
how to add uinavigation controller to tabbar based application

Hello everybody. i am making a tabbar based app. but the problem is i have several views like login view and a tableview that has to be shown before the tabbar view. My problem is if take a tabbar based application it dosnt have a navigation controller, so when i want to push the another viewcontroller from the tableview controller it is...

UIView frame when navigation bar and tab bar controller exist

I am creating a UIView programatically in loadView. The application has a UITabBarController and UINavigationController. How do I create a view that automatically resizes when a tab bar and a navigation bar both exist? My current approach to this problem is calculating the heights of the navigation and tab bar controllers and subtracti...

iPhone UITabBarController and rotating views

Hi All, I'm currently trying to implement UIOrientation in my app and it works well so far for each individual ViewController. However, if I... Load View 1 and set it to portrait. Then go to view 2. Then rotate the phone to landscape. Then go back to view 1. The view in view 1 is still in portrait mode and falling off the bottom of th...

using tabBar Delegate methods from tabBarController.

Hi I have a tabBarController,I want to use the delegate method of tabBarDelegate not of the tabBarControllerDelegate.i.e; I want to use - (void)tabBar:(UITabBar *)tabBar didSelectItem:(UITabBarItem *)item I am doing this: self.tabBarController.tabBar.delegate = self; and then using the above method but the problem is that the above...

Present UIView on top of UITabBar

I am drawing a custom view (UIDatePicker) over my table view which is nested within a UITabBarController. When I add my custom view as below, it gets clipped by the tab bar. [self.view addSubview:customDateView]; Does anyone have a recommendation on how to go around this? Can I hide the tab bar? Thanks in advance, Ricky. ...

white space on top of UITabBarController

I need to add a UITabBarController as subView. But I can't remove the white space on top. Does anybody know a solution? Thanks, Andreas ...

TabBar Controllers iphone

Hey Guys, Can you please explain me how to add a tab bar controller to the UIViewController..I think I have problem doing this..please help me..this is what I did so far..I added tab bar controller from IB and created a IBOutlet and made connections from file's owner to the Tab bar controller I added..when I run the app it displays a wh...

IBoutlet MapKit crashing Tab Bar Controller Application

Hello, I've been trying to make a tab bar application that needs a tab with a Map. Pretty simple. Well, when I add an IBOutlet to it, the application crashes indicating an: * Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSUnknownKeyException', reason: '[ setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key...

Determining which UIViewController subclass that a UITabBar Item belongs to

I have a UITabBarController instansiated in my appDelegate, but I need a way to know when the user presses the different tab bar items (buttons on the tab bar). -UITabBarDelegate protocol to the rescue (with the required didSelectViewController-method)! With everything wired up in Interface Builder, how do I obtain a reference to the ...

UITabBar selected tint color

I need to change uitabbar selected tint color from blue to yellow. How can i do it??? Can any one help me with this?? ...

Page Curl in a Tab Bar Item

I have a three item Tab Bar which works fine. On occasion I need to switch to a view not from the Tab Bar item but via an IBAction (button press) instead. Again this works fine with [self.tabBarController setSelectedIndex:1]; I want to switch to this view however with a PageCurlu transition effect. I use this to do it: EstimateControlle...

MoreNavigationController images disappearing on select

I have a UITabBarController which has been created programatically, which has 6 tabs. As such the MoreNavigationController is automatically created to take care of having more than 5 tabs. Everything looks fine when the MoreNavigationController is displayed, but when I select one of these rows to push the view controller on to the stack,...

How to push to new view controller from modal view that implements UITabBarController.

A view is presented modally: [self presentModalViewController:modalNavController animated:YES]; This view uses a UITabBarController with 4 elements. One of these elements, "Info" has a button that's only visible if its available. If the button is clicked, it needs to push to another view controller, but I'd also like to maintain the...

How to make a tab bar application from scratch

How do you make a tab bar application from scratch, using Interface Builder? Is there a tutorial that shows how to do this? So far I've figured out that you need to start with a Windows-based application. Then do you open MainWindow.xib and add the tab bar controller there? ...

One xib file or multiple xib files

I made a tab bar application that has only one xib file. If you have have made tab bar applications before then you probably know what I did so I don't really have to explain it. I deleted the two xib files and used MainWindow.xib. I just added views to each tab bar button and assigned view controllers to each of them. So now I have a t...

Bug in UITabBarController?

Hey guys, Something very strange is happening to me. I've been double and triple checking myself. I'm using a UITabBarController, and initializing it with 4 different view controllers. However, for some reason, when the application starts, only the first tab bar image is displayed. It's only when I touch the blank part of the tab bar - ...

how to hide tabbar while pressing tab bar item?

Hi, In my application tab bar controller is used to show more than one views.I want to hide the Tab bar at the time of pressing first tab bar item. But,I don't know how to do this...Plz help me to do this... Thank You, Renya ...

UITabBar(Controller) - Get index of tapped?

Hi all, I've got a tab bar application and I need to know when and what button a user taps on the tab bar as to display the appropriate notifications and such. In short: How would I go about detecting the index of a tapped UITabBarItem on a UITabBar? Thanks in advance! ...

Custom UITabBarController

Hi All, I want to customize the look and feel of the tab bar of a UITabBarController. I want to change the colors, the way the icon looks when they are selected, and also, most important of all, I want to reduce the size of the custom toolbar. My approaches for this and the hurdles in it are: A) The first solution which came to my min...

Iphone: Unhiding a Tab bar and Navigation Bar after Navigation

I have a UItabbarController and inside the first tab a UINavigationController. In interface builder I have set the tab bar and navigation bar as hidden. When the first screen loads up (which is a UIVewcontroller in the Uinaviagtioncontroller of the first tab) I set an NStimer for 2 seconds. After which it navigates to a second view. Now...