
UIButton subclass continuously highlighted after an popping up and UIAlertView

I am subclassing a UIButton and detecting finger movements, if the user swipes his finger in a certain way I will pop up an UIAlerView. All good, except that after dismissing the UIAlertView... when the user next touches the UIButton the button goes to it's highlighted state and gets stuck there, continuously highlighted, even when no f...

Programmatically Adding UIButtons: Works in Simulator but not on Phone

I am attempting to programmatically add buttons to my screen while looping through an array. The code I've posted below works just fine in the simulator (and executes without error on the phone), however, the button is not added to the screen on the phone. Any suggestions as to where I've gone wrong? // loop through missions, dropping...

Why isn't my UIButton responding to touches?

I'm sure I'm overlooking the obvious as I've got countless working buttons...but...for whatever reason this one is not cooperating... I've added a UIButton (Rounded Rect) to a UIView subclass (DialogView) which is a subview of my view controller's view. This subview is created almost entirely in IB. I've wired up the button to (IBAction...

iphone BPM tempo button

i want to create a button that allows the user to tap on it and thereby set a beats per minute. i will also have touches moved up and down on it to adjust faster and slower. (i have already worked out this bit). what are some appropriate ways to get the times that the user has clicked on the button to get an average time between presses...

CKEditor - Edit default dialog template

Hi guys! I'm trying to customize the default look (template) of CKEditor's dialog box. I would like to switch the positions of OK button with the Cancel Button, so that the OK button is to the right. I tried to edit the dialog plugin in /plugins/dialog/plugin.js. On line 1191 I rearranged the array for the default buttons, without any re...

Keeping a UIButton selected after a touch

After my user clicks a button, I'd like that button to stay pushed during the time that I perform a network operation. When the network operation is complete, I want the button to return to its default state. I've tried calling -[UIButton setSelected:YES] right after the button push (with a corresponding call to -[UIButton setSelected:N...

How to add 2 buttons into the uinavigationbar on the right side without IB?

Hello, how can i add 2 buttons into the uinavivationbar without IB? The 2 buttons should be align on the right side of the uinavigationbar. I know how i can add one button, but two?? Alex ...

Using UIButton for In App Purchasing

Hi Everyone: I am wondering if there is some way to make an iPhone application where when a user clicks a UIButton, it to display an alert box about the item and then gives the user an option to purchase it. I see a lot of documentation on Apple's site regarding creating a view to store all of the choices of what to buy, but I don't re...

Custom UIButtons

I need to implement a view with clickable areas just like HTML image maps. The background of the view will be an image that fills the entire canvas and the boundaries of each clickable area are different is size and shape. What is the best scenario to do this in iPhone? ...

Button background setting

This question is almost embarrassing to ask, but I can't find the answer in any documentation. I have a UIButton in a view. In IB, I set the button's background to a colour. The original rectangle in the Identity Inspector shows a half-black, half-white rectangle for the button's background. I can't find anyway to set the background ...

UIButton with UIButtonTypeCustom animation bug

So there seems to be an issue with animating size transformations for UIButtons. Specifically, if you have a button of type UIButtonTypeCustom, any frame size transformations happen instantly. Movement and other animations happen as normal. Does anyone have a good fix for this? I'm guessing that it's because the custom buttons contai...

Not calling the function when I click on UIButton?

I have an imageView and after i add it to the screen I release it. Before that I adds a button onto it with this code. button = [[UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom] retain]; button.frame = CGRectMake(128.00, 128.00, 23.00, 40.00); [button setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"move.png"] forState:UIControlStateNorma...

Creating buttons for a Navigation bar

I have a button as the right button on my navigation bar: UIBarButtonItem *addButton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Add" style:UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered target:self action:@selector(addToFavouritesButtonPressed:)]; self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = addButton; [addButton release]; All good, except I'd like it to b...

Having Problem in adding UIButton to UIScrollView...

Hi I am trying to add the UIButton to UIScrollView. I have added the UIImageView with background image (size: 320 * 620). Then I added this imageview to UIScrollView, and It works fine. But now I want to add UIButton at position at : (60, 500); (below screen that would appear after scrolling). I have tried following code, but the butt...

Minimum sensible button size on iPhone

Hi all, I'm designing an iPhone app that features a rather large set of onscreen rounded rect buttons. Given finger-based touchscreen UI, what do you think would be the smallest sensible button size? I need to fit as many of them as I can in the viewport without compromising the usability too much. Maybe there's an Apple-recommended min...

Change size of UIAlertView buttons

I have three buttons in a UIAlertView, and I only want to change the size of two of them so that I can have toe first two on their own line and then the third button on it's own line.. ...

UIButton border and background image

What I Want: A border indicating if a UIButton is selected or not. Background: I've got some UIButtons using transparent images, not text. These are toggle buttons (i.e. can be on or off). Problem: The UIButton class gives users no indication of whether a button is selected or not unless you change something else about the button. Sinc...

Can we have a button on the image being showed when an app is loaded?

When we have an image named Default.png, it will be shown at the loading of the app. Can we have a button on this image so that, when we click the button only the app continues to the next page? ...

UIButton Programmatically (SetImage content Adjustement)

Hi, I have a simple button and I want to put an image inside, so I have this code: myButton = [[UIButton alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(20, 13, 116, 138)]; UIImage *image = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:[self.visuel lpath] ofType:@"jpg"]]; [myButton setImage:image forState:UIControlStateNorm...

Problem adding subviews (UIButtons) to subclass of UIImageView

I'm adding a custom button/keypad to my application. Thus far, I have a UIImageView subclass that contains an animation that slides it from the bottom of the screen, and then back down when the user no longer needs it. I'm having trouble adding UIButtons to this UIImageView, however. Since this is a subclass of UIView, I'm attemptin...