
NSMutableDictionary can't have "time" to read objects (NSMutableString s)

Hi, I'am setting the text of labels with the content of NSMutableString_s which are objects of a NSMutableDictionray ... the problem that all things work fine when i load the page for two times (so i push ,after i pop...) and with the third push the program can't read the content of one of the NSMutableString_s of the NSMutableDictionary...

UItableviewcell makes label's background clear when highlighted

I have a UIlabel on a UItabelViewCell, which I've created programmatically (ie not a nib or a subclass). When the cell is highlighted (goes blue) it makes all the background colors of the UILabels turn clear I have 2 UILabels where I don't want this to be the case. Currently I m using UIImageViews behind the UILabel's to make it look l...

How make UILabel with autoresizingMask in a custom cell?

I have a custom uitableviewcell with several labels and I would like for some of them to autoresize their frame (width) based on the content (text). I am not sure how to accomplish that. I tried to set fixed frame of the label and after apply autoresizingMask, but that doesn't do the trick. Any *pointer to a sample? ...

iPhone empty table message (eg like "No contacts" in simulator, or "No results" in search )

Is there a right way to add empty table text? For example, if you go to the simulator and open contacts, the table is empty and displays "No Contacts". Or searching that gives a "no results" message via the UISearchDisplayController. I could do this via a label positioned and hidden at run time, but is this the correct approach? Thank...

iPhone: cornerRadius quality gets degraded

I have a UILabel that I create a radius on the layer, using cornerRadius. The ultimate goal is to make the label look like Apple does in the mail app. It looks great at first, but once you drill down into that row and back a few times, the quality of the rounded edge starts to degrade. You can see in the screen shot, the left side i...

Custom view in nib instantiated as parent type

I've created a custom class inheriting from UILabel. I placed a UILabel in my nib and set the class of the label to my custom class. However, when the viewDidLoad method is called, the view is of the class UILabel instead of my custom class. Any ideas? ...

Need unicode characters in UITableView from SQLlite database

I have some NSString varibales that incude items like Ð and Õ and if I do cell.textLabel.text = person.name; and if it contains one of those characters the cell.textlabel is blank! I have discovered that if I use NSString *col1 = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:(char *)sqlite3_column_text(compiledStatement, 0)]; To pull my data b...

iPhone SDK/General Xcode question.

In the iPhone SDK, in my .n, I can say: -(IBOutlet) UITextField *MyNameIs; -(IBOutlet) UILabel *DisplayMyNameIsHere; } -(IBAction)PressButtonToDisplayYourName; Then in my .m, I'll do: -(IBAction)PressButtonToDisplayYourName { DisplayMyNameIsHere = MyNameIs.text; } But now how would I translate that to making a Mac applicatio...

How do I display a ‘second power of x’ in an UILabel?

I want to display "x2" (second power of "x") in a UILabel. How can I do it? Thanks in advance! ...

how can i disable label or label from ib after displaying text on to it

hi i would like to ask one intresting question i should disable or remove label from my view when certain event ocuurs how can i disable it can any one give me a syntax for that one i hope i will get answer ...

label in my tabel celll

hi this is lak.. thank you for your fast feedback but that not worked for me i am using labels in table.. UILabel *label1 = (UILabel *) [cell viewWithTag:1]; label1.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor]; label1.text=aStation.station_name; label1.textColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:0.76 green:0.21 blue:0.07 alpha:1.0]; [label1 setFont:[UI...

How to achieve UIButton / UILabel 'padding' in iPhone app

Hi, I've got various views in my iPhone application that require padding e.g a custom UIButton with text aligned left, and a UILabel with a background colour. This may be a really stupid question, but how can I apply 'padding' to move the text off the left hand edge? I've tired using bounds etc without any success. I know I could cre...

Images inside of UILabel

hello everyone! I'm trying to find the best way to display images inside of UILabels (in fact, I wouldn't mind switching to something other than UILabel if it supports images with no hassle) The scenario is: I have a table view with hundreds of cells and UILabel being the main component of each cell The text I assign to each cell con...

UILabel: adjusting margins to match a UITextView

I have a UILabel and if i adjust the size of the text i can make it look loke a UITextView however the left margin is different, on the UIlabel the text is right up against the left border where the UITextView has a slight margin. How do i adjust the UILabel so that when these controls are placed above one another, they look consistent? ...

UILabel automatic size and position

I want to draw a text with different colors and the only way that I've found for do it is to split every piece of string-color in differents UILabels, so currently now I have four UILabels one after another, lets say, label1, label2, label3 and label4. The problem with that is with the size and the position of every labels, I've not fou...

setting new text to uilabel and animation

i'm setting new text value to a uilabel. Currently, the new text appears just fine. However, I'd like to add some animation to how the new text appears. I'm wondering what i can do to animate the appearance of the new text. ...

How to check if UILabel is truncated?

I have a UILabel that can be varying lengths depending on whether or not my app is running in portrait or landscape mode on an iPhone or iPad. When the text is too long to show on one line and it truncates I want the user to be able to press it and get a popup of the full text. How can I check to see if the UILabel is truncating the te...

resizing UILabel's with on UITableView when change in orientation occurs

Hi... I've 3 UILabel's inside a custom UITableViewCell. The width of these UIlabels must change when the device changes it's orietation because the tableView's width changes. My problem was how could I resize the label when the device rotation happens. ...

How can I fade out text on a cell when I press edit button?

Hi, I would like to make my text label on a cell fade out when I press a button. I tried pointing the label I want to make fade out, but it just work for only last cell. And I found out that -(void) willTransitionToState:(UITableViewCellStateMask)state is the way to solve this problem, but I don't know how to use. Do I need to make a ne...

How to correctly add Core Plot label/annotation to a CPPieChart object?

I am testing a CPPieChart and finding that the data source delegate method -sliceLabelForPieChart:recordIndex: is not displaying a slice label. In addition, there is no title property for the pie chart type. So I figured I would test using a UILabel instance: UILabel *viewTitle = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0f, 0.0f, 1...