
On Cancel Pressed of UISearchBar - Fire Custom Action in iPhone

As given in the picture, I have an search bar in my application. Now I want to handle my custom action on Cancel Taped. -> On Cancel Taped -> PopViewController -> On Cancel Taped -> Clear Search Text & Hide Search Bar Keyboard. I don't know how to handle Cancel Tap? Thanks in advance for helping me. ...

Animate adding/removing UISearchBar to/from UITableView tableViewHeader

I have a subclass of UITableViewController. I have code that can add/remove a UISearchBar to/from the tableHeaderView of my tableView. Here's the code I have to perform these tasks: self.tableView.tableHeaderView = uiSearchBar; //Make the search bar appear self.tableView.tableHeaderView = nil; //Make the search bar disappear The probl...

Iphone Search Bar clear button crashing app

I'm working on an iPhone app with a search function, where writing search terms in a UISearchBar changes (filters) the output of the UITabelView below. When user is editing the content of the search bar and deletes all of the text, the following code is executed in - (void)searchBar:(UISearchBar *)searchBar textDidChange:(NSString *)se...

Showing UISearchBar "X" within text field vs. adjacent Cancel button

I know I can set showsCancelButton to NO for a UISearchBar ... until you tap the search bar text field, and then the cancel button appears anyway! (At least it does for me.) Is there a way to show the "X" in a circle within the UISearchBar text field vs. having that separate Cancel button show up adjacent to it? Note that this button on...

Activating UISearchBar upon selecting a Tab Bar Item - Help or Hindrance?

I'm working on an app where I've been asked to add a UITabBarItem to our app's Tab Bar with its own dedicated Search function. This is in addition to the built-in searches already throughout the app (by tapping other UITabBarItems and searching other UITableViews). Now, the first thing that comes to mind is the Apple Human Interface Gui...

UISearchBar text color

Browsed the documentation and I couldn't find anything to change the color of UISearchBar. Does anybody know how to change it? There isn't any textColor property :/ Thx ...

Can't get search bar to display in iphone application

Hi, I've trying to get a search bar to display in my application. I'm following the example show in the TableSearch sample application. I've more or less implemented it exactly the same way apart from the data. I however can never seem to get the actual search bar to display. The only other difference between my app and the TableSea...

UISearchBar Bookmarks

Does anyone have a good sample of storing bookmarks for a UISearchBar? What's the most elegant way to store this? Any sample code would be appreciated. ...

Dynamically Changing Keyboard Type for a UISearchBar

I have an iPhone app that uses a UISearchBar and UISearchDisplayController. The search bar has three scope buttons. I would like the keyboard to be a numeric keypad when a particular scope button is selected, but be a default keyboard when any other scope button is selected. I have implemented the UISearchBarDelegate selectedScopeButt...

iPhone Text entry with completion and DONE button (not search)

Using iPhone SDK 3.0, I wish to allow text entry with (optional) completion options that appear as typing is occurring, i.e. also allowing freeformat entry. As such I am using a UISearchBar (which has the text change events) and a UISearchDisplayController to present options. The problems is I want the DONE button to say DONE and not S...

UISearchBar and UINavigationItem

I can't seem to get a UISearchBar to position itself from the far left to the far right in the navigation bar. In the -(void)viewDidLoad method, I have the following code: `UISearchBar *sb = [[UISearchBar alloc] initWithFrame:self.tableView.tableHeaderView.frame]; sb.delegate = self; self.navigationItem.titleView = sb; [sb sizeToFit]; [...

UISearchBAR scopeBar tintColor

Hi, Has anyone managed to color the scopebar portion of a UISearchBar, it has a tintColor property but setting it does not affect the attached scopebar UISegmentedControl. Ive got a handle on the bar to tint it but doesnt seem to work ie: for (id subview in searchBar.subviews){ if([subview isMemberOfClass:[UISegmentedControl class]])...

hide UISearchBar below UINavigationBar after cancelButton was called

I'm typically using [self.tableView setContentOffset:CGPointMake(0,40)]; in order to hide the UISearchBar (that I set as header of the tableView) below the navigationBar. Everything works well in viewDidLoad: the searchBar is below the navigationBar when the view is loaded. Then I put the same line of code [self.tableView setContentOffs...

Clicking in UISearchBar causes memory leak

I have been getting a weird memory leak and i just pinpointed what is causing. I am using a utility application that has a main view and a flipside view. When you are on the flipside view you are able to present another modal view by clicking a plus button. This view has a UISearchBar and UITableView. When clicking on the UISearchBar...

bubble of selected item while searching in UISearchBar like in mail app

I would like to implement something close to what happen in mail app in iphone when you enter new address in "To:" field: when you start searching a list of matching addresses appear (this I know how to do) and when you select one then a bubble with the address appears and you can go on adding addresses (this I don't know hot to do). An...

Help With UISearchBar Methods

So I'm having trouble implementing a search bar in my app. The methods find the filtered items but for some reason they won't show up in my tableview. I think it has something to do with adding the objects to the filteredListContentArray. What object should I be adding for this to work. Here's my code: { [self.filteredListContent rem...

Search bar delegate - difference between searchBarShouldBeginEditing / searchBarTextDidBeginEditing?

What's the difference between them? In my experimentation, they seem to get called during the same action - once the user taps the search bar to bring up the keyboard. This is despite the user not having editing the actual text yet. Which seems to call searchBar:textDidChange. But that gets called for each change, not just once at the be...

iPhone UISearchBar & keyboardAppearance

When the keyboard appears, I want to set the keyboardAppearance = UIKeyboardAppearanceAlert I've checked the documentation and it looks like you can only change the keyboardType. Can this be done without violating any of Apple's private API's ? ...

Setting clearButtonMode for UISearchBar

Haven't looked at this in a while, so I could be misremembering, but I thought it was possible to set the clearButtonMode of a UISearchBar without walking the subviews to find the UITextField instance. I'm looking now and not seeing anything, so it's entirely possible that I was hallucinating. ...

UISearchBar in a UITableView

I'm trying to mimic the behaviour of a table view like one in the iPod app for Artists - it's a sectioned table view with a section index on the right and with a search bar at the top, but initially hidden when view shown. I am using sdk 3.1.2 and IB, so simply dragged a UISearchDisplayController in to my NIB - it does wire everything u...