
Add UIBarButtonItem in interface builder, how to?

I have a navigation based application that have a uinavigataioncontroller containing uitableviewcontrollers. I want to add buttons to the UINavigationbar of the uinavigataioncontroller, usually I write code to add these buttons, something like this: UIBarButtonItem *saveButton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithBarButtonSystemItem:UIBar...

iPhone - dismiss multiple ViewControllers

Hi there, I have a long View Controllers hierarchy; in the first View Controller I use this code: SecondViewController *svc = [[SecondViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"SecondViewController" bundle:nil]; [self presentModalViewController:svc animated:YES]; [svc release]; In the second View Controller I use this code: Third...

Is it possible to create a UINavigationController within a ModalPopup?

Hi I have a modalViewController that I am popping up using [self presentModalViewController:myController animated:YES]; I have an event occurring within myController which I would like to result in another controller being pushed onto the navigation stack ON TOP OF myController (which again has been presented modally). How can I ...

iPhone Landscape FAQ and Solutions

There has been a lot of confusion and a set of corresponding set of questions here on SO how iPhone applications with proper handling for Landscape/Portrait mode autorotation can be implemented. It is especially difficult to implement such an application when starting in landscape mode is desired. The most common observed effect are scra...

Wrapping aFBConnect in a UIViewController?

Hi I am trying to make FBConnect a bit easier to use different places in my app by wrapping it in a UIViewController that I can instantiate and use. The meat of it looks like this: @implementation ISFacebookViewController @synthesize facebookSession; @synthesize delegate; - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; [self.vie...

iPhone dev - viewDidUnload subviews

I'm having a hard time undestand a couple of the methods in UIViewController, but first I'll say what I think they are meant for (ignoring interface builder because I'm not using it): -init: initialize non view-related stuff that won't need to be released in low memory situations (i.e. not objects or objects that can't be recreated ea...

iPhone dev - viewDidLoad and viewDidUnload in programmatically created view?

I read somewhere that in a programmatically created view in a UIViewController, not using Interface Builder, -viewDidLoad and -viewDidUnload should not be used. Is this right? Why? Where would I release subviews that I have retaining properties of? Or should I just not use properties for them? EDIT: Read my comments on Rob Napier's answ...

Inactive area after device rotation

Hi all, I don't understand what's wrong in my very simple application with device rotation : I built my view with interface builder. (See screen capture here) I specified <key>UIInterfaceOrientation</key><string>UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight</string> in my info.plist file. I had a (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(U...

Adding Control on a Playing Video

Hi, I want to add a Control (UILabel / UIButton ) over a playing video , Can anyone please make a tutorial of adding a control on a playing video. Below is the link of the project. I am stuck how to connect the UIView object ( Overlay View ) in the connections inspector. The code is copied properly. Thanks http://rapidshare.com/fil...

UIViewController prevent view from unloading

When my iPhone app receives a Memory warning the views of UIViewControllers that are not currently visible get unloaded. In one particular controller unloading the view and the outlets is rather fatal. I'm looking for a way to prevent this view from being unloaded. I find this behavior rather stupid - I have a cache mechanism, so when ...

iPad Modal View Dismiss Animation Issue

When I present a modal view in iPad, the view comes up from the bottom. But when I dismiss it, it slides of the screen to the left. I'm in landscape mode and using UIModalPresentationStylePageSheet. How do I make the dismiss animation slide the view back down? ...

How to add a subview to a UIViewController?

I am trying to add a UITabBarController to a UIViewController: [self.view addSubView:tabBarController.view]; I get a warning: warning: 'UIView' may not respond to '-addSubView:' How can I add a UITabBarController to my UIViewController? ...

How to set view outlet?

I have a UIViewController that contains a UITabBarController which is loading a UITableView from another nib. The TableView view is set to files owner. How can I set the view property in the UIViewController that contains the UITabBarController? ...

How to draw UIViewController in full screen when push from NavigationController?

my ViewController will start draw under of NavigationBar it will reduce ViewController to 436*320 pixels how can i force it to draw in full screen 480*320 ...

UIVIewController custom init method

Hi I wan' t to implement a custo initialization method for my UIViewController Subclass to "replace" the initWithNibName method. This is the code: - (id) initWithMessage:(NSString *)message { if ((self = [super initWithNibName:@"ToolTip" bundle:nil])) { label.text = message; } return self; } The Label isl...

Load different initial view based on application preferences?

I have a preference that, when set, forces my application to perform some synchronization on startup. Can I use IB to display a different initial view based on this setting? Is there a standard way to enable this behavior? ...

Can the Cancel button be removed from a UIImagePickerController in OS 3.2?

The problem: Can this button be killed in a popover? I can remove the button in the ABPeoplePicker*Controller that appears when picking Contacts by editing the private VC's navigation item on the fly, but this one eludes me (no UINavigationControllerDelegate methods are called by the UIIPC). ...

ViewController vs. View

Trying to wrap my head around the apple design scheme. I have a UIViewController and the corresponding XIB file that has my main screen in my application. I want to have a button on this XIB that displays another "form" (this is my disconnect) in the foreground where the user selects from a myriad of choices, then it hides that "form" ...

Modal view becomes partly transparent when dismissing?

A completely ordinary setup: UIViewController where I push another UIVC: BlahVc *blah = [[BlahVc alloc] initWithNibName:@"Blah" bundle:nil]; UINavigationController *nav = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:blah]; blah.delegate = self; [self presentModalViewController:nav animated:YES]; [nav release]; [blah releas...

iphone view controller class - how to

Hello - I need to create my own UIView class and it is not something I have had to do. I created the class, then laid out the small view in IB (it's just a few labels that i will later need to add data to ). but now im stuck on how to actually put an instance of it in my main view. Can someone point me in the direction of a good tutori...