
Dragging uiimageview into a "trashcan" while zoomed in on a uiscrollview

Hey everyone. I've searched the web and really haven't found a problem quite like this. My set up is as follows: I am trying to make an app where a user drags uiimageviewss on a uiview inside a uiscrollview (which can zoom in), but also drag the image to a trashcan to be deleted. When the scrollview is zoomed in, the user can still drag ...

SizeToFit on a UIScrollView's content size

A UIView has a SizeToFit method that will make the UIView fit all of it's subviews. Is there anything like that, which will just return the size that it calculates and not modify any view's frame. I have several subviews on a UIScrollView and I want to do SizeToFit on the scroll view's contentSize, rather than it's frame. I have to do i...

Bug in PhotoScroller code from WWDC 2010 Session 104 - Designing Apps with Scroll Views

I am trying to track down a bug in the sample code provided for the WWDC Session 104 - Designing Apps with Scroll Views: "PhotoScroller" It is a mutated while being enumerated error that only happens on occasion when paging from a zoomed image to one of the other images. I am using part of this code in one of my apps and am desperately ...

UIScrollView moves on its own

I have a full screen UIScrollView that has several possible layout configurations. It is basically a "contact" card eith some buttons, imageViews, Labels , and text fields. When it loads, buttons will be moved or removed based on the content available. Oddly, the Scorll View does not always start in the same position. Sometimes it loads...

Paged scrollview with "page curl" transition

Hi there There is a (free) app on the app store called "panda-monium!" which is a collection of pictures of a panda toy. Theres about 6 and they are displayed in what looks like a paged scroll view. You can click on the "i" icon and change the transition to "curl". This is the effect I want to replicate. Can this be done using a paged ...

Problem : UIScrollview bouncing makes Parent UIScrollview bouncing

I have a fullscreen UIScrollview(B) in a fullscreen UIScrollview(A). A has a contentsize = number of page Horizontally B has a contentsize = number of Subpage Vertically Inside B , I have a small UIscrollview (C) that scroll in the same direction than B... So vertically too. When C is wildly scrolling, it creates a hard bouncing eff...

Custom content redraw on UIScrollView zoom/unzoom?

I have a parent UIScrollView and inside it, there are several UITableViews. Horizontal scrolling should be handled by parent, vertical scrolling and taps - by children. As far as I know, that's feasible, I've seen some sample from Apple. By I also want to intercept pinch-to-zoom events and do a total redraw of parent scrollView's content...

ScrollView: PageControl dot doesnt change with the page

Hi, I've written an iPhone App with a TableView and a detailView which contains a ScrollView with 2 pages (both containing an image) and a pageControl displaying 2 white dots. It al seems to work perfect. The view scrolls to the left and show the next page (just as it should) Except for the little white dots (PageControl dots) that are ...

how to centre the image when scrollviews are used

hello every one .My problem is i would like to display images more like photo App.I found the answer for only one image zooming and panning.But i have three images on the view and i need to provide zooming and panning functionality for three of them synchronously how can i do this.Please help me.I have been scraching my head for the pas...

can Any one suggest me how to begin with nested scroll view?

hello all.I need to keep a scrollview of size our view size,in that large scrollview again i have to keep six image views and six scrollviews.Please,can any one suggest something how to start with it. ...

iphone - Why the NSURLConnection connectionDidFinishLoading is not running?

Hello all My app looks like this: I have a UIScrollView and there is imageview inside. I implemented the scrollViewDidScroll delegate so that if the scroll did scroll, I will create a NSURLConnection and download a data from some url, for only once. The problem is that the NSURLConnection connectionDidFinishLoading only be called or r...

Use NSUserDefaults to get to a certain position in a UIScrollView

I have an ebook style iPhone app that allows users to read a book. I have it setup so that when they leave the app, it remembers what page they were on, but not the exact spot on the page (the page can scroll quite a bit). I am using NSUserDefaults to get me back to the page, I was wondering though if anyone had any ideas about how I mi...

UITableView fixed header

How to disable scrolling for UITableView header, to be always visible? (To have column titles.) ...

How do I find the frame of a UIView in the context of a UIScrollView?

Hi, I'm trying to place a UIPopoverController to display when a UIButton is tapped. However, the UIButton is placed within a UIScrollView and so its frame is offset by the scroll amount. Is there an easy way of finding out a view's frame as it appears in the context of the screen? Or do I just need to do a subtraction between the UIBut...

image scrolling on touches in iphone

Hi, iam developing an app in which, images are to be scrolled on touchesmove i.e, swipping left /right. I also have to display previous and next images beside present image in protrait mode. I have seen the covertFlow sample, which is very close to my app, but i want it in horizontal mode. Please suggest me how can i acheive it , link...

how to load the images in my view dynamically in a scroll view in iPhone

Hi all... i want to display many images like thumbnails in a scroll view and and i want the images displayed dynamically we scrolls down or left like a table view cells can u please tell how to that... Thanks ...