
UILabel with reflection

Is there a way to create a reflection on a UILabel? I know how to do it in a UIImageView, but it's different. Thanks ...

setting dynamic x coordinate of second lable in xcode objective c

Hi Guyz, i have a problem that i have two lables, 1) will contain a long text 2) this will be just More button (link) so i want that when the first text ends then the second label starts right from where it end. but the problem is that the text is variable so i could not find any way to make it dynamic. example text of first row "t...

UILabel animated resize side effect

I came across issue where I need to animate height change of UILabel frame or its enclosing view's frame. Label is multiline. The issue is that given with large text which does not fit initially into label(say it takes 3 lines), then animating the label's height to increase, immediately changing 3 line to 4 and then animating the frame ...

How to put a UILabel ontop of a UIToolbar?

I have a UILabel that shows a character count as the user types into a textfield. Currently it is sitting behind a translucent UIToolbar. I would like the UILabel to be ontop of the UIToolbar. How can I accomplish this? ...

[IPhone] How to animate text color of an UILabel?

Dear All, Could you please tell me how animate text color of an UILabel? for example: change color from WHITE to RED then come back to WHITE with fade in effect and repeat in about 3 times. I need this animation due to my app get real time data from internet, and when value is changed, I need to animate this text value to tell user th...

[IPhone] How to subClass UITableViewCell and use it to not clear UILabel background color on UITabeViewCell selected?

Dear All, In my app, I use a label to display a specified color by set background color in a customized UITableViewCell (because this color maybe changed according incoming data from internet), after viewDidLoad, everything is ok, but when this cell is selected (highlighted) the color is cleared. After searching, I found out that some ...

how to pass text between views

i made 2 views and i want to send text of label on main view to sub view to an want to print it there on another label's text value.... how to pass that text ...

UILabel and images in it

Hello guys! I would like to show some text with an image. But I would like the text to flow around the image. How can this be done? I've seen I can add views to a label, but I think just adding an image and then text it will not work. Can you point me to the right way please? Here's the sample image And thanks again. :) ...

UILabel with cornerRadius inside UITableView

Hi, i'm trying to immitate the count-label that is used in apples mail app, which shows the count of messages in a folder / mailbox. The text color is white, and the labels background is gray/blueish with rounded corners. (screenshot) To get the same look, i made a custom UITableViewCell for my table, and tried to style the correspondi...

how to set a background image to label

i want to display a number on image like badge of size 30*28 ,which is placed upon button image, i have an badge image to set up on the top of button image.. on top of badge image i should able to display text or number and my badge size is 30*28... so ,for this to achieve i want to set a label on top of my button image and so i want t...

how to declare static variable

when i creating static int variable; is giving error like expected specifier qualifier ...

\n not working in UIlabel

Hi guys, I've seen similar questions here, but still can figure out why it's not working. How to add line break (in other words add new paragraph) in multiline UIlabel? I have a label with a lot of text, lbl.numberOfLines = 0; lbl.sizeToFit; but I'm still getting something like this: "Some text here\nAnd here I want new line" Thank...

UILabel text offset/indent

How can I add an indent or offset to text inside a UILabel? It needs to be a specific pixel size, independent of the font size. ...

UILabel shadow from custom cell selected color

Hi everyone! So this is my problem: I'm loading a custom nib file to customize the cells of a UITableView. The custom nib has a UILabel that is referenced from the main view by tag. I would like to know if it is possible to change the shadow color of the UILabel when the cell is selected to a different color so it doesn't look like in t...

Keeping and Saving New Rating at Ratingview Startup

This is on a sidenote to my previous question about ratingview I have this code: [starView displayRating:1.5]; ...however, I want it to be changed according to this: -(void)ratingChanged:(float)newRating { ratingLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Rating is: %1.1f", newRating]; //.... How can I make it displayRatin...

Fastest method for rendering a table view cell?

Hi, I'm developing an application that requires me to display many short strings of text in table cells. Currently, I'm using a default table view cell with about 14 UILabels added. Half of these labels contain static text that will not be changed, while the other half contains dynamic data that has to be updated when the table is scrol...

UILabel question

Is this possible to achieve something like that on iOS simply using UILabel + UIView ? I've tried using a UIWebView but it's too slow to be used in a UITableView. ...

Text Engraving effect in UILabel

How can we bring the Engraved effect of a UILabel's Text? I wanted the effect as provided in the snapshot I have provided. I could not add the image, so I have added the Link where I have hosted it. Image ...

How to update a UILabel frequently?

Hey guys, I am currently working on a project where I request and parse multiple html sites in a controller. To give some feedback to the user I have created a second view, which gets displayed during processing of the data. It displays a status label and a progressbar. In my controller I have several points where I update my labels tex...

UIButton.titleLabel clipping text problem

Hope I can get some help with a rather obscure problem with UILabel. I keep getting problems with clipping of characters. The font in the image at the link below is baskerville-bolditalic. The yellow is the rect that the UIButton is rendered in. The yellow is the UIButton's titleLabel.backgroundColor. http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/2381...