
When programming iOS ViewControllers should you call parent class methods before or after your own code?

A new iOS ViewControllers created from a template contains several "boilerplate" methods that call their parent class methods. -(void) viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; } - (void) viewDidUnload { [super viewDidUnload]; } - (void) dealloc { [super dealloc]; } When modify these classes, should I put my own cod...

Pass data to view controller from subview iPhone

Hi, Probably a simple question but I haven't found a solution. I have several view controllers with some sliders that when dragged, input numbers into a label. I also want to have a simple popup keypad enter numbers into this same label. I created a view controller called Keypad and when a button is tapped on the current view controll...

How to implement utility application with navigation based flipside?

I would like to create an utility application that has a navigation based flipside, or "info", view. What would the most efficient way to accomplish this be? I think that i 'simply' need to make a root view controller for the flipside view...but i really only understand that conceptually...not so much how to go about it or, at least, i...

intializing viewcontroller to viewcontroller problem?

i am doing the following to initialize the viewcontroller(piechartController) to the viewcontroller's(covVC) variable like following …is it right to change the view controller variable ? self.pie = [[ChatController alloc] initWithNibName:@"Chat" bundle:nil]; self.covVC = [[coverAssetController alloc] init]; self.covVC.pieObj = self.pi...

Need Help Adding UIViewController Programatically

I need to load an action sheet on a GLSprite derived game. I tried adding a UIViewController but when I display the actionsheet none of my touches are registering, and I can't figure out how to close the action sheet and switch the view back to my game? Should I only create a UIViewController when its needed, or all of the time? Rath...

How to get the Twitter dialogue view after authorisation, before publishing a tweet?

I have successfully used the Twitter-OAuth-iPhone for the authorisation, and can update the tweet from the App. However, I want to have a dialogue view showing the tweet to the user for the user to edit and confirm before posting the tweet. Such as the screenshot: I cannot find the modal view, or other view controller, from the Tw...

shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation starts circular reference race

Hi I am trying to implement orientation awareness in my iPad app. (iOS 3.2). As far as I can understand something has changed from 2.x(which was the last time I did rotation) to 3.x. My landscape and portrait views are very different so as the shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation is called I instantiate a new viewController and adds ...

UIViewController's viewDidAppear not being called after a modal close.

A UIViewController (View A) invokes another view controller (View B) by invoking it as a modal control. [self presentModalViewController:ViewB animated:TRUE]; And View B exists by invoking: [self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:TRUE]; When this occurs everything looks right EXCEPT that View A's viewWillAppear and viewDidAppear doe...

xib-specified location moves on UIView load?

I have a couple of view controllers that I want all to share a header status bar. This header view shows status of certain things in my app. I used IB to lay out the contents of the header view in its own xib, then also used IB to layout the view controllers, adding a placeholder UIView element in the view controller's xibs for when I lo...

Subclass of UIViewController don't catch touch event

I have a parent class (A) that is UIViewController. Than i create class B that is subclass of class A. What happens is that i can't catch touch events in class B with methods like touchesBegan. But if i implement this methods in class A ... they get called. @interface A:UIViewController ..... @interface B:A ...

What is the difference between these two ViewController Pushes?

What are the differences and the implications of the differences between the boilerplate push provided by apple <#DetailViewController#> *detailViewController = [[<#DetailViewController#> alloc] initWithNibName:@"<#Nib name#>" bundle:nil]; NSManagedObject *selectedObject = [[self fetchedResultsController] objectAtIndexPath:indexPa...

Ipad device orientation problem

Hi, I am presenting MFMailComposeViewController(mailController) using presentModalViewController on my UIViewController, In mailController(subclass of MFMailComposeViewController) class i have overhide shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation as - (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation ...

Grasping the concept of UIviews and UIViewcontrollers

A couple of weeks ago i have started my research in Iphone app development and after alot of hello world applications in different settings i am now ready for my very first application based on the MVC design pattern used in Cocoa. This opens up alot of questions for me though and after reading the different class references about UIVie...

Hiding UITabBar when showing UIViewController as modal.

I've got a UIViewController that has a modal window which I'd like to present over the entire interface, including the UITabBar. My application hierarchy is this: UITabBarController (A) -> UIViewController (B) -> UINavigationController (C) -> UIViewController (D) -> UIViewController (my modal vie...

Managing multiple UIViews from one UIViewController

I'm getting confused on view controllers and would love a straight example. Here's the preamble: I have a UIViewController with a matching .xib. By default IB gives me a single View in the Document window. I can make it appear by telling my UIWindow to addSubview:controller.view and bringSubviewToFront:controller.view Here's the questi...

Adding uiview to a uiviewcontroller

I'd like to add a 50x150 uiview that I will be using as a menu, and I want to overlay it on top of my uiviewcontroller. So far what I've done is declare a UIView IBOutlet in the UIViewController class file, and in that UIViewController xib file, I dragged a UIView from the library and hooked it up accordingly. Problem is its not showing ...

Transition between a standard view and UITabBarController view?

What is the cleanest way to set up a structure where you have an initial standard, full screen UIView, which transitions to a Tab Bar view? ...

What is the "correct" way of making a control have keyboard focus on initial UIView display.

If I want a text field in my view to be focused for text entry immediately after the view appears on screen, is it correct to simply instruct the UITextField to "becomeFirstResponder" in a UIViewController's viewDidAppear. Eg: -(void) viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated { [super viewDidAppear:animated]; [myTextField becomeFirstRespond...

UITableViewController - call SAME init of class on didSelectRowAtIndexPath...

Hi there basically, I'm stuck ha. I have a page where a video gets downloaded. It has a UIProgressView bar in it. When the user selects a row in the table view it calls VideoPage *page = [[VideoPage alloc] initWithVideoId:[indexPath row]] and then pushes that view controller onto the view stack. This page then starts the download, and ...

Passing touch events to UIViewController's view

I'm trying to have my iPad app mirror the app's screen to a secondary screen via a VGA cable. Due to performance issues, I only want to have my view's displayed on the secondary screen, but still capture touch events via the iPad's screen. My current method is with two UIWindows: one for the VGA-connected screen that shows all the view...