
Iphone Dev: Adding two UITableViews in the same UIScrollView

Hey, We have a situation where we are trying to add two UITableViews inside a single UIScrollView. This seemed to be working (the two UITableViews are displayed properly) BUT 1) the data in the second UITableView is always the same as the data in the first one 2) when clicking items in the second UITableView, we get an exception: "unrec...

how do I use UIScrollView in Interface Builder?

While I've used UIScrollView successfully in the past by manipulating it programmatically, I'm having trouble getting it to work by setting it up exclusively in Interface Builder. I have a simple "about" page in my iPhone app. It has a UITextView, some icons, and links to my other apps. I have added all of these views to my UIScroll...

scrollRectToVisible with multiple UIScrollView not working ?!

Hi guys, I've a big issue with "scrollRectToVisible" method, part of UIScrollView class. I've a view with 4 UIScrollView displayed from top to bottom, with paging in the width way : I can browse in them (like the in the "pictures" app, but with 4 images on the same view) i can resize the height of each of them everything works fine N...


Hey guys. I'm creating a 30-35 page comic book and just have been hitting roadblock after roadblock in my journey. 1) I know that I have to create 30-35 different UIScrollviews with the images inside. The problem there is that the autorotation automatically throws half the image off the screen 2) i have no idea where to place this code...

Add buttons under a tableview

Hello, I'm trying to create a view programmatically. The result that i want to have is a scroll view with a tableview inside. And under this table view i want to add some buttons I don't know exactly how to do that i tried this but it doesn't work : - (void)loadView { [super loadView]; tableView = [[UITableView alloc] initWit...

Contents of UIScrollView shifted after dismissing ModalViewController

I have a paged scrollview. Each page has a viewcontroller (buttonViewController) that manages a grid of buttons. If you press one of the buttons, the buttonViewController pops up another viewcontroller (detailViewController) modally. The problem is, when I dismiss the modal view controller, the visible buttonViewController is shifted do...

UIScrollView app crashing in Device but running perfect in simulator

I am working on a photo gallery app. Root view is a navigation controller which takes the user to the thumbnail view. Tapping any thumbnail takes the user to PhotoView which shows the tapped image in full screen. Below is what I have done in my PhotoViewController: The approach is pretty much similar to the ScrollingMadness project whi...

UIScrollView shifts below navigation and status bar

I have view which contains a scrollView. When the view shows up the image appears in full screen (320x480) hiding the status and navigation bar. When I tap the screens - status and navigation bar appears on the screen. But this thing shifts the UIScrollView below the the navigation bar. I want the status and nav bar to show over my scrol...

scrollview scrolls smooth in simulator but not in device?

i have page control sample from apple and using it in my application... in my application scrolling is running smooth in simulator but when installed on device it is not smooth. does someone knows about it? i am also doing some flip animation.it's also not running smoothly ...

ModalViewController doesn't display during animation when paged scrollView is scrolled

My application has a paged scrollview. Each page of the scrollview has an instance of a view controller (buttonViewController) that shows a grid of buttons. If the user clicks on one of the buttons, buttonViewController launches a detailViewController modally, with animation set to YES. If I'm viewing the first page (furthest left) or t...

Selective Autorotation within a UINavigationController and UITabBarController

Greetings! Here's the scenario. Starting with a navigation controller (and no tab bar is present - it is hidden from a previous view controller push), I init a new view controller and push it onto the nav controller stack. This new VC contains a lonesome UIView into which I programmatically add a UIScrollView with the same frame. (I wan...

What is the correct way to show/hide a UIScrollView?

I have an iPhone application that uses a UIScrollView to display a larger version of an image on the main screen. I am using IB to create the main screen that has text, small images, and price about a product. I have it setup to show/hide the UIScrollView if the user touches the small images. It works ok, but things are pretty messing in...

Image in UIScrollView moves offscreen before while zooming

I am working on a photo gallery iPhone app. Approach is fairly inspired from the ScrollingMadness code available on github. I have a scroll view which holds all my image views when in paging mode. When user zooms an image using pinch out gesture, I remove all the image views but the current one - and set the content offset to 0,0 (obvi...

Restrict images in scroll view to stretch when iPhone moved to landscape orientation

I have imageViews as content for in the UIScrollView. If a user is viewing a potrait picture (320x480) and moves the iPhone in landscape orientation - the image stretches to occupy full screen. I want to restrict the image to stretch. I want a functionality similar to the photos app where image is scaled down and shows black strips in le...

how to do smooth scrolling in uiscrollview?

i am using apple's page control sample and showing three different types of views. the scrolling is very slow in device because i am having a uitable a 5 to 7 labels on my view.and everything is updating from database.how do i increase performance of my scrolling behaviour.so that it scrolls very fast in device. ...

managing images in UIScrollView

i'm not understanding where in my code i write in the image names and in what order to appear. Here is my code // load all the images from our bundle and add them to the scroll view NSUInteger i; for (i = 1; i <= kNumImages; i++) { NSString *imageName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"image%d.jpg", i]; UIImage *image = [UIImage imageName...

UIScrollView minimum scale question

I'm having a problem with the UIScrollView when doing zooming operations, which seems to be very simple but I didn't figured out how to solve it. I want an UIScrollView no to exceed the bounds of the content view when zooming out. By reading the Reference Guide i found out the following properties: bounces (A Boolean value that contro...

Is it possible to disable the dragging waiting time in an UIScrollView?

When the user touches into an UIScrollView and wants to scroll, there is a little delay. UIKit tries to find out if the user wanted to touch the content in the scroll view or if the user wanted to scroll. So it waits a moment if the finger moves far enough, and then starts scrolling. Could I tell it that it must start scrolling with no d...

UIScrollView Scroll Distance?

I am trying the scroll images (160x130) horizontally on the screen (portrait). So my pics are half the iphone screen width. I've looked at the scroll example from apple and kind of got it working. I got it to focus on one picture in the middle of the screen and half an image on the left and right. The thing is that because the UIScro...

iphone Consistently Hide Some Text in a UITextView

I have a UITextView that I'm trying to keep hidden from the user, except I'm using it's autocorrect interface so I can't just put it's hidden property to true. Currently I am putting the contentOffset such that it hides the first line of text, however this does not consistently work. Sometimes it does, other times the scroll view re scr...