
How can I create dynamically updated views in a tab bar view, based on settings selection?

Hi all, Noob question.... I've created a Tab Bar application. It has four tabs and works fine. Each view is created with a XIB and is effectively static. Each view takes user input and responds on screen. What I need to be able to do is change the input options the user have - in effect remove some UITextFields dependant upon which o...

Change the color of a Tabbar on the iPhone

Our designers want to change the color of the default UITabBar. Of course they do. They want the background to be green, and the icon highlights to be white, as opposed to the black/blue default color scheme. Anyone have any experience or suggestions to do this? ...

Last row in UITableView is obscured by UITabBar

I have a UITabBarController that has a list of UINavigationControllers assigned to the 'viewControllers' property. Each UINavigationController has a custom UIViewController as its 'rootController' and this custom UIViewController loads its 'view' from a .xib file. This 'view' contains a UITableView (and some other controls that are disp...

How can I load a NIB that isn't a view in a UITabViewController?

I want to load a nib that isn't a view in a UITabViewController. Here's what I have now and it isn't working, but it should give you an idea of what I want: - (IBAction)PlaylistButtonPressed:(id)sender { MusicPick *music = [[MusicPick alloc] initWithNibName:@"MusicPick" bundle:nil]; [self.view addSubview:music.view]; [mus...

iPhone - creating a loading view

When the app is in one view controller, I want to add a view to simulate that data is being loaded when I click my tab bar controller to open another view controller. Example: When I the app is in the recorder-view, I want it to show a loading view (a view with a activity indicator) when I change to the list of recorded files (which can ...

Switch between UITabBarController and UINavigationController

The main functionality of my app is controlled by a UITabBarController. However, I need to load a View that has a UINavigationController. When I return to my UITabBarController using self.tabBarController.selectedViewController = [self.tabBarController.viewControllers objectAtIndex:0]; My UITabBarController no longer responds ...

View Controllers: How to switch between views programmatically?

In short: I want to have two fullscreen views, where I can switch between view A and view B. I know I could just use an Tab Bar Controller, but I dont want to. I want to see how this is done by hand, for learning what's going on under the hood. I have an UIViewController that acts as an root controller: @interface MyRootController : UI...

iPhone Dev: Reload data of a table view from a child controller and another controller in a TabBar

Hi, I'm implementing a notes manager application which has a tableView in a tabBar where the main information of its notes is displayed. When accessing to one note, you can edit its properties. In one button of the tabBar you can choose the way the notes are displayed in the tableView. The problem I have is that I don't know how to re...

Cocoa Touch UITabBar action on tab switch

I have a UITabBar with a number of UITabBarItems. I've assigned a different view controller to each of these. I want to load some data etc., when each button is clicked. Therefore I will like to know where to put that code? I tried implementing viewWillAppear and viewDidLoad in the view controller but those didn't get called. ...

UIToolBar with UITableView - TableView is not refreshing when loaded

The UIToolBar has two views, a UIView w/UITextViews and a UIView w/UITableView. The UITableView that gets called via a UIToolBar. The first time the UITableView loads, it hits the DB and gets the info. I "tab" back to the UIView w/UITextViews select some data, and then "tab" back to the UITableView, but none of the delegate methods get ...

iPhone tab bar - how to change to another tab without touching a tab on the bottom.

I have a tab bar setup and I want to be able to let the user change options and after the last one is selected or by pressing a button on the view, be able to automatically switch to another tab. Simply, I have 4 tabs setup and on one, I pick an option or press a button and I want it to switch to the other tab. I have the tab bar on th...

iPhone GUI like the build-in iPod application

Need a GUI with many tabs (TabBarController and UITabBar) and one fullscreen view, e.g. a view with player in the native iPod app. It's possible to show last from any tab. Currently use last iPhone SDK 3.0. I tried many approaches, e.g. create Utility and put TabBarController on the flipside, but it throw an exception, because of there ...

how to set image for uitabbarcontroller in cocoa code

Hi I am creating a tab bar controller in xcode and not in interface builder. the titles of the views in the tabs set the titles in the tabs but I'm unsure how to set images. Can anyone help? ...

how to set individual tabbaritem icons in uitabbarcontroller in cocoa

I was answered how to set images in general for a uitabbarcontroller. however my uitabbarcontroller is an array of views that looks like: tabBarController = [[UITabBarController alloc] init]; viewTab1controller = [[ViewTab1Controller alloc] initWithNibName:@"ViewTab1" bundle:nil]; viewTab1controller.title = @"Sched...

Autorotate view inside UITabBarController and UINavigationController

My main view controller is a UITabBarController, with 4 UINavigationControllers as the tab bar items. Each navigation bar is a couple of different views that get pushed onto it's stack. I have a single view that I want autorotated, but I can't get willAnimateFirstHalfOfRotationToInterfaceOrientation to be called within that view contro...

iPhone Using a Modal View from a TabBar View

Using a Modal View from a TabBar View I always get the following error: Error from Debugger: Previous Frame identical to this frame (gdb could not unwind past this frame) I have an App using a TabBar. From one of the TabViews I need to display a View modally. I try: if(self.gmailController == nil) { self.gmailController = [[GMail...

Tab Bar Item Images Invisible in MoreNavigationController with Black Background

I have a Tab Bar (UITabBarController) application with a "More" View Controller because of having more than 5 views. The rest of my application has a black background and white text, and I have been able to customize this table to match this. As a result of this however, the Tab Bar images that normally appear on the left side of the "Mo...

How are the 2 View Controllers wired to the tabBarController in iPhoneRecipes

I am learning iPhone programming by reviewing the iPhone Recipes sample application. I am puzzled with how the two view controllers are wired to the tab bar. If they are wired in the XIB, can anyone explain how it is done or where I can get more visually aided details on connecting things in the XIBs. This is my starting point in the l...

iPhone UITabbar item double-click pops controllers

Hi there, just found out something: If you have a Tabbar combined with a NavigationController (that has some views on it's stack) and you double click the TabBarItem, the view pops to the first ViewController, whether you like it or not. Is there a way to prevent this? ...

Hide an UITabBar when Orientation change

Hello, I have a quite simple question but the answer is not so easy. I want to hide a UITabBar when my orientation change. I looked 2 ways : Frame way myAppDelegate.tabBarController.tabBar.frame = CGRectMake(<<bottomOfScreen>>); Works fine but I have a blank area, so tried to play with tabBarController.view.frame et myViewControlle...