
How to delete the last row of a section?

Hello, This problem has kept me busy for the last hours. I have two sections with one row in each section. When I delete the row in one of the sections than it throws an exception saying this is an invalid update (number of rows/sections before and after the update are not the same). This is understandable as I delete the last row of a ...

How do I get the key of the parent object on iPhone with Sqlite

A very simple example I am trying to create as I grasp iPhone App programming. First TableView shows the makes, selecting one takes user to different view(Can I use the same view to show models) to show models. If the models TableView, that displays the car models, allows user to add a new record, how and where do I capture the primary...

How do I manage database relationships in objects on iPhone with Sqlite

For instance, if I am able to display a UITableView with all the movies and the Genre. Clicking Edit on the movie should load a new view(is this the right way, loading an edit view?) with a text box and some sort of selector or another view to choose the Genre. Once the Genre is selected, how do I capture the GenreId to save in the movie...

How can I set a UITableView to grouped style

I have a UITableViewController subclass with sections. The sections are showing with the default style (no rounded corners). How can I set the TableView style to grouped in the code? I'm not using Interface Builder for this, so I need something like [self.tableView setGroupedStyle] I searched on Stack Overflow, but couldn't come up wi...

How to create a UITableViewCell with a transparent background

Hi, I'm trying to set the background color of a UITableViewCell to transparent. But nothing seems to work. I have some images/buttons inside the tableViewCell and I would like to make the white grouptableview background dissapear to get a 'floating' effect for the images and buttons (as if they were not inside the tableview). Any idea ...

How to scroll to tableview row?

I have a UIViewController (named VC) that inherits from UITableViewDelegate and UIScrollViewDelegate. The previous UIViewController loads VC like this: [self.view addSubview:VC.view]; which means viewWillAppear doesn't fire. I can add that method just after the above line: [VC viewWillAppear]; but then it will fire before cellForR...

What does "MyIdentifier" mean in Objective-c or iPhone programming

I am puzzled at the following line "static NSString *MyIdentifier = @"MyIdentifier";" in the method: cellForRowAtIndexPath What does that line do? Is it just creating a random pointer to an NSString object and assigning it the string? Why is it being called MyIdentifier, I have seen this in many examples. #import "AddToFavorites.h" @...

Best (Any) way blend tableview section header onto top of a grouped tableview

I'd like to add section headers to my grouped table view's sections but I'd like them to appear seamless (see image). The default, as we're all well aware of, is rounded top corners on the first row of a grouped table view cell so it ends up looking like crap when you merge them. Any way to specify when indexPath.row = 0 that the UITab...

[iPhone] Is there a way to achieve parallel scrolling of two tableview?

Let's say, i have two tableview inside a scrollview. After i scrolled up & down tableview1, and then touch and swipe to scroll the scrollview horizontally to tableview2, i want tableview2 to have the same vertical (up & down) position as tableview1. is there any way to achieve that? thanks ...

Refreshing a UITableView

I have a UITableView subclass and a UITableViewCell sublass that I'm using for cells. I'm bulding all my cells in advance and store them in an array from where I use them in cellForRowAtIndexPath. Aside from this I have a thread that loads some images in each cell, in the background. The problem is that the cells don't get refreshed as f...

Controlling iPhone App Flow During Table View Animations

In my application I would like to be able to wait until table view animations (deleting table view rows) were complete before executing part of my application. I was wondering if there would be any way to wait or pause my application until the these animations were complete. Thanks. ...

UITableView "autoresize" with custom UINavigationBar size

HTF? i'm new to the iphone SDK. for a navigationbar and uitable (from the NIB) eg. an empty/new navigation-based app, what is the best way to change the height of the uinavigationbar without it clipping/overlapping the uitableview? i essentially just need to move the uitableview down and i've tried just about everything now. Q1) is it ...

Modify appearance of 'empty' cells is plain UITableView

Hello, If you have a plain (not grouped) UITableView with a single row, the rest of the screen is filled with blank or empty cells. How do you change the appearance of these blank cells? Af first, I thought they would have the appearance of the cell used in the table view but it seems they don't. The people from Cultured Code (Things) ...

What's best practice for a long running operation that updates data in a currently displaying iphone tableview?

Background: I have a tableview displaying about 8 sections each backed with my own PlaceList class representing a list of objects (the implementation uses an NSMutableArray). There are around 200 objects in total. Each section corresponds to how far away the object is from the current location (e.g. within 1 mile, within 10, 25, 50...et...

iPhone - How to determine in which cell a button was pressed in a custom UITableViewCell

I currently have a UITableView that is populated with a custom UITableViewCell that is in a separate nib. In the cell, there are two buttons that are wired to actions in the custom cell class. When I click one of the buttons, I can call the proper method, but I need to know which row the button was pressed in. The tag property for each...

UITableView - How to use CSS styles

Hi, I am trying to make an app which consists of a book. As a book has Index, Topics, subtopics and text/graphics. I tired using UITableView for create a index and topics. Can anyone guide me how to insert text and graphics using CSS styles in the view page. For example: Main Root->First level->second level-> text and graphics. How...

Multiple choics iPhone App - UITableView?

I am developing a voting app, where the User will be presented with a question and multiple choices. In a typical HTML world the choice for this interface would be a Radio Box/Check box. What kind of view would I use in the iPhone SDK for a similar behavior? Are there any sample apps which I can refer to? Thanks, Amy ...

Change properties of UILabel in a TableViewCell

I have a tableView that's loosely based on the DetailViewController in ye olde SQLiteBooks. It's created programatically. Each cell displays a single value that when clicked displays a generic editingController that allows the user to edit that value. Pretty standard Cocoa-touch stuff... Except...I also have a segmented control in the ...

UITableView Drawing Problems When ReloadData Is Called

Hey guys, I have a pretty large list of 'items' (up to 250 entries) which is constantly changing. The list is being displayed in a UITableView. I have a polling thread that will download some new entries and insert them into a SQLite DB. When new entries have arrived, I call to my table view data source object to update its data set, ...

didSelectRowAtIndexPath not working on sdk 3.0

Hi, i was working on an app in sdk 2.x and every thing was working fine. but now i have updated my sdk to 3.0 and found didSelectRowAtIndexPath of tableview is not working. any one know why its heppning???? Thankz in Adv. Muhammad Usman Aleem ...