
Drop shadows on iPhone Clock App "Alarm" tab

In the clock app that comes with the iPhone there is a tab view for setting alarms. In that view each of the UITableViewCell instances have a drop shadow around them. Does anyone know how to achieve the same effect? Also it looks like the tab bar at the very bottom has a drop shadow above it as well. Ideas on how to achieve the same l...

[iPhone] Displaying a new view when selecting a row in a UITableView

I have an application with multiple views. I can click on different buttons to select different views, one of which displays a table. When I select a cell on that row, I want to display a new view. I see a log line indicating that view was loaded, but the screen doesn't change. - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowA...

Is preventing a UITableViewCell from being dequeued possible?

I'm using part of the Three20 library in a project. Specifically, a view that is essentially a table view with images going 4-wide across each cell to mimic the iPhone's photo app thumbnail view. I've noticed that the behavior is for each cell to be dequeued as soon as the bottom of the cell reaches the bottom of the navigation bar (wh...

Setting each cell in its own group

My UITableViewCells take up the full viewing area. I'd like to use a grouped table so the cells appear to have rounded corners. Right now, if I set the number of sections to something greater than one, I get the number of sections in grouped style but all the cells repeat in each section. How do I setup the table so each cell is in a ...

iPhone Table View: How to access text field of custom TableViewCell

I've set up a UITableView with several custom UITableViewCell's that have some UITextField's and UISwitch's (based on Settings.app). My question is, when a user clicks the Save button in the navigation bar, what's the beat way to access these text fields and switch controls to save their values? ...

is it possible to change UITableView section title background color

as title, possible to do it? ...

UITableView disable swipe to delete, but still have delete in Edit mode?

I want something similar as the Alarm app, where you can't swipe delete the row, but you can still delete the row in Edit mode. When commented out tableView:commitEditingStyle:forRowAtIndexPath:, I disabled the swipe to delete and still had Delete button in Edit mode, but what happens when I press the Delete button. What gets called? ...

UITableView, having problems changing accessory when selected

I'm using a UITableView to allow selection of one (of many) items. Similar to the UI when selecting a ringtone, I want the selected item to be checked, and the others not. I would like to have the cell selected when touched, then animated back to the normal color (again, like the ringtone selection UI). A UIViewController subclass is ...

Get a UITableView to not scroll and grow within a UIScrollView

I need to create a screen that is similar to the one below. The only way I can come up with is to have a UIScrollView be the parent view. Then have a UIImageView and UILabels for the thumbnail and main text ("All3Sports"). For the sections like the phone numbers and home page, I thought I could have a UITableView and have it simply no...

Scrolling table overlaps section header

How can you have a UITableView where the header view remains stationary, but the rows don't overlap the section header? With my table, when scrolling the rows, the header is stationary, but when scrolling, the rows slide under the section name. Is it possible to have the rows scroll without going under the section header? ...

Programmatically force a UIScrollView to stop scrolling, for sharing a table view with multiple data sources

I have a UITableView whose data source and delegate are switched between a couple of custom data source objects when the user touches a segmented control (think "Top Paid" vs "Top Free" in the app store app). Each data source object saves its last scroll content offset, and restores it when it becomes the active data source for the tabl...

Set UITableViewCell background color on plain style table view?

I'm building a plain style table view with a search bar and I'm having trouble replicating the look of the "gutter" (when the table view is dragged down) in Apple's table views. If I set the background color of the table view, the gutter looks fine, but my cells use that color as the background color. I've tried setting the backgrou...

Problem with loading UITableView in Navigation-based App

In Navigation-based App, when i try to load another view which has got implemented UITableView using initWithNibName: - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { UIViewController *detailsViewController = [[UIViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"bloop2ViewController" bundle:nil]; ...

Obj - C: Having trouble creating a UITableView that updates cells from an HTTP API in real-time (one at a time)

I am polling an HTTP API - it returns one item at a time, in real-time (about every 4 seconds). As each item is received, I would like a new UITableView cell to be populated. The full list of received items must remain in a class property, I'm guessing an NSMutableArray. What is the best way to initialize an NSMutableArray as a class pro...

VERY weird UITableViewController.tableview behaviour on scrollToRowAtIndexPath

hey all, I'm very confused here, i've been trying to figure this one out. I have a UIViewController, viewControllerBrowse, with two TableViewController, Designations & Types, I call a second UIViewController, viewControllerSelectLibrary, that makes some SOLite operations and fills two arrays from where the first two TableView feed. When...

UITableView scrolling crashes App

Preface: I am new to the iPhone SDK, Obj-C, Interface Builder and Cocoa. I'm likely doing something obviously wrong. Question: I have a UITableView which crashes if I scroll it. It will scroll a little to reveal the full cell of the bottom most half-hidden cell, but won't load the next one. Similarly, if I scroll past the top to fully...

Fast Scrolling in Tweetie with UITableView

On December 12th 2008, the maker of the Tweetie IPhone App posted a great example how he accomplishes UITableView scrolling without the jagged/raggedness that normally entails. His example code works great with version 2.2 of the SDK, however, when I compile for 3.0 I cannot get the click-highlight to work on an individual cell. Anyone...

Getting visible cell from UITableView pagingEnabled.

I have a UITableView with pagingEnabled. Each cell takes up the viewing area of the table. Meaning, each cell is the same height and width as the table. I'm using custom cells that have a name property. I'd like to display the name of the current (viewable) cell in a label. This works fine for the first and last cells but anything i...

How to make section headers in multiple languages

Hi, I have an UITableView, and in it I have different sections - words that start with letter "A" go to the section "A". Words that start with letter "B" go to section "B" and so on. Here is my code: -(void) populateTable { if (tableDataArray) { [tableDataArray removeAllObjects]; } for (int i = 0; i <= 27; i++) ...

Pattern to update a UItableView and its datasource after filtering with NSPredicate.

This seems like it should be straight forward. Technically I can make this work, but if I want to perform certain UI animations, (using deleteRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation:) things get hairy. It seems as though the datasource and UI are fighting over who should delete first. Then I have to artificially keep data around for the UI up...