
How can I Control UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlUp effect Direction?

Hi,all,first thanks for reading the question with my poor english,there are two viewController in my project,and one is main controller another is it's subview controller use for insert into the main controller,i set the controller translate animation with UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlUp,the subView is 'autorotate' left or right, and bot...

how to change UIViewController to UISpliViewController

Hi All, let say the screen flow from a single view to splitview, how to change from UIViewController to UISplitViewController? i tried use a ViewController as switch controller, but after switch to SplitView, the SplitViewController unable detect Interface Orientation (landscape or portrait). thanks. and sorry for broken english. ...

App Delegate - Unload View Controller

Hello, I'm trying to unload a view controller from view when the iPhone goes to sleep. My app has a stopwatch that has to keep counting when the phone goes to sleep or call comes in or the user closes the app without logging out. I have all this functionality in place, I'm capturing all start times and stop times and upon re-entering ...

UIAlertView is causing a EXC_BAD_ACCESS

I get an error with the following code. Essentially the app confirms calling the number when it is selected from the table view. The EXC_BAD_ACCESS is coming in when the ViewContoller with this alert is dismissed. It only happens if the alert is triggered. It does not if the table is only viewed with no selection. That tells me I am doi...

Switch from and between two UIViews in UIViewController

Hi All, I am developing an iphone app and I have two UIViews, one for "standby screen" consist of UIImageView, UIButton, UILabels, and another one for "game screen", which is a OPENGL view. I use a custom view controller. In loadView(), I create a UIView,load these 2 views and add these 2 views in UIView. Then I want to provide two fun...

UIScrollView does not resize correctly

I have code to rotate and size a scrollview, such that when the iPhone is landscape the orientation is correct. This is what the view looks like before rotating: The scroll view is in yellow. This is what it looks like after: This is the log statement i put after setting the new frame for the scroll view, and you can see that it i...

Extiting the ARKit view

Hi guys, I'm trying to work with ARKit in order to enable Augmented Reality in one of my applications. I'm able to add the ARViewController by doing this : ParkingAppDelegate *appDelegate = (ParkingAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate]; arvc = [[ARViewController alloc] initWithDelegate:self]; //add the button to...

Managing View Controllers in iPad port

I've got an app that I've developed for the iPhone, but now want to port to the iPad. The iPhone app is navigation style and based on discrete table view controllers managed by a nav controller. The larger screen real estate of the iPad means that I can comfortably fit a couple of these table view controllers on to the screen at the same...

UIViewController only viewWillAppear fires

I have a UIViewController as the root view controller of a UINavigationController. And when it appears for the first time, or it becomes visible as a result of the user pressing back viewWillAppear fires but viewDidAppear does not. Also when the next view is pushed to be visible and the root dissapears, neither of the disappear methods ...

viewDidAppear called twice, but viewWillAppear called once

I have discovered that when my program starts, in one of my viewcontrollers the order of calling is viewDidAppear, viewWillAppear, viewDidAppear. I was not expecting the first viewDidAppear to be called. What could be causing this and how do I fix it? ATM I have a flag in viewDiDAppear to check if viewWillAppear was called, but it's a h...

Adding a UIView subclass with xib to UIViewController

What am I doing wrong here? Created: CustomTab.h #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface CustomTab : UIView { IBOutlet UIView *view; } @property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UIView *view; @end CustomTab.m #import "CustomTab.h" @implementation CustomTab @synthesize view; - (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame { if ((self = [supe...

presentModalViewController does nothing

I have a UIViewController (parent) that calls presentModalViewController with another UIViewController (child) on viewDidLoad. If parent doesn't have a UINavigationController, then presentModalViewController does nothing. If it has a UINavigationController, then presentModalViewController shows child as expected. Is this the standard b...

Animated transition between UIViewController and EAGLView

My iPhone app has two main "views": a UIViewController with some buttons, text etc and a window where all the OpenGL ES stuff happens. When I transition from the UIViewController to the window (when the user clicks "play" for example) I just do: [window ExchangeSubviewAtIndex:0 withSubviewAtIndex:1]; Perhaps this is not the ideal wa...

Dynamically selecting different viewControllers

I've got a problem that I think is probably straight forward but I can't seem to wrap my head around it. I've got a tableview that loads from an array of NSDictionaries. Each Dictionary has a title (shown in the row) and an associated nssstring representing a viewcontroller that should be pushed onto the stack when the row is selected....