
scrollViewDidScroll not executing.

I think have decent experience working with iPhone development. as much I know.. I did set up the delegate.. I have from top to botton UIView --> UIScrollView--> UITextView I tried everything... to get the event scrollView to fire the scrollViewDidScroll event. is anything wrong with the structure.. there not much of the code to post...

imageView inside scrollView not detecting touch

Hi! I have scrollView added in xib & i am adding an imageview to it programmatically.Now I am not able to detect touch event on this imageview though i have enabled userinteraction for imageview.Actually I want to use the location where the imageview was touched. ...

image display in uiscrollview

hello all.Am facing a probem with my scrollview.Am displaying the image in a scrollview programatically and i added the zooming and paning effects.When i run the application image is displaying in the scroll view but it is not in centre(like it is displaying at right corner and some part of image is inside the scrollview)After zooming wh...

UIImage not displaying under UIScrollview

This is pretty simple but I cannot figure it out. I am trying to display an image which you can simply slide around the screen. For some reason however, i'm simply getting a white background. header #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface ScrolliPadViewController : UIViewController { UIImageView *imageView; } @end ...

two UIImageViews in one UIScrollView! How to zoom in the right UIImageView?

Hi folks, i have two UIImageViews as childs in one UISCrollView. You can flip sideways to display pages of a brochure. (12 Pages). Now i wanted to zoom pages. I couldn't get it up till now to zoom the right ImageView. I know i have to implement - (UIView *)viewForZoomingInScrollView:(UIScrollView *)scrollView { return someView ...

Why does changing the frame of a UIScrollView change the frames of its subviews?

This is perplexing to me. I want to change the frame of a UIScrollView upon orientation change: if (orientation == UIDeviceOrientationLandscapeLeft || orientation == UIDeviceOrientationLandscapeRight){ self.myScrollView.frame = CGRectMake(40, 40, 984, 200); for (UIView* view in [self.myScrollView subviews]){ ...

How to show a view from scrollview

Hi everybody! I have a view that contains a ScrollView opening two xibs. There is a button on a Xib contained in ScrollView. I want that after clicking the button, open a new view outside of the ScrollView. But I can not open a new view outside the Scrollview. = / Any suggestions? Thanks. ...

Send message from appdelegate to view controller

Hello, I have a view (nib) loading offscreen in a uiscrollview. I want the movie in this view to only start playing once it is visible but the viewdidappear fires even the view is off screen. So the movie is playing even though you can't see it. Is there a way to understand what view is actually visible that does not involve the uiscro...

UIScrollingView ... Scrolling works but zooming not !

Ben send me a tutorial about displaying several images in a scrollView. ( http://kwigbo.com/post/758575763/uiscrollview-image-gallery-tutorial ) I made it to adopt it to my need in an IPad App and i got it to work so far. BUT ... I'm banging my head for hours now to implement zooming images and couldn't make it work. I have a UIScrol...

UIScrollView event handling

Hi everyone, I'm trying to make my own custom UIScrollView for some reason. The question is, is it possible to exactly mimic the event handling behavior of UIScrollView including 'delayed content touches' and 'cancellable content touches'? That is, the custom scroll view should delay handling the event until it can determine if scrollin...

how to detect the touch (CGPoint) of a scroll view in its content size in iphone?

Hi, I want to detect the touch (CGPoint) of a scroll view in its content size .If i detect the touch in the scroll i get the CGPoint only with reference to the scroll view frame but i want the position with reference to content size. Here is my code -(void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event { UITouch* t; NSLog(@"...

Problem with uiscrollview setcontentoffset animated not scrolling when animated:yes is set

This is very odd and I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts? I'm trying to scroll a UIScrollView in response to a button press on the iPad. If I do: CGPoint currentOff = scrollView.contentOffset; currentOff.x+=240; [scrollView setContentOffset:currentOff animated: NO]; The scroll view jumps to the required position as expected...

Saving scrollview position using CATiledView

Hello - I am using a scroll view to display a CATiledView of some large images. When the user leaves the app, then comes back, I would like the app to automatically scroll and zoom to the place where the user was when the left the app. I am getting the zoomLevel saved, but I cant figure out how to save the scroll position then have it ...

make an uisegmentedcontrol in an uisrollview

Hi,I want to use a very large segmentedcontrol component so i had the idea to make it in a uiscrollview ..so by scrolling horizontally user can choose the appropriate item . i wrote this code: CGRect rect = [[UIScreen mainScreen] applicationFrame]; CGRect frame = CGRectMake(rect.origin.x + kLeftMargin, rect.size.height - kPale...

Best way to find out what "page" of a paged UIScrollView you are on

Hey Just wondering what the best way to find out what page you're on in a paged scroll view. At the moment I have this: - (void)scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:(UIScrollView *)scrollView { float page = scrollView.contentSize.width / scrollView.contentOffset.x; } is this the only way? Or am I missing some simple scrollView.page proper...

UIScrollView: content offset calculation after zoom

Hi All, Could somebody advice which formula used to content offset calculation after zoom in UIScrollView? Let's consider following example: I have a UIScrollView with content view in size (1000, 1000), then if I programmatically setZoomScale to 2.0 and in scrollViewDidEndZooming:withView:atScale method I will have the following: conte...

iPhone SDK - UIScrollView & UIPageControl

Hi everyone, I created a UIScrollView / UIPageControl .xib scrolling between 12 images. At the bottom of the .xib is a "Submit" button that would save the value of the scroll view in a web service. How can I get the "submit" button to grab that value? Thanks in advance! ...

How do I obtain information about the pages in a UIScrollView?

I have a run of about 10 different methods, they all pass "page" and "index" between them in order to define a ScrollView with multiple pages. The majority of these methods run within a loop (for each page). I'm working on a way to re-orient and re-position the pages depending on the device orientation. My trouble now is trying to get a...

UIScrollView + UIToolbar problem

Hi guys, I got a small problem with my UIScrollView. I've added the scrollview to my UIView with Interface Builder. I've also added a UIToolbar as a subView (programmatically if it matters) to the view. Now, my problem is that the scrollview scrolls under the UIToolbar. It doesn't "stop" at the top of the toolbar as it should to. It w...

Drag an UIImageView from UIscrollView to another view

Hello, i crawled all the web, but nothing. I have a for loop to create uiimageview inside a uiscrollview controller. It's a collection of images that you can scroll horizontally only. for (int i = 0; i < NIMAGES; i++) { NSString *filename = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"image%d.png", i+1]; ScrollerImage *iv = [[ScrollerImage all...