
Trouble getting NSString from NSDictionary key into UILabel

I'm attempting to put the value associated with the key called "duration" into a UILabel but I'm getting a blank or "(null)" result showing up in the UILabel. My NSDictionary object with its keys seems to be logging as being full of the data and keys I think I want, as such: the content of thisRecordingsStats is { "12:48:25...

generating an objectForKey from an array

I'm having success when I use this code to get a string from an array of file names called "fileList": cell.timeBeganLabel.text = [[[self.fileList objectAtIndex:[indexPath row]] lastPathComponent] stringByDeletingPathExtension]; so I expected the same code to generate the same string as a key for me in this: NSDictionary *stats = [th...

autoresizingMask changes the size of the UILabel being drawn, just by being set

I have some custom UITableViewCells that are made programmatically as needed, I want these to resize. However, when I add autoresizingMasks to the UILabels in the cells, they all seem to stretch wider while anchoring to the left side. // This works fine UILabel *aField = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(60, 2, tableView.frame.s...

underline text in UIlabel

How to underline a text that could be multiple lines of string? I find some people suggest UIWebView, but it is obviously too heave a class for just text rendering. My thoughts was to figure out the start point and length of each string in each line. And draw a line under it accordingly. I meet problems at how to figure out the length ...

One label, two different fonts?

I need to format text in a label like this: username: some text from this user. This will create additional lines of text that will go on and on and on. Where "username" is bold. This will go into a UILabel, which is in a custom table cell. Is there a way to get this type of layout? ...

How can i make bold a single character in the lable without using UIWebView?

I have a UILabel which contains textvalue and i want to bold a particular character in that whole string so please let me inform is it possible? and yes then please give me some example it really important for me.Please help me. ...

Changing label color based on current label color in iPhone dev

I am having trouble figuring out the if statement code for changing the color of a UI label based on the current color of the label. For instance, if the label color is currently red and the correct button is pressed, I want the label color to change to black. If the label color is black I want the label color to change to blue. Many ...

UILabel background color not updating in UITableView

I'm having a perplexing problem with a simple UILabel I put on a cell in a UITableView. I enter a separate view after tapping on a row, like many UITableViews. In there, I update the cell so that when I return to the rows, it should be updated, with this: MyTableViewCell* cell = (MyTableViewCell*) [mTableView cellForRowAtI...

the user name on the iPhone facebook app news feed view

is it a UILabel or UIButton, I am wondering how is it implemented. the little rectangle around the name doesn't seem to be the roundedrect... ...

UIButton as a subview in UILabel

hi. i am trying to dynamically add a UIbutton as a subview to UIlable. but i am not able to click the button. it seems that the lable doesnt allow the buttonTapped event to occur. can somebody explain what exactly is happening here. and can anybody give me an alternative for this. thnx ...

IBOutlet UILabel do not get resized

HI all, I have designed a view in Interface Builder and connected correctly with its controller. There some UILabel in it that are going to be filled with lot of text. But, even if I have declared "word wrap" and set line to 0 in IB, I can display only first line. I notice that if I increase the height of the UILabel in IB, all the text...

Question about varrying top margin when using custom Fonts on the iPhone.

I am using FontLabel to display varying lengths of texts in a custom font. I size the FontLabel using the following : CGSize size = [myString sizeWithFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:[[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] getFontSize]] constrainedToSize:CGSizeMake(290, 4000) lineBreakMode:UILineBreakModeWordWrap...

Changing UILabel over time?

I have a simple UILabel on that I want to change the text of every 10 seconds. What is the best way of doing this, which let's the rest of the interface remain active? ...

How to adjust font size of label to fit the rectangle?

Yeah, there's this cool myLabel.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = YES; property. But as soon as the label has two lines or more, it won't resize the text to anything. So it just gets truncated with ... if it doesn't fit into the rect. Is there another way to do it? ...

iPhone colorize UILabel substrings

Hey, I’m parsing a twitter rss feed, and I just need to show tweets, so I don't need MGTwitterEngine. I have already set it up so I can see the complete tweet, the only thing I want it to colorize hashtags and urls. So I would need to slice up the string in different substrings, colorize the hashtags and urls and glue it together in va...

How to make a UILabel which adjusts it's text to the upper left?

For some strange reason, in iPhone OS 3.0 this doesn't work: I made a big fullscreen UILabel with numberOfLines = 0 and baselineAdjustment = UIBaselineAdjustmentNone. It refuses to show the text in the upper left. It's always in the center of the bounding box, aligned to the left. The documentation says: UIBaselineAdjustmentNone Ad...

How to use Norwegian language iphone?

How can i use Norwegian characters to show them in UILabel in my application. if i use it directly it shows garbage value. ...

How can I know the displayed text in the UILabelView?

How can I know the displayed text in the UILabelView? I have a large text and I am going to have 3 uilabels that represent 3 columns of an iPad App like NYTimes one. When I put the large text in the first column (UILabelView) I need to know how much of the text is displayed there.. If U suggest another solution please let me know. Char...

Is there a way to draw UILabel diagonally?

How do you draw text on a diagonal? In other words, a horizontal UILabel that's rotated, say, 45 degrees? ...

iphone app custom images inside UILabel

Hi, I have got scenario where i would like to find where text in UILabel is ending and get its coordinates in terms of x and y. Then I need to insert image right after last word of UILabel text. This event will be fired when I click on particular image in app. How can I find what are the x and y of ending character of UILabel text? Reg...