
When my UIViewController accesses an NSArray in my AppDelegate from an IBAction it crashes the program

I have a couple UIViewControllers that I am trying to access an array inside my AppDelegate. When I use an IBAction UIButton and in that method I access my AppDelegate my program dies silently. Nothing in output or the debugger, it just stops. If I run it several times I can see that it is failing to access the array properly. To invest...

How to make music plays from begging of the app until a viewcontroller has been presented?

Hey guys I have a problem with an app Im making. The thing is I want to add it some background music, but I just want to add it in the main view. My app has 3 view controllers: Main View Controller, Second View Controller and Third View Controller. What I want is to start the music in the Main View Controller and stop it when the Third...

presentmodalviewcontroller not working properly in Application Delegate in iPhone

Hi, I'm using two UIViewController in Application Delegate and navigating to UIViewController using presentmodalviewcontroller. But Problem is that presentmodalviewcontroller works for first time UIViewController and when i want to navigate to second UIViewController using presentmodalviewcontroller then its showing first UIViewControlle...

memory warning causes blank navigation bar

I have an navigation bar based app and while in a UIViewController I get a memory warning while selecting a photo. It is handled but when I pop the viewcontroller and go back to the top level viewcontroller the navigation bar is blank. Everything else gets reloaded but not the navigation bar buttons and title. I know that viewDidUnloa...

Popping UIView crashes app

I'm basically pushing a UIView from a UITableViewController and all it contains is a UIWebView. However when I remove the UIView to return back to the UITableView the app crashes. - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { // Navigation logic may go here. Create and push another view co...

UIViewController memory management

Hi I have a very basic issue of memory management with my UIViewController (or any other object that I create); The problem is that in Instruments my Object allocation graph is always rising even though I am calling release on then assigning them nil. I have 2 UIViewController sub-classes each initializing with a NIB; I add the first Vi...

How to load xib file with attached view controller ?

Hello all , I am using a xib file as a back view in coverflow component . and it is seeing nicely . The code for loading a xib file is : NSArray *array = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:@"TestMine" owner:nil options:nil]; backView = [array objectAtIndex:0]; Now I want to attach a view controller with this xib without cha...

Switch between multiple views while respecting orientation

Hello! I have an MVC application with a single model and several views (something like skins). I want the user to be able to switch the views and I can’t get it working with interface orientation. The most simple approach looks like this: - (void) switchToADifferentView: (UIView*) newView { // self is a descendant of UIViewControlle...

tabbarcontroller as a subview

Hi I have a main view screen with navcontroller in my app with two UIbuttons. Now i want that when I press one button a subview will be pushed. this I know how to do. The problem is that I want this subview to be with tabbarcontroller. I know how to implement tabbar on the main views (within the app delegate), but I have really hard time...

iPhone: Push Navigation Controller (w/ TableViewController) onto stack. Is this possible?

I have a view which contains a UIButton. When this is clicked, it calls a method that loads another NIB. Now, normally, that nib would load a view onto the stack, and everything would be fine. But, I am trying to load a Navigation Controller (so that I can have table views that are multiple levels deep), and all I get it errors. What ...

Keyboard view is obscuring UITextField in landscape mode

Note: this happens prior to any of the UITextFields being pressed (e.g. the keyboard hasn't yet appeared in the View) I've created a simple view with 3 fields 1 of which appears above where the keyboard would appear, and 2 which appear below. Loading it into a ViewController works fine until I come to try to click on the 2 UITextFields...

How to implement UIViewController rotation in response to orientation changes?

My app has about 10 different UIViewControllers, just one of which I want to switch to landscape mode if the device is rotated. (All the rest, I want to keep in portrait.) In order to implement rotation on that one view, I needed to implement its controller's 'shouldAutorotate' method and return YES. Since this view is accessed via a na...

iPad modal form sheet takes up the whole screen anyways

I'm trying to create a form sheet modal on iPad, which should be a 540x620 modal view. I've created a view controller with a NIB file whose view is a 540x620 sized UIView (with stuff on it). I set the modal presentation style to UIModalPresentationFormSheet, and call presentModalViewController:animated: on the current view controller. ...

How do I call a method of the app delegate from a UIViewController?

Situation: I am using the "Navigation Based Application" project template. And my root view controller (UIViewController) needs to call a method of the app delegate. Question: How do I call a method of the app delegate from a UIViewController? ...

horizontal uiview's controls unresponsive.. or how to foul up a view hierarchy

Hello all, I'm working on an app that has two sections, a config section and a results section. My config section needs to be 2 separate views (horizontal and vert, and yes, I can hear the intake of breath from here), with one rotatable view for the results. b/c of layout restraints and a lot of pain around rotation, I'm not using a n...

Difference between UIViewController and UINavigationController?

Is a UINavigationController a subclass of UIViewController? ...

Return to a removed view controller

Here is the situation, I have a login page as the initial rootView of a tab bar. Once the login process is done, the view is removed from the navigation controller, so you don't navigate back to it. I have places in the app where you can logout. The logout process works fine, but when I try to forward the user back to the initial login v...

Circular Dependency of Navigation Control in iPhone

Hi everyone , In my view this is one of the strangest problem i have ever come across in iPhone app development. Let me explain the scenario , i have main screen 'A' on which i have a Button that directs me to another Screen say 'B'. Now on Screen 'B' i have a feature in which user can send a mail to his friend for promotion purpose e...

Modal View Does Not Appear in Center in Horizontal Orientation

I have a UIPresentationFormSheet (contains a textview) that appears in the center of the screen when I am in vertical orientation. When I dismiss the modal view, it disappears fine. When I am in horizontal orientation my modal view does not appear in the center of the screen. I have to dismiss my keyboard for the modal view to appear in...

What is a safe way to check for a protocol response

Here's a scenario: A view controller pushes a new controller to the nav controller. This child controller creates a model that uses a NSURLConnection. When this connection finishes it will make a call like the following: [self.delegate modelDidFinishParsing:self]; What is the safe way to produce this code? Right now, I have this c...