way to do this? Thanks in advance. ...

How can I make a UIButton perform my class method when tapped?

How can I make a UIButton perform my class method, +doSomething:(id)sender, on class MyClass, after any event like UIControlEventTouchDown? Can I use -addTarget:action:forControlEvents: like I do for instance methods? Thanks in advance. ...

Why isn't my nib interfacing with my code?

Can someone help me figure out this weird issue? None of my button actions are getting called. http://drop.io/cpyexk7 ...

iPhone UIButton with UISwitch functionality

Is there either a way to implement UISwitch with custom graphics for the switch-states? Or as an alternative the other way round, an UIButton with UISwitch functionality? ...

Why isn't my method fully working? (iPhone SDK)

I have a method here that is in my code: -(IBAction) actionButtonPressed: (id) sender{ NSLog(@"%@",actionButton.titleLabel.text); if (actionButton.titleLabel.text == @"Begin Recording"){ [actionButton setTitle:@"Finish Recording" forState:UIControlStateNormal]; [actionButton setTitle:@"Finish Recording" forState:...

Custom UIBarButtonItem with quartz

Hi! How can I draw a button with quartz that has exactly the same style as a UIBarButtonItem. The button should be able to show different colors. I downloaded the Three20 project, but this project is really complex, you'd need a lot of time to overlook the whole framework. I just want to draw a custom UIBarButtonItem. Thanks for help. ...

iPhone dynamic UIButton in UITableView

I'm creating a button for each cell row in a tableview. The button acts as switch to add the selected row as 'favorite' in NSUserDefaults. My problem is that whenever I press this button, a new one get drawn on top of the old one. How do I release/reuse it right? This is what my cellForRowAtIndexPath method looks like: - (UITableViewCel...

Where can I get fancy red and green UIButtons kind of like "End Call", etc?

Is there any resource for an iPhone developer who wants bright red and green buttons in their app? I mean, as in pre-cut buttons? The closest I've found are the Photoshop templates and those are a bit difficult to cut out just right. Thanks. ...

How to darken a custom UIButton

Hello! I've subclassed the UIButton class and now a custom view will be drawn using quartz 2d. It all looks fine, but how can I darken the button at clicking it. How can I set the views for the different states if I am using quartz in the same class to draw the button? Thanks for your help ...

Breakline in UIButton title

Hello people, in the following button is an address showed. My problem is the addresses are very long and how can i get between the two variables in the title of the button an breakline?? NSString *sitz = map.kordinate.herkunft; NSString *strasse = map.kordinate.strasse; NSString *strasseMitKomma = [strasse stringByAppendingString:@","]...