
Changing the delete accessory view in a UITableViewCell

Is it possible to change the view shown in response to a left to right "I want to delete this row" swipe in a UITableView's UITableViewCell? Currently the 'delete' button seems to ignore all of the other UITableViewCell customisation options. ...

How to access UITableView subview selection

I've created a UIViewController (AnestDrugCalcViewController) that has a button that opens a UITableViewController (DrugTableViewController) to select a drug. The DrugTableViewController is populated based on a NSMutableArray and is made up of several NSDictionary objects (drugName, drugDose, drugConcentration, etc.). I'm able to open D...

Offset when displaying an UITableView

I display an UITableView, and from time to time, the first row appears at the bottom of the view. There is nothing above the first row, and the empty space isn't touchable. So far, I've checked: headerView of tableView : is empty use plain UITableViewCells check the rowHeight of the cells check the frame of the cells when the bug hap...

EXEC_BAD_ACCESS upon re-loading a UIViewController containing a UITableView

I get an EXEC_BAD_ACCESS when executing the following steps: STEP 1: Click on "Scores" button from a Main Menu: This Removes the Menu (UIView), and loads the Scores (UIView) which subsequently initiates the process of populating a UITableView with values. No problems here. self.viewController4 = [[ScoresViewController alloc] in...

Last row in UITableView is obscured by UITabBar

I have a UITabBarController that has a list of UINavigationControllers assigned to the 'viewControllers' property. Each UINavigationController has a custom UIViewController as its 'rootController' and this custom UIViewController loads its 'view' from a .xib file. This 'view' contains a UITableView (and some other controls that are disp...

Change uitablelview properties in subclass in viewdownload method in cocoa?

I've been following a tutorial that manipulates a uitableview from a uiviewcontroller to generate nicely styled cells. I was wondering is it possible to do same to a class that subclasses uitablewcontroller instead of uiviewcontroller. The user uses code like: tableView.rowHeight = 50; tableView.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearC...

Cocoa: Why is my table view blank?

Why is my table view blank? It was fine until I added "initWithStyle" Here is what it looks like: And here is what my code looks like: Here is my .h: #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface TableViewController : UITableViewController { NSMutableArray *jokes; IBOutlet UITableView *jokeTableView; } @property (nonatomic, retain) NSM...

Saving reference to UITableViewCell

I have 5 cells in a tableview that are all custom. Meaning, I've created a xib with a tableviewcell and created a corresponding cellController. The xib has two labels named name and size. The user taps a row, triggering didSelectRowAtIndexPath. From there a timer is started. At some point the timer finishes. Here I need to assign te...

Resetting custom UITableViewCell height when iPhone is rotated

I am overloading the delegate method -tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath: and using -sizeWithFont:constrainedToSize: to programmatically set the height of the cell, based on the text in that cell: - (CGFloat) tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { switch (indexPath.section) { case(kAbo...

Remove white line next to reorder control on grouped UITableViewCell

I've built a custom UI for my table that has a darker UI and a custom accessoryView. When I put the table into editing mode, there is a white line to the left of the reorder control that I can't seem to get rid of. tableView:accessoryTypeForRowWithIndexPath: doesn't seem to be appropriate for getting rid of it since I'm not using a s...

Using a UITableView subclass with a UITableViewController

Hi, How can I tell my UITableViewController to use my custom UITableView subclass for it's tableView instead of a regular UITableView? Many thanks, Michael ...

Correctly Rotating a UITableView with Transform without messing around with Interface Builder

UiTableView does not provide Horizontal Scrolling in landscape mode. My UiTableView is not full screen (So I cannot just use it horizontal mode while rotating my content, which are pictures) I found that to rotate my UiTableView using Transforms.. I have to position it in Interface Builder in some weird position so that when rotated, ...

How do I display a placeholder image when my UITableView has no data yet?

Hi, I have an application that, on load, displays a UITableView with the user's data in it. However, when the user first loads the application (before they've created any data), I'd like to display, instead of an empty table, a background image (with an arrow pointing to the 'add a record' navbar button). Once the user has added their...

How to resize image to fit UITableView cell?

How to fit UIImage into the cell of UITableView, UITableViewCell (?). Do you addSubview to cell or is there a way to resize cell.image or the UIImage before it is assigned to cell.image ? I want to keep the cell size default (whatever it is when you init with zero rectangle) and would like to add icon like pictures to each entry. Image...

IPhone UITableView suppress disclosure-button when Delete Button is displayed

I have a UITableView that has a disclosure button on every row. When the table is put into edit mode and the the Deletion control is pressed ("-" sign), the Delete Button shows, however the disclosure button is not replaced, but instead just slides to the left of the delete button. The apple UITableView guide explains the delegates for...

how to show a two or more buttons in UITableViewsFooter Section?

hello i am creating a aplication in i have a home screen.on that home screen i have button titled continue. now i want to load a new view with that button's click.i had successfully done this. on that new view i have a UITable,a navigation bar,now i want 2 or 3 buttons beneath the table View. i do not to create custom cell. i want to don...

how to customize uitableview

Hi, I need to customize each cell in a UITableView (like each cell will have UITextfield and UIButton). Could you let me know if there is any good article on that? Thanks. ...

[iPhone] Help with modal text input for new table item

Hi, first let me start by saying I'm pretty new to iPhone, so I apologise for my ignorance. I've got a UITableView that I want to add new items to. When the add button is pressed, I want a modal screen to slide up where the user types in the text for the new item. I've been reading from Apple's Table View Programming Guide for iPhone,...

iPhone UITableView cells stay selected

Hi, in my UITableView sometimes cells stay selected after touching. Because it happens only occasionally, I'm not able to reproduce the problem. Any hints? Maybe it has something to do with unproper releasing of tableView? - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{ NSUI...

iPhone - Setting background on UITableView

Is there any way to set a background view on a UITableViewController? I try with the code I am using on a UIViewController, but the view comes over all the contents of the table view, and if I add the background view in the cellForRowAtIndexPath-method, it is not showing at all. Anyone done this before or have an idea on how it can be d...