
How to init UIViewController orientation of a TabBar ?

Hi I have an iPad application with a TabBar , each item of my TabBar is a ViewController that contains a WebView. When the iPad is in landscape mode and I launch my application, the first ViewController (or item) shows me the webview in landscape mode. But the others ViewControllers/items are still in portrait mode. I have to rotate to...

how to use same UIView in tabs?

hi everybody, i have a small UIView, i fill it with some string data from net. i want to it load just once. thats why i call it in appdelegate class. CurrencyView *currView; @property (nonatomic, retain)CurrencyView *currView; in application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: CurrencyView *view=[[CurrencyView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRect...

UITabBarController skin?

Is it possible to skin the tab bar similarly to the Game Center tab bar? How so? ...

How to insert SplitViewController inside of TabbarController using IB?

is it possible ? i try to add it but it can not put inside of TabbarController, or it need to coding instead? ...

How do I hid the UITabBarView when loading some view?

Hey, I'm developing an iPhone app, where I have a UITabBarController that has a UINavigationController for each TabBarItem. I want, after some level of navigation, to hide the TabBar, and to replace it with a full screen view, just like the iPod application, the TabBar hides when you reach the media player, and returns when you get bac...

Passing parameters to UITabBar Views

I have a TabBar with 4 tabs, 2 of the tabs are the same class, and come from the same nib, and will only made different by the parameter they are passed. However I can not work out how to do this parameter passing, since the init'ing and switching of these views are done automatically by the tabbar controller. I can think of a few ways...

Setting a navigationBar title

I currently have my navigation controllers defined in my appDelegate as followed (code summarized): - (void) applicationDidFinishLaunching { tabBarController = [[UITabBarController alloc] init]; FlagList *flagList = [[FlagList alloc] initWithApiCall:API_PUBLICTIMELINE andTitle:@"Home"]; UITabBarItem *homeTab = [[UITabBarItem a...

Programmatically selecting tab and modifying navigation view

Hello, consider a tab bar controller whose tabs are implemented by navigation controllers. Given the action of the user on tab A, I first need to programmatically select tab B, pop to its navigation's root view controller, do some modifications therein and push another view controller onto the stack. However the naive approach tabBarCo...

how to customize More Tabbar on iPhone?

after i have add 6 or more tabbar on the InterfaceBuilder it will automatically generate More Tab. how to customize look and feel of it ? eg Navigation bar color. ...

iphone sdk: How do i hide the tabBar in my UITabBarController?

Hi, My application consists out of a tabbarcontroller and inside i got multiple navigationControllers. Now i want to hide the bottom bar of the tabbarcontroller from the start because the buttons on the bottom bar lead to features inside the application which are just not ready yet so i dont't want the user to see them. How do i do this...

UITabBarController and UINavigationController Interaction

I have an app with a tab bar with two tabs. One tab displays a UINavigationController, the other a UIViewController that I have customized. What I have noticed is that if switch tabs to the UINavigationController tab then navigate a few levels deep in UITableViews, if I click on the current tab on the UITabBar the UINavigationControlle...

Hiding UITabBar when showing UIViewController as modal.

I've got a UIViewController that has a modal window which I'd like to present over the entire interface, including the UITabBar. My application hierarchy is this: UITabBarController (A) -> UIViewController (B) -> UINavigationController (C) -> UIViewController (D) -> UIViewController (my modal vie...

Pre-load image in inactive UITabBarController

I have a UITabBarController that holds serveral tabs of which one tab (third Tab, inactive at startup) contains a very large image. Since I want to allow quick reaction time once the app is running, I want to load the image during App startup. How can I "pre-load" this third tab when the app is started without displaying it? I though...

Automatically FirstView controller calls second view controller in viewdidAppear.

Hi friends, I am using 2 views in navigation controller in a tab bar. In that First view controller in navigation should automatically call the second view controller without showing First view controller ( by pushing pushviewcontroller on viewdidAppear). The issue is when i click on the tab bar on first time it goes to Second view...

Transition between a standard view and UITabBarController view?

What is the cleanest way to set up a structure where you have an initial standard, full screen UIView, which transitions to a Tab Bar view? ...

How to get rid of 'more...' button in tab bar app?

hello. ive searched for 2 weeks solid on this and cant find an answer. ive posted on a couple of other sdk forums and nobody seems to have a clue... i am building a tab bar app and i want to have 6 pages with 6 icons on the tab bar at the bottom. by default if you add more than 4 icons to the tab bar, when you build the app you get the ...

Using a view controller both as modal view controller and as a tab bar view controller

I have a view controller alike contacts in iPhone. The code is something like this, tabBarController = [[UITabBarController alloc] init]; friendsVC = [[RemittanceFriendsVC alloc] initWithNibName:@"RemittanceFriendsView" bundle:nil]; friendsVC.friendsArray = [[RemittanceModel getInstance] friends]; UINavigationController *friendsNVC = [...

Tabbar for views without tabbar items iPhone application

Hi, I am trying to use the tab bar controller in order to have a home view load with the tabbar items at the bottom but does not create a tab bar item for the home view. I managed to create views, display the tab bar on these views and create a respective tabbar item but I do not know how to NOT create the tabbar item. thanks - hope thi...

pushViewController doing nothing in multiple tab app?

Hi all, I have a window based iPhone application with multiple tabs and a navigation bar controller which appears on all these tabs. It's a weather/climate app, so I want the user to first choose a city, then be presented with weather info in each tab for that city (they can go back to the city select from any tab using the navigation ba...

Overlay a view over whole screen, when using UITabBarController?

I want to overlay a HUD-style transparent graphic over the entire screen in a UITabBarController setup. The button to do this is in the first tab's screen (FirstViewController), and the overlay should also cover the tabs... is this possible? ...