
Adding UITabBar in a UIViewController

Hi All, I have a View Based application template project and I want to load a UITabBar when the user presses a button in the view. The tab contains 2 tables. I tested this thing that is UITabBar with 2 tables on a windows based application and it works there, but when I tried to have it with the a View Based Application I am only able t...

Tab Bar controller

How many tab I can add on one tab bar controller ? ...

MFMailViewController Not Working.

Hi, I have a View Based application and I have added a UITableView in the view with navigation bar and tab bar. But now when I try to add the MFMailViewController on the same view when there is no table or tab bar it does not work at all. I am using the following the code to add MFMailViewController MFMailComposeViewController *mai...

Change tabbar size and color iphone

Hi all, They say that Apple doesn't let apps with custom tabbar color or height in. Is it true? I want to change the height of both navigationbar as well as tabbar in my application. Is it ok? Thanx in advance. ...

Click a tab of tabbarController by programming

i have 2 tab buttons with Nib files.... and i have a button on tab1 ..on pressing it i want to show tab 2's view (not click on tabbar button2)..means i want to click second tabbar button through programming... how can i do it ....is it possible ? ...

How to push uiviewcontroller over tabbarcontroller

I have a tabbar app. each tab has uinavigationcontroller. but all navigationcontroller's Shows Navigation Bar value is NO. i control the which navgation control is active in -(void)tabBarController:(UITabBarController *)tabBarController didSelectViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController event in AppDelegate. Then i the user ...

Achieving tabbarcontroller behaviour without tabBar?

Hi Basically my app lends itself perfectly to a tabbarcontroller, but I do not want to use the default tab bar. Instead I have created nice graphical drawings of tabs which I want to use as the controls for my app... Does anyone know of the best way to do this? Am I goin to have to write all the functionality for my control from scratch...

View reloding problem inside TabbarController in IPHONE

hi iam currently working in IPHONE application ,in which NavigationController is a rootViewcontroller . AppDelegatefile:== UINavigtionController *nav=[[UINavigationController alloc]initWithRootviewcontroller:ViewController]; [window addsubView:nav.view]; After navigating 5 screen(view) later my application need tabbar controller, s...

tab bar controller and placing objects

I'm using a Tab Bar Controller in Interface Builder with 3 navigation controllers. IB is not allowing me to put more than one object in a view controller. For instance, I can't place both an image and a rect button or two images etc... anyone know if i'm making a mistake here? i hope i explained it clearly enough. i've attached a scree...

iphone tab bar app view life cycle question

This is probably a stupid question with an easy answer. I'm new to iOS dev and this is killing me. I have a basic tab bar app. The app loads the initial tab upon launch and it is a tableview controller. The data for this tableview is supplied by a datacontroller where it creates an array from data fetched from the internet. When I firs...

What's the best way to get a bool value from a detailViewController?

In my navigation based app, there is a button that if pressed, will change the view to a detailViewController. Here the user can set several options. One of those options is a bool value. When I return from the detailViewController how can I see what this bool value is? ...

Can I re-purpose a UITabBar button as a normal button?

What I'd like to do is have 3 or 4 buttons on a UITabBar. All except one of these behave as normal UTabBar buttons - ie they switch between different views. But I'd like one of the tab bar buttons to perform a function - refresh the app's data - without switching views… Is this at all possible? ...

An instance of NSFetchedResultsController requires a non-nil fetchRequest and managedObjectContext

Hi, I'm trying to use core data inside an iphone application, but when I launch the application I get this error: *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'An instance of NSFetchedResultsController requires a non-nil fetchRequest and managedObjectContext' The code is this: #import "CocktailC...

Setting custom UITabBarItem programatically?

In iOS, the TabBar property in the TabBarController is read only. How can I associate a custom item with a particular view controller? How do I access the UITabBarItems inside the tabBar? Like this CustomView *custom = [[CustomView alloc] init]; UITabBarItem *customTab = [[UITabBarItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Custom" image:[UIImage im...

UITabBarController is slow in responding to touches

I have a UIViewController that contains a UITabBarController with three tabs (each tab being a UINavigationController). The problem that I am having is that in the simulator and the device, going from one tab to another takes a few seconds. I do not (yet) have a way to measure how long it takes, however, it is noticeable. I wanted to ...

Custom tabbar below navigationcontroller issue iphone

Hi all, I have created a custom scrollable tabbar [scrollview with buttons over it] below navigationcontroller. I have two tabbars already in standard tabcontroller at the bottom. For the standard bottom tabs, I have created two navigationcontrollers in xib with two different nibs for both. I'm loading a tableview in one of the lower ta...

How to change UITabBarController More button's title?

I have a Tab Bar app. The app has 8 UITabBarItems and the More button is added automatically. I want to change the title from More to something else. I have already tried the following: tabbarController.moreNavigationController.tabBarItem.title=@"Test"; But it still displays "More". No error. No changes. How can I change the "More" ...

Native UIControls with jqTouch

Hi there, After experimenting with a bunch of javascript tabbars (most fail when using forms), i've decided it might be a good idea to go native. Would anyone know how to incorporate native UIControls (tabbar & header) in a jqTouch app. I'd still need to retain control of the 'back' and 'info' buttons in the header. Thanks! Glen ...

UITabBarcontroller is unresponsive

I have noticed several times that the UITabController is not very responsive to touches on the individual tabs. What I did to show this is I implemented the following method from the UITabBarControllerDelegate and saw every time it got fired: - (void)tabBarController:(UITabBarController *)tabBarController didSelectViewController:(UIVie...

UITabBarController item with diffrent width than others

hi is there a way to give one tabbaritem in UITabBarController more width then the others. by default they are all sized the same. thanks Alex ...