

Hi All, I am using UIScrollView for zooming an image. While to zoom out the image i want it to be put on double tap. So my question is can it be possible to zoom out zoomed image on double tap. (i am able to detect the double tap on zoomed view). Which property we can use for this of Scroll View. Thanks in advance. Regards, Vishal ...

UIScrollView contentOffset jumps after animation - in 3.0 beta 5

I have a UIScrollView with a few UITextFields on it. When the user edits a text field it scrolls so that the UITextField is centered. The problem I am running into is that the UIScrollView is scrolling to the correct spot but at the last frame of the animation it is jumps to 300,300. It works fine in 2.2.1 but not in 3.0 beta 5. It alway...

Adding a subview into view hierarchy

I'd like to have a view appear when the user clicks a button. The hierarchy I have looks like this: MainWindow -UIView --ScrollView ---ScrollView.pages = UIViews ----UIView (from above assignment) ----TextView ----InfoButton pages is an NSMutableArry of pageController objects. These hook to a nib. These nibs are the pages that use...

Is there an way of implementing an minimum deceleration speed in an UIScrollView?

I have an UIScrollView that contains some UIImageViews which are animated. It really only looks cool if there's a minimum scrolling speed happening. But when the user slowly scrolls and lifts the finger, the UIScrollView decelerates very slowly. The problem is, that the scrollViewDidScroll method doesn't get called upon every offset cha...

Adding subviews to UiScrollView .. smoothly

I am trying to dynamically add subviews to a UiScorllView in real time (to save memory). Doing so causes the scrollview to hang for a brief second... what is the way around this? any hints appreciated ...

How can I nest a UIScrollView inside a UIScrollView, so that the user can scroll the inner UIScrollView?

I haven't tried that yet, but I assume that I would have to disable scrolling of the parent scroll view as soon as I know that the user will want to scroll in the child scroll view, right? Both scroll views are scrolling horizontal. How could I disable scrolling detection of the parent temporarily? Or is there some other way? ...

Efficiency of create views programmatically vs IB

I have a large number of UIViews that are created in the app delegate applicationDidFinishLaunching and added to an NSMutableArray. The user pages through these views using a page control and scroll view. I created the UIView and its child components in IB. They are wired to a controller. To create 170 views on the iPhone takes about...

Adding UITextView as subview in UIView then to UIScrollView

I have a UIViewController (ContentViewController ) wired to a View xib. I drop a TextView on the UIView and it appears as a subview in the hierarchy in IB. ContentViewController has a label as an outlet, which is wired to a label on ContentView.xib. When the code below executes, the first view shows the text view but scrolling through...

UIScrollView - Adding / Removing labels

I am trying to add/remove UILabels to a ScrollView. The adding takes place just fine, but I can not seem to get the labels removed, before adding new ones. Can anyone shed some light on this situation? -(void)setMessage:(MessageData *)m{ //Attempting to remove any previous labels iPhone_PNPAppDelegate *mainDelegate = (iPhone_P...

UITableView as a UIScrollView

I've been working with a UIScrollView and have about 200 items to scroll through...so far. This doesn't work since it takes around 45 seconds to load all of the views. I've tried loading the first 20 (about 4 seconds) on the main thread then load in blocks of 50 on other threads. I get the first 20 to scroll through but the others don...

UIScrollView in UITableCellView, cell doesn't update

I have a custom UITableViewCell with a UIScrollView in it that is wired to the cell controller. When I assign text to the scrollview, some cells get the correct text, some are blank, some redisplay old text and others have the scrollview clipped around the 2nd or 3rd line of text. It seems random on what will happen. I followed the su...

UIScrollView scroll to bottom programmaticaly

hello, how can I make the uiscrollview scroll to the bottom within my code? or in a more generic way to any point of a subview? thanks. ...

How do I implement a scrolling list view in iPhone programming

I have a view for an inbox. In the view I can currently show 10 sms messages. After 10 sms messages, I need to be able to scroll the messages. In other words, how do I implement a scrolview in iPhone programming like the one in the mail inbox or the SMS application? ...

Drawing a shadow below a UIScrollView (that scrolls a UIView)

My setup is a UIScrollView in the center of the screen (on the iPhone - like 300x400 positioned in the center) that contains a UIView of the same width, so it scrolls it vertically. In this UIView i draw custom subviews with labels etc (it's a scoreboard with various colors). What i'd like to have is some shadow below my UIScrollView, s...

iPhone UIScrollView - how to get an image title.

Hi, I'm ATTEMPTING to learn UIScrollview using Apple's Docs and their sample code http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/samplecode/Scrolling/index.html but something SO simple is escaping me. How do you tell what image is currently on the screen, so that if I selected one of the images in the horizontal scrolling view, how would I ...

Multiple PageScrollViews (UIScrollViews) on the screen at once (not nested)

Warning: This is my first iPhone Application so there's a lot of cargo cult programming going on here. I've googled, searched stackoverflow, read books, and changed code over and over in an attempt to fix this and I can't. I'm using the PageScrollView class found in "iPhone SDK Application Development" by Jonathan Zdziarski. It is a cl...

UIScrollView image/photo viewer with paging enabled and zooming

OK, I think it's time to make an official place on the internet for this problem: How to make a UIScrollView photoviewer with paging and zooming. Welcome my fellow UIScrollView hackers. I have a UIScrollView with paging enabled, and I'm displaying UIImageViews like the built-in photos app. (Does this sound familiar yet?) I found the fo...

Get a UITableView to not scroll and grow within a UIScrollView

I need to create a screen that is similar to the one below. The only way I can come up with is to have a UIScrollView be the parent view. Then have a UIImageView and UILabels for the thumbnail and main text ("All3Sports"). For the sections like the phone numbers and home page, I thought I could have a UITableView and have it simply no...

MVC Question... where to put code in Controller, and how to have UIView subclasses nest.

I have a feeling I've botched the design of my app from a high level. Right now, I have one Controller, the App Delegate, Two UIViews (one is a subclass of Scrollview) and one nib for the controller. In IB, I have set the class of the file owner to MusicGridController and then set the class of the UIView to MusicGridView. Thus, the...

Programmatically force a UIScrollView to stop scrolling, for sharing a table view with multiple data sources

I have a UITableView whose data source and delegate are switched between a couple of custom data source objects when the user touches a segmented control (think "Top Paid" vs "Top Free" in the app store app). Each data source object saves its last scroll content offset, and restores it when it becomes the active data source for the tabl...