
Being informed when a zoomToRect: animation completes

In the iPhone 3.0 SDK, how can I be informed when a zoomToRect:animated: animation completes? Sometimes the scrollview doesn't zoom at all (if it's already at the proper zoom level), and there doesn't seem to be a way to detect that. ...

Parent UIScrollview taking precedence over Modal UITableView upon scrolling

I have a main UIScrollView to scroll images - when the user clicks on an image, I'm pushing a new UITableView to display data for that image, etc. I'm doing it with: [self presentModalViewController:controllerTableView animated:YES]; The data in the table view display fine, etc and I can select a cell to even get more details, etc (u...

Why isn't my UIViewController in the responder chain for its view?

I have written a subclass of UIViewController which creates a view programmatically, instead of loading it from a NIB file. It has a simple loadView method: - (void)loadView { UIScrollView *mainScrollView = [[UIScrollView alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]]; self.view = mainScrollView; [mainScrollVi...

Please tell me how to detect ,UIScrollView using a single, double, two-finger taps.

Please tell me how to distinguish,single tap, double tap, two finger tapping on UIScrollview. OS2.0 and OS3.0 must be the same motion。 ...

UIScrollView animation fails to complete on iPhone 3G

I have a UIScrollView that scrolls horizontaly between subViews from user flick gestures or touches on the UIPageControl. Flicks work perfectly on a 3Gs, but often the animation stops short on a 3G, so that the next subView is not centered. A second flick will complete the scroll to the correct position. The animation is flawless on bot...

Is there a way to add AnimationTransition to a scroll view?

I'm playing with apple's pageControl sample, and trying to understand whether I can swap the default 'bouncing' animation happens between the pages with transitions like UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromRight. Thanks, Uri ...

UIView. How do I constrain scaling to one dimension only.

I have an instance of UIScrollview containing an instance of UIView. The UIView is just a container for a horizonal array of UIImageView instances. - Zooming is provided by UIScrollView and UIScrollViewDelegate. I would like to constrain zooming to occur only along the horizontal axis with no vertical scalling at all. How to I do this? ...

Problem with iphone UIImageView in a UIScrollView with rotate, flip and zoom options

Hi, I have a list of images shown in a horizontal scroll view with "flip between" option. This scroll view is inside an tab bar. My requirement is like, when i tap on that image it should rotate 90 degree to horizontal and be shown in fullscreen with animation. This is similar to what we have in default "Photos" application in iphone, ...

Is this a zoom bug in UIScrollView?

In a class that conforms to UIApplicationDelegate and UIScrollViewDelegate I did the following in : - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application { // Created an instance of UIScrollView to house a horizontal strip - along the x-axis - of kNumberOfPages UIViews: scrollView = [[UIScrollView alloc] initWithFram...

How to move through Multiple pages of text using Paging

Hello, I am working on a view that would allow me to display large amounts of text, and to move through it by showing a page at a time and allowing the user to scroll right and left. I thought I could do it by putting a UITextView inside a UIScrollView which has the pagingEnabled property set to YES along with setting the content width...

UIScrollView subviews do NOT maintain correct bounds dimensions under zooming.

I have a view hierarchy as a subview of a UIScrollView instance. The view hierarchy uses a simple container view as a wrapper around a horizontal row of subview tiles each of which is a UIView subclass that overrides drawRect. Nothing fancy. As a sanity check I echo the bounds, frame, and transform of each subview tile. To my astonishme...

Center UIImageView inside UIScrollView without contentInset?

I have been unable to find the answer for this issue I am having. I have a UIImageView inside a UIScrollView, and I would like the center its content vertically. Right now, the only way I have been able to do this is by setting the scroll view's contentInset based on the height of the UIImageView size, but this is not a perfect soluti...

UIScrollView - (bounces = NO) seems to override (pagingEnabled = YES)

I have a UIScrollView with paging in it (so the typical model with a UIPageControl and dragging/flicking left and right between pages), and I've got that working fine. The weird thing is that when I wanted to get rid of bouncing (so that you can't see black behind the UI on the left and right sides), suddenly paging no longer works. In ...

UIScrollView works as expected but scrollRectToVisible: does nothing

HI. I have used UIScrollView before, and am using it now, and never had a problem. I'm now adding it to an old app, and while it works as expected (I can look at the contents, scroll around with my finger, all the bounds and sizes are setup right so there is no empty space in the content, etc.), I just can't get scrollToRectVisible to ...

iPhone UIView Question. How to get notified when a UIView becomes completely hidden?

I have a have a strip of UIViews that slides horizontally behind a UIView "window". Only the UIViews within the bounds of the "window" are seen. As a view becomes hidden I would like to be notified so that I can perform some task with the just hidden view. What is the best way to do this? ...

How can I get the current zoom level in a UIScrollView?

In an attempt to create a workaround for centering an image in a UIScrollView and make it behave as Apple's Photos app does, I need to get the current zoom level and use the number to calculate the amount the image should be inset at each zoom level. (Note: I am aware that some programmers are centering an image in a scrollview by cent...

Possible to "UIScrollView.zoomToRect" and then do UIView animations ?

I have a UIScrollView. I'd like to do some animation with it, but I want to add a neat little animation that basically zooms the UIScrollView back to where it started and then I can do some UIView animation. Is that possible? I have tried to have a button trigger one method with the scrollView.zoomToRect, and this method calls another m...

Using scrollViewDidScroll with multiple UIScrollViews

I have two horizontally scrolling UIScrollViews stacked vertically on top of each other within one ViewController. Each UIScrollView takes up half the screen. I am trying to independently track the position of both UIScrollViews. I have successfully used this to track the position of the top UIScrollView: - (void)scrollViewDidScroll...

What is the correct way to "gang" together and keep in sync a pair os UIScrollViews?

I would like to have a pair of scrollviews - call them scrollA and scrollB - on the screen that work in parallel. When the user scroll/zooms scrollA scrollB mimics that behavior, zooming and panning identically. And vice versa. Is this possible? Thanks in advance. Cheers, Doug ...

UIScrollView bug? float foo = scrollview.zoomScale crashes the app.

In method viewForZoomingInScrollView: of the delegate to my scrollview I do the seemingly innocent: // scrollView is the parameter passed to this method float foo = scrollView.zoomScale Boom! Crash, hello gdb. Is this a known bug? Should I submit it? Cheers, Doug ...