I have used navigation controller and 3 screens A,B,C. I have used navigation controller delegate method in A ,where i have reload table data. Now when i m going same in B.But this time Class A delegate and table reload not working,same time Class B delegate and table reload is working. So here how can I reload table in B when th...
I have an TabBar app that I would like to be in landscape and portrait. The issue is when I go to tab 2 make a selection from my table then select tab 1 and rotate the device, then select tab 2 again the content does not know that the device rotated and will not display my custom orientated content correctly. I am trying to write a pri...
Hi Everyone:
TTMessageController (from the Three20 framework) was recommended to me to replicate the email creation behavior. However, I am running into a bit of a problem integrating it with my application. The rest of my application uses a UINavigationController in order to show the various UIViewControllers, but it doesn't seem that ...
In the demo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQ2EZ_tWsGc at about :22, he clicks the bottom tabbar and a new view slides up. It has three tabs at the top.
How do you get the three little tabs working in the "Find car by" view?
Also, how did they create the little tab where the "Find car by" text sits? It is sticking out on its own from...
First of all I know this is a long question. REST ASSURED I have tried to figure it out on my own (see: StackOverflow #2609318). This is driving me BATTY!
After trying and failing to implement my own EDIT feature in the standard moreNavigationController, I have decided to re-implement my own MORE feature.
I did the following:
Add a ...
I have an UINavigationController which the user navigates with.
When pushing a specific UIViewController onto the navigation stack, a "settings" button appear in the navigationBar. When the user clicks this button I would like to flip the current view/controller, i.e. everything on screen, including the navigationBar, over to a setti...
Ola Folks,
In an iPhone application I am displaying different views by using the addSubView:SomeViewController.view method.
I want to be able to, at the very least, log the view controllers that are in the view hierarchy that is being displayed. I would prefer to be able to get a handle to a specific view controller.
I know how to ite...
I'm trying to render an in-memory (but not in hierarchy, yet) UIViewController's view into an in-memory image buffer so I can do some interesting transition animations. However, when I render the UIViewController's view into that buffer, it is always rendering as though the controller is in Portrait orientation, no matter the orientation...
In AppKit we have "representedObject" available through NSViewController, this representedObject is generally set to ModelController or the model which the NSViewController displays, this works great with bindings as you just set the new representedObject and model details are updated in the view, BUT in case of iPhone (UIKit, with ...
How can I get a UIView to transition via addSubview like the presentModalViewController does? The available animations don't seem to do this.
I would use the modal but I have a navigation bar at the top and don't want to disable it. Also, the modal overlays on the navigation bar. If there is a way to have it so the modal doesn't disa...
I use...
... to adapt a view that has been rotated to landscape.
However, I don't know which method to use when the view needs to be rotated back to portrait.
I'm trying to write an iphone OS app that includes a logbook feature. The problem that I'm having is that I want each new logbook to have its own categories that are user-defined, for example a chemical receipt log would have chemical name, vendor, receipt date, expiration date and comments.
The way that I'm trying to go about this is ...
Is there a way to know when a view is viewable to user?
For example: if I have 2 views, and one of them is "hiding" the other-
how can I tell that the "hidden" view is currently not visible on screen,
and how can I check to see when it becomes visible again?
Hello everyone
I created a subclass from UIView
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@interface MeeSelectDropDownView : UIView {
UILabel *mainText;
UIImage *bgImg;
UIImageView *bgView;
UIImageView *originView;
NSMutableArray *labelArray;
int selectedItem;
BOOL inSelectTag;
float _defaultHeight;
@property (nonato...
I have a UIPopOverController that shows a UIViewController with a UITableview in its view. The cells in the table have a detailedView, but whenever that view gets pushed, the PopOverController increases in size, and I am left with all this white space inside it.
Question is this: Can anyone show me how I can have a Master/Detail UITable...
I have two view controllers name RootViewController and SecondViewController. In the FirstViewController I have this NSMutableArray
@interface RootViewController : UITableViewController {
NSMutableArray *allClasses;}@property (nonatomic,retain) NSMutableArray *allClasses;
In the RootViewController I populate the UITableView with all ...
I have BaseView which implement UIViewController. Every view in project must implement this BaseView.
In BaseView, I have method:
-(void) checkLoginStatus
defaults = [[NSUserDefaults alloc] init];
if(![[defaults objectForKey:@"USERID"] length] > 0 )
Login *login=[[Login alloc] initWithNibName:@"Login" bundle:n...
I'm trying to create an activity indicator in iPhone app. The problem is that I cannot get it to appear before the actual task i want it to diplay during is already done. Is there something funky about the order in which the iPhone does stuff?
Here is my problematic code (in my app delegate):
-(BOOL)showProgressView: (NSString *) messa...
I have an UIViewController into an navigationController.All I want is when I rotate from landscape into portrait, to change the view into another one which belong to another view controller(another tab from the bottom tab bar controller).
I have done this using the following code:
-(void) willRotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterf...
I'm currently doing an application with 5 View Controllers and a tabBar on the bottom.
For this application, I need to set up a button in viewController(1) which can send me to an other viewController(3), but without touching the tabBar (it will be hidden for the viewController(1)).
So when I gonna click the button, it will send m...