
Rounded corners of MKMapView

Hi, I'm building a custom UITableView with each of the cells containing a piece of text and a MKMapView. I want the map "icon" view in the cell to have rounded corners and this seems to be an issue. I'm using custom drawing both for my UITableViewCell and my MapIcon (custom map view) that I add to my UITableViewCell. MapIcon is a subc...

How can I make an image in a grouped tableview cell the width of the screen?

I have large images displayed in a grouped tableview. I would like the images to fill the entire width of the screen. I have been able to make this work using a tableViewCell interface builder, but in an attempt to improve performance I am now trying to do this programmatically. However, I have not been able to get the image to be flush...

UITableViewCell subclassing optimization

If i do a custom cell, is it best practice to... put icons and labels all on one view and drop it to the contentView (assuming you want everything to shift in edit mode) or put all editable stuff (labels) on one view, and non editable (icons) on another view and drop them to the contentView or it doesn't matter because when the label t...

Scrolling view like app details screen

I am trying to figure out the best way to create a view like the app details screen in the AppStore app. I want a thumbnail and text content under it that all scrolls if the content is too long. Is this done in a tableview or a scrollview? ...

How do I control the position of an image in a grouped tableview cell?

For some reason, I can not seem to change the default position of an image in a grouped tableview cell. In the cellForRowAtIndexPath method I use the following to load the image: cell.imageView.image = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:MainImagePath]; I've been experimenting with the following to adjust the position of the image but h...

UITableViewCell selection stays in all cells !!

I am still in the process of getting myself acquainted with the iPhone SDK. This is what I am trying to do : I have a UIScrollView and each scroll view has an UITableView and I have implemented a custom UITableViewCell. The desired functionality is initially there is no selection, then the user selects the row and scrolls and makes a...

resizing content UITableviewcell in landscape

Hi i`m developing a app in iphone sdk and i want to resize the content of my tableviewcell when the device is in landscape mode. In my tableviewcell i have an synchronous image and two labels, in portrait mode i looks awesome very nice, but when i turn the device in landscape the content of my tableview doesn`t resize. There is someone...

iPhone SDK: [cell.contentView viewWithTag:1] or [cell viewWithTag:1]?

I am not sure which one to use? cell.contentView sometimes give me weird errors like [uiview settext]...?? I was trying to setText to a UILabel* ...

iphone sdk: Can't reuse cell with viewWithTag (can not setText to reused labels)

This is my cellForRowAtIndexPath function. I could not get the setText to the label to work. Can you please help me out? // Customize the appearance of table view cells. - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { static NSString *CellIdentifier = @"Cell"; UILabel *messag...

IPhone - Move detailTextLabel within UITableViewCell

I am building a UITableViewCell. I am using the style UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle for my table view cell. In the textLabel of the cell I have data that can require a wrap. So to accomodate, I want to move down the detailTextLabel so that the wrapped text isn't covered by the text in the detailTextLabel. I am attempting the following...

How do I cache something for a tableview?

I have a tableview with large images that fill the cells and the row heights are set based on the image size. Unfortunately, the table jerks badly when scrolling to the next cell. I've been told that my tableview will scroll more smoothly if I cache the row heights and the images before they are loaded into the table. All my data are st...

How to customize tableView seperator in iPhone

By default there is a single line separator in uitableview. But I want to put my customized line as a separator. Is it possible ? How ? Thanks in advance for helping me. ...

UITableViewCell reuse and selection stratergies.

All: I have been fighting with an issue which has been bugging me for the past few days. I have a UIPageControl and in each page I have a UITableView. Each tableView can have upto 4 cells. A user can make a selection, go to next page and select something else. I want to retain the selection in each page, so the user can change his/her ...

How to resize a UITableViewCell's accessoryView based on size of cell?

Is it possible for a UITableViewCell's accessory view to be sized based on the size of the UITableViewCell that owns it? How can I achieve this? ...

Can I stop a UITableViewCell from shrinking when I enter edit mode?

When you enter edit mode for a UITableView (grouped but I believe this applies for the other types as well), the cells shrink to the right to accommodate the delete selection buttons. For cells that I dont wish to add/insert/delete any content, is there anyway to stop this behavior? ie. the width remains fixed. I've tried setting access...

Resize cells when rotating UITableView

I have a tableview that occupies only the bottom third of my view. I rotate it 90 degrees using CGAffineTransform and resize it: [UIView beginAnimations:@"rotate" context:nil]; CGRect oldFrame = self.table.frame; CGPoint oldCentre = self.table.center; // Swap the width and height self.table.frame = CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, oldFrame.size.he...

How to round a single corner of an image used in a Grouped-style UITableView on iPhone

I have a custom UITableViewCell with a UIImageView that is overlapping the round corners on the first and last cell. Given that I am able to determine which cell is the first/last, is there an easy method for rounding a single corner (either top-left or bottom-left) of a UIImage so that it will look good? ...

uitableview "tradeoff between optimal scrolling performance and optimal editing performance"

The iPhone table programming guide says to carefully consider the "tradeoff between optimal scrolling performance and optimal editing performance." What type of "editing" would result in bad performance if cell contentViews are custom drawn via drawRect:? I can imagine the animations in a row drag and drop not working well. But what ...

Overlapping in UITableViewCell with UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle

I'm using a table cell with subtitle and wanted my text to become a bit larger. Changing the size cell.textLabel.font = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:30]; and cell height heightForRowAtIndexPath to 80 I run into the problem that the textLabel is half hidden by detailTextLabel. I'm surprised this is not handled properly. I have tried to...

IPhone - Get reference to cells that are currently on screen.

I have a Table View Controller with cells. I want to update the text that is displayed on the visible UITableViewCells. Is there a way to get a reference to the cells that are currently on the screen? ...