
UIScrollView inside a UITableView won't show/hide correctly (Xcode iPhone)

I've used Interface Builder to drop a UIScrollView into the top of a UITableView. (To do some horizontal scrolling.) In code, I now wish to selectively show/hide that UIScrollView. I've connected it in IB, and then execute various combinations of code... but the area never disappears. self.scrView.hidden = TRUE; or: CGRect aFrame ...

UIScrollView only works in landscape

Hello- Trying to get up to speed on UIScrollView for an app that I'm working on. Found a tutorial at http://www.tckdeveloper.com/Tutorials/iPhone/ScrollViews.html that helped out and that got the scroll view working in landscape mode. Started adding more content to the view so that scrolling was needed in the portrait view as well. When...

Programmatically Scale selected UIView components on Zoom

Hi, I have a UIScrollView that nests a UIImage and several symbols that are placed on the image programatically. When the user zooms I need to scale these symbols up to have them keep the same size, whilst the underlying image is zoomed. I placed the symbols and the image in a UIView to ensure the symbol position is alidned to image ...

How to add UIScrollView just in the first UITableCellView?

Hi all, i have a uitableview in the uiviewcontroller, i made a scrollview in the viewload event. i am adding it to tableview's first cell. but i scroll the tableview it displays more than one scrollview after 5 cell passed. here is the code. - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)i...

Creating a ScrollView that works like Pages

I'm trying to create a scroll view that works like Apple's Pages app on the iPad. See pic below. I can create a similar scroll view with subviews containing the individuals pages, spaced apart as shown, and with pagingEnabled, it scrolls OK, but I want to achieve a scrolling effect that keeps the subviews centered once they've scrolled...

UIScrollView and presentModalViewController

I add UITableViewController in UIScrollView. When I call MFMailComposeViewController *picker = [[MFMailComposeViewController alloc] init]; picker.mailComposeDelegate = self; [picker setSubject:@"Email"]; [picker setMessageBody:currentcelltext isHTML:NO]; [self presentModalViewController:picker animated:YES]; [picker...

presentModalViewController is not work in UIScrollView

I add UIViewController in UIScrollview. I add button and presentModalViewController is calling when the button press. [self presentModalViewController:picker animated:YES]; it can't show properly and NavigationItemBar buttons are hidden in UIScrollView and navigationbar is showing in UIScrollView. I also try like that [self.parentVie...

scale a UITableView to fullscreen from inside a UIScrollView

Having failed in trying to puzzle together different sources to any form of coherent approach or concept I turn, once again to the learned people of StackOverflow. My problem is quite specific and maybe that's why I'm having trouble finding information that fits or maybe I just suck at searching. Either way, here goes. I am building an ...

How do I animate a CorePlot plot space using UIScrollView?

I know that one can turn on scrolling in a coreplot plot space as follows: plotSpace.allowsUserInteraction = YES; but this only activates one-to-one finger to graph motion. Is it currently possible to use coreplot with a UIScrollView to achieve the elasticity effects (inertia, deceleration, bounce)? ...

UITextView scroll only horizontally

Hi, I have one line of text that is too long to be displayed in one single line in a UILabel, so I switched to a UITextView. I wanted to display that text still in one line, and be able to scroll horizontally, but instead, the UITextView will wrap the text into multiple lines, and allow me to scroll vertically. So, for the text "This is...

Why does UIScrollView cancel my touches on the iPad, but not on the iPhone?

I have an UIScrollView subclass where I implement all of those 4 touch event handling methods like -touchesBegan:withEvent:, etc. On the iPhone, the tracking works fine. I get plenty of -touchesMoved:withEvent: calls while the finger moves along the scroll view. I've set the self.canCancelContentTouches = NO;. I've also overwritten th...

UIScrollView Rotation Issues

I have a scrollview that automatically generates a series of subviews containing imageviews. The concept is that it's pretty much a custom PDF style reader, where each page is loaded in to an imageview as an image. There are three "layers" - the outer UIScrollView, the automatically generated subViews and the imageview inside the subview...

UIScrollView with Paging

Hi , I am struggling with a problem related to uiscrollview.I need to load 3 images simultaneously into a scrollview like the attached image.If there is only one image the then that image should be shown centrally .If there are two images then first image should be shown centrally and half of the next image should be shown right to it.I...

2 UIScrollView detect current page and loading correct ppage

Hi, First part of the question: Detecting current images being displayed in scrollview A and B i want to place two UIScrollViews in my main view. Very simply done. So ive placed UIScrollView A above UIScrollView B. so it looks like this: Graphical representation ________ | A | ScrollViewA is above ScrollViewB |______| | B |...

Nested UIScrollViews scrolling simultaneously

I have two nested UIScrollViews: the parent limited to horizontal paging and the child limited to vertical scrolling. The content is one large view that can be freely dragged around, but snaps to one of three horizontal sections. The default behavior of the nested scroll views is to only allow scrolling in one direction at a time, but ...

UIButton in UIView in UIScrollView not loading properly

Kinda confusing title but oh well. I have a UIScrollView in my viewController, in that is 3 UIViews with some buttons in each. I download data from a server and populate it into the view and this works as soon as you start scrolling the UIScrollView, but sometimes the buttons only partially load. Usually its the button label without my...

iphone: UIScrollView Paging enabled with NO ZOOM and NO PREVIEW.

hi, i want to implement a UIScrollView where paging is enabled and i can just flick through some images. Thats all i want to be able to do for now. I have done this so far in interface builder: can someone help? I dont know how to do the rest. Can someone please help me with this. I dont need any zooming functionality. I dont want an...

UIImage in IUUmageView in UIScrollView?

Hey folks, i need a little push to the right direction i think. What i want to do is displaying pages of a brochure at the iPad Display and allow the user to flip through the pages (left to right & right to left). The user should also be able to zoom in to articles at the pages. I tried it with laying an UIImage into a UIImageView an...

Implementing a custom UIScrollView

Hi everyone, I'm trying to implement a custom UIView that mimics the behavior of UIScrollView for some reason. And the question is how can I show the proper part of the content which is represented by the contentOffset property? I've analyzed UIScrollView and found that it doesn't adopt any inbetween sublayers or manipulate the bounds ...

how to add a uiscrollview in IB

hello, how is it possible to add an image to be set inside an uiscrollview using just interface builder and no code. i tried simply adding an image into the scrollview and it didnt work. i know this is a really simple answer however i didnt find any IB related help on achieving this ...