So I have a tabbar with 5 tabs and each containing a tableview controller.
I was debugging a [self.tableView reloadData] no working when I added a
self.title = @"Search by Last Name" on the viewDidLoad of the table view. Funny enough, I get that title in the tabbar item for that view.
can anyone tell me why that is??
the inital pr...
I have to invoke a method present in a view controller who's reference is available in the view. When I try to call the method like any other method, for some reason, iPhone just ignores the call. Can somebody explain as to why this happens and also how can I go about invoking this method?
In the view I have this method:
-(void) touc...
I've been debugging my iphone app and found something interesting.
I have a UIViewControllers with TabBarcontroller( 6 tabs). Each tab is a UIViewController and it has a UITtableview. The viewDidLoad works and brings the initial data. On of the UITableView has a search bar. After the user touchs presses search some magic happens a...
I am trying to set up a layout as such in an iPad application. It will have three major views, which make up the whole screen. The views will be stacked one on top of the other, each taking up the full width. I have one major nib file which accounts for the entire screen space. In that nib file, I am instantiating the three view cont...
I created a class to launch the MailComposer so that my iPhone app would only have one place to go when generating various kinds of e-mail: some with attachments, some not. Some with pre-filled addresses, some not.
I didn't want my class implement UIViewController, but it has to so it can be the delegate for the MailComposer. Otherwise,...
Trying to fix a very strange error, i have 3 view controllers that start from the app delegate and push each other accordingly. The 3rd view controller then has a toolbar button that calls the code here:
accelManeger.delegate = nil;
NSLog(@"%u",[self.navigationController.viewControllers count]);
I notice that this method is provided in UIViewController .m files, but is commented out:
- (id)initWithNibName:(NSString *)nibNameOrNil bundle:(NSBundle *)nibBundleOrNil
I had been leaving that method commented out, or even deleting it. But then I looked at this line inside the method:
if (self = [super initWithNibName:nibNameOrNil ...
(ragh, i'm apparently not allowed to post images, so i have included links to the images in this post instead of embedding them)
Im writing an iPhone application based on the navigation controller template, but I am not loading the actual navigation controller as the first view in the window. I create a new view controller from a xib, a...
I have a simple tableview that navigates to a detailed view with a navigation controller. In the detailed view I need to create a button which when pressed isolates all other buttons displayed on the screen including the navigation controller back button. I know how to get the invisible button to cover most of buttons the screen but I ca...
I have a ViewController with a view (UIView). I need to handle touches, run some logic, check against model data, and and add and remove sublayers to the view based on those touches. Then I need to update the model based on the results.
Should I have:
ViewController - manage touches, get/set model data, add/remove sublayers
I have a root UIViewController which has a property called webView. WebView is a UIViewController with a XIB that contains a UIWebView. From my root view I modally (is there any other way?) load the webView ViewController and set its URL, always to the same page.
I discovered that if, after loading the webView, I used its default Web pa...
I have a dilema, I want to present to the user a semi-transparent view.
I found out by experimenting that if I simply pushed the transparent view to the top of my NavigationController's stack, that it would not render the transparency level I wanted. So I decided to simply add the view as a subview of the current view at the top of the ...
I have an iPodLibraryGroup object and Artist and Album both inherit from it.
When it comes to my view controllers though I find that I'm duplicating lots of code, for example I have an ArtistListViewController and and AlbumListViewController even though they're both doing basically the same thing.
The reason I've ended up duplicating t...
I have a custom UIViewController in a UITabbarController and want to respond to rotation events. When a rotation occurs, the tabbarcontroller and the viewcontroller get rotated. However, the view in the viewcontroller doesn't get redrawn properly: the layout doesn't autoresize and it is black on parts of the screen.
The strange thing i...
Hey guys,
I'm adding a NavigationController as a subview of my main view, with the flip animation (like a utility app/flipview thing).
Here's how I'm doing it:
[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:.7];
[UIView setAnimationTransition:([self.tableController.view superview] ? UIViewAnimationTransition...
Let me first describe the context of the problem. I have 2 UIViewController call AdminViewController and ButtonReorderViewController. AdminViewController contain 1 button. ButtonReorderViewController contains 1 button and 1 picture. Button in AdminViewController tie to an event call goToReorderButton. The content of goToReorderButton are...
Let say here is my stack layout
View3 --> Top of the stack
HomeView --> Bottom of the stack
So I am in View3 now, if I click the Home button, I want to load HomeView, meaning that I need to pop View3, View2, and View1. But if I pop View3, View2 will be displayed. I dont want that. I want View3, View2, and View1 be rem...
Ran into something interesting, want to know if I'm doing something wrong or if this is the correct behavior.
I have a custom UITableViewController. I ASSUMED (first mistake) that if you initialize as such:
[[CustomTableController alloc] init];
it would automatically load from a XIB of the same name, CustomTableController.xib, if it ...
I have a Tab Bar Controller created in Interface Builder
Within the Tab Bar are 4 Navigation Controllers.
Each controller functions separately and perfectly (yay!)
What I need to be able to do is a push a view controller onto a different nav controllers stack and switch the focus onto the appropriate tab bar item (so that the user mov...
ViewA load some data from Coredata, then push to the next viewB. In viewB, there are some function, that will change the content of viewA (meaning viewB change the content of core data). However, when I pop the view back to viewA, my content stay the same as before. How can I fix this?