
UIScroll view current position in iphone

Suppose I have a scroll view in a view & a scroll view's size is 320 width, 2000 height. When user scrolls & decelerating stops, I want to know where a scroll view has stopped? i.e. at 300px or 400px or at 600px. Thanks in advance. ...

UIScrollView scrollbar disappearing when using setScrollIndicatorInsets:

I am trying to reposition my scrollbar in a subclass of UIScrollView. According to the API docs this should be as simple as: [gridView setScrollIndicatorInsets:UIEdgeInsetsMake(0,0,0,10)]; However when I pass anything to this setter that is not UIEdgeInsetsZero, the scrollbar completely disappears. The scrollbar I am trying to move...

Preventing touches from being handled by a parent table view

I have a custom table view cell that handles user gestures. However, even if I have exclusiveTouch set to YES, the moment the y value changes by any amount, scolling starts, even if I'm in the middle of handling the touch events. How do I prevent the table from scrolling when I'm handling touch events in the cell? ...

UIPageControl UIScrollView & selection

I have a UIPageControl which has UIScrollView which is the MainWindow.xib On the UIScrollView are a UITextView and a UITableView. The user makes a row selection, moves to the next page and selects another row based on the UITextView. I want none of the row to be selected in a page and when the user makes a row selection, I want the se...

Delegating UIScrollView doesn't work - help needed!

Hi, I'm seriously losing my hair because of simple task which turned to hell. So I have UIScrollView subclass - MyScrollView and UIViewController subclass StoryViewController using that scroll view. I need to know when scroll is scrolled so what do I do? I try to delegate! // StoryViewController.h @interface StoryViewController : UIVie...

How do I implement a draggable UIView subclass within a UIScrollView?

I have a rather tricky scrolling scenerio I need to get sorted. I have a parent UIScrollView with a single container view containing two child UIView subclasses. Call them viewA and viewB. The UIScrollView has been constrained to scroll/zoom horizontally. ViewA and ViewB are layed out as horizontal strips, one above the other. The bounds...

UIScrollView. What is the correct way to allow a subview to receive touch events?

I have a relativeluy simple setup. myScrollView containerView touchSensitiveView passiveView So, touchSensitiveView and passiveView are subviews of containerView which is the only subview of myScrollView, a UIScrollView instance (not a subclass of UIScrollView). touchSensitiveView implements all touch sequence methods: ...

UIScrollView imageViewDidEndZooming not being called

I have this subclass of UIScrollView: @interface MyScrollView : UIScrollView <UIScrollViewDelegate> And I have those delegate methods - (void)scrollViewDidEndZooming:(UIScrollView *)aScrollView withView:(UIView *)view atScale(float)aScale{ NSLog(@"zoomed"); } - (UIView *)viewForZoomingInScrollView:(UIScrollView *)aScrollView{ ...

Predicting the resting offset in a UIScrollView after deceleration

I would like to be able to predict the final resting offset within a UIScrollView after a flick gesture. It doesn't need to be pixel-accurate, but close enough so that the user does not perceive a difference (i.e. it doesn't move excessively less or more than they are used to). I know someone will ask, so: Why? I have a table view-like ...

Why no animation in PageControl project?

I'm using the PageControl project, which is on Apple's dev site. I've added a flip view to the project and an info icon to the top right of each view/page. For some reason, only the first page is able to animate the flipping. Page 2 on still shows the flipped page but does not animate. To make sure it isn't anything special about pag...

Apply barrel distortion to UIView

I've got a UIScrollview which fills a landscape screen, which contains a small tree of UIViews around inside it which I can scroll horizontally. I'd like to apply a barrel distortion to the scrollview, so that as the subviews move from the outside to the centre of the scrollview, they change shape. What is a good what to go about applyi...

How can a superview interecept a touch sequence before any of its subviews?

I have a view hierarchy that is layed out as follows: parentView scrollView contentViewA containerView contentViewB contentViewC I want contentViewB to respond to touches. Unfortunately scrollView makes this almost impossible because it tries to ingest the touches itself making touch response of content...

Paging UIScrollView in increments smaller than content size

I have a scroll view that is the width of the screen but only about 70 pixels high. It contains many 50 x 50 icons (with space around them) that I want the user to be able to choose from. But I always want the scroll view to behave in a paged manner, always stopping with an icon in the exact center. If the icons were the width of the s...

UIScrollView touchesBegan

So all I wanna do is play a sound when the user touches a UIScrollView. The UIScrollViewDelegate has that scrollViewWillBeginDragging: method but it only gets called on touchMoved. I want it to get called on touchBegan. Tried touchesBegan:withEvent: but it doesn't receive any touch. Anyone has a clue? ...

iPhone UIScrollView problem

Hello, I have UIScrollView in my view. Problem is that if I slightly scroll it than also it scrolls automatically to down, I mean scrolling does not stop at particular stage. ...

ScrollView with selected page

Hi, I have a scrollViewWith size width=320x10 and height=460. I add 10 images of size width=320 and height=460 in scrollview with paging enabled. Now I can scroll the from 1st image to 10th image by scrolling. when scrollView show, it is always showed from the 1st page. I want to show initially any random page of the scrollView, such th...

Touch to slide-up uiscrollview

Hi all, My project is tabbarcontroller base, and when the launch the app, there will have one uiscrollview with an image as background which is place above tabbar. And user tap on that image, whole scrollview will slide up and user allow to tap on icon on that scrollview. Have any ideal? thanks. sheon screen shoot: www.freeimagehosti...

UIScrollView only works if the child views aren't hit

I have a scroll view that doesn't scroll right, I've simplified the code for below. It draws the view and some horizontal buttons that i add more stuff to in the real code. If you drag the whitespace between the buttons the view scrolls. If you happen to put your finger on a button, it won't scroll. After a related suggestion, I tried...

UIScrollView Infinite Scroll?

Does anyone have any idea how I can go about creating an infinite scroll. A good example of this is in the 4 Track iPhone app. There are scrollable "wheels" above the track numbers and below the time indicator. I'm assuming it's using UIScrollView and then drawing the subview as they are scrolled into to view. Any tips? ...

Can I call -indexPathsForVisibleRows after scrolling UITableView without subclassing?

After each scroll (however large or small) of a UITableView, I would like to call -indexPathsForVisibleRows to run a method on the data that corresponds to visible cells. Are there any existing notifications or delegate methods I can tap into when a UITableView is scrolled? I'd like to avoid subclassing. EDIT I ended up subscribing t...