
Zooming multiple subviews in an UIScrollView

How would I go about zooming multiple subviews of an UIScrollView simultaneously? I have a UIScrollView inside another UIScrollView (with paging enabled) and inside the inner scrollview I have four UIImageViews. I would like for the zoom to persist when I scroll to the next page, thus displaying the next image. Relevant code follows: -...

Zooming multiple UIImageViews in a scrollView without affecting other imageviews..

Hi, I downloaded images from ftp server and placed them on UIImageViews which is on a scrollview .I want to zoom each image on the UIImageView without disturbing other UIImageViews. ...

How to Zoom In/Out Photo on double Tap in the iPhone WWDC 2010 - 104 PhotoScroller

Hi All, I am going through the Sample code of iPhone WWDC 2010 - 104 PhotoScroller App. It's working great with my project related images (PDF Page Images) but I am struggling detect touches in the PhotoScroller App. The Zooming using multiple touches is handled by the ScrollVoiew. Now I want to Zoom In/out the photo on double Tap. The...

How to draw on a non-transformed context while zoomed in a CATiledLayer?

I'm using a CATiledLayer for the visualisation of data. By default the drawLayer function gets a transposed and scaled context, which allow the drawing code to be agnostic of the zoom-level and the tile that's being requested. However, I would like to use the zoom functionality to change the horizontal range of the data, without actual z...

Limiting the scrollable area in UIScrollView

I have a UIScrollView that is scrolling a fairly large UIView. At certain times I want to limit the area the user can scroll around in. For example, I may only want to allow them to view the bottom quarter of the view. I am able to limit the area by overriding scrollViewDidScroll and then calling setContentOffset if the view has scrol...

UIScrollView: recreating content view in scrollViewDidEndZooming

Hi All, I would like to ask, is it correct to recreate content view in scrollViewDidEndZooming method? Is there any potential problems with this? I use the following code: - (void)scrollViewDidEndZooming:(UIScrollView *)scrollView withView:(UIView *)view atScale:(float)scale { [self.contentView removeFromSuperview]; self.content...

Zooming on an Animation using UIScrollView

Hi Guys, I've got a UIScrollView filled with images, one of the images is animated (i.e. has 45 frames repeating within it as 45 separate images). However, you can zoom in on the images using pinch gestures, but on the animation you cannot. Is there a way to fix this? Here's some of my code to help: - (void)setUpView { //INITIALISE...

Zoom multiples UIImageViews inside an UIScrollView

Dear Friends, I am trying to create a small game for the iPhone with images and I want to them to zoom in when the player is pinching on the screen. I have seen the tutorials with one UIImageView. However, now that I am using multiple UIImageViews, things do not work OK. I put them in an UIView and I am trying to zoom the UIView. Howe...

Onclicklistener acts weird after scrolling in ScrollView

Hi everyone: I have many ImageViews set with OnClickListeners. They extend beyond the screen, contained in a ScrollView. When scrolling down and clicking an ImageView that was previously beyond the screen, onClick(View view) does not seem to execute until the second click. It behaves normally otherwise. My Activity implements OnClickLi...

UIScrollView Vertical Pan Snapping to top or bottom of view

Hi Guys, I have an image that is 320x480 and upon orientation change this image obviously hangs out of view. There are some images where the focal point of it sits with it's bottom cut off (which isn't undesirable). My issue however is when the user pans vertically to see the full image, the view appears to snap to the bottom meaning th...

UITableView inside UIScrollView

This should be straight foreward, but I simply can't figure it out(!) I have a UIView 'filled with' a UIScrollView. Inside the scrollView I wan't to have a UITableView. I have hooked up both the scrollView and the tableView with IBOutlet's in IB and set the ViewController to be the delegate and datasource of the tableView. What else d...

Optimal approach to displaying a large tableview in iPad

We need to display a tableview with over 400 rows and each row needs to display data worth 12 days' all time slots. The data is added as buttons to each of tableview rows inside a scroll view and the data is read from database. There are number of issues we are facing: slow scrolling since data is fetched for every cell as the table sc...

Reloading UIImageView Image in a UIScrollView

Hi guys, First some background: I'm using a UIScrollView to make an image visible and zoomable and everything works fine initially, I can view and zoom the image just fine. I'm using a UINavigationController to manage all of my various custom view controllers. After the image is displayed, and the back button is clicked, this view contr...

iPhone - Table/Grid Data

For an iPhone app, I'm going to need to display read-only tabular data in a grid format. This data could potentially have many rows and columns. I could use UITableView, but the problem is the data will most likely be very wide and require scrolling. Is there a way to put a UITableView in a UIScrollView and allow zooming and scolling ...

In iOS 4.0, why does UIScrollView zoomToRect:animated: not trigger the scrollViewDidScroll or scrollViewDidZoom delegates while animating?

I need to closely monitor the scale of the scroll view so that I can update the content view's elements (a subview managing multiple CALayers) according to the scroll view's animated zoom. On iOS 3.1, overything works as expected, I use zoomToRect:animated: and the scrollViewDidScroll: message of the UIScrollViewDelegate gets called rep...

TouchCancel when swiping over UIControls native Tabbar

Hi guys, I've developed a jQTouch app ( http://bit.ly/9uE1i0 ), with iScroll integration ( http://bit.ly/9KsKz3 ), using the native tabbar ( http://bit.ly/ag3H6b ). All works great in PhoneGap except that iScroll sticks when the swipe motion goes over the uicontrols tabbar. See video: http://screenr.com/AcD Is there a way to inc...

Webview in a scrollview to scroll entire view

I have a webview. I want to keep the webview in a scroll view such that it looks like entire view is scrolling. Any suggestions will be greatly welcomed... ...

uiscrollview scrollViewWillBeginDragging messes up uitableview custom cells height

hello, I have a searchBar (with scopeBar) where I want to dismiss the keyboard when the server returns relevant results. I have the following code: - (void)scrollViewWillBeginDragging:(UIScrollView *)scrollView{ [search resignFirstResponder]; //height - navBar - searchBar - carrierBar - uitabbar CGRect newFrame = CGRectMak...

How do I dynamically add images to a UIScrollView?

I'm working on an an app that updates both a UITableView and a UIScrollView. I like how UITableView updating works. As I add, remove, or update items, I call insertRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation:, reloadRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation:, and deleteRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation: as appropriate. However, updating the UIScrollView h...

Keyboard eats my Top Line of text in UITextView !

I met a really strange problem while using UITextView, I try to use "GrowStyle" of UITextView, wire up the frame with contentSize, turn off the .scrollEnabled, Build & Run: but when click the bottom of the screen, the keyboard showing up, the UITextView moves up a short distance, and its Top lines disappear, here is the code: - (void)v...