
UIWebView load problems but Safari works fine

UIWebView fails to load a web page (ex:http:/www.ncm.com), but Safari loads it fine. It reports a tag mismatch and only loads half the page. But Safari and other browser handle the content correctly? Is UIWebView faulty? ...

iphone: Getting xml with UIWebView?

Hi guys I have the following url http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/standardfeeds/recently_featured?&start-index=1&max-results=15&v=2 I am trying to load it in UIWebView and then use javascript to get its contents, and parse it with NSXMLParser. My code looks like that: -(void)startDownloading{ NSString *urlStr = [NSS...

Passing data to objective c with POST rather than GET.

I have been using the url intercept method to pass data from javascript to objective C by passing the data as url encoded parameters and using NSURLProtocol to intercept the request however I am now wanting to send larger amounts of data like say 10,000 character long strings but this does not seem practical to do in a GET request. Righ...

I have a table view with levels of hierarchy

once the cell in the last table view is selected the detailview comes into play. Well I need each cell in the last levels of hierarchy to load a different detailview. The detailview is a UIWebView so in other words I would like each cell to load a different url. I have a plist which populates my table view cells. Can I reference the url'...

Webview in a scrollview to scroll entire view

I have a webview. I want to keep the webview in a scroll view such that it looks like entire view is scrolling. Any suggestions will be greatly welcomed... ...

How to disable lonpress in a UIWebview on iPhone?

I am using a UIWebview to display local .html. I want to disable longpress in this view. How would I go about executing this? Right now this: http://yfrog.com/498jxej shows up and I want to avoid that. Here is what fixed it: <style media="screen" type="text/css"> body { -webkit-touch-callout: none; } </style> ...

How can I dismissModalViewController when a user hits GO?

I have a view and a button. When the button is pushed, I present a modal view controller that has a uiwebview, and a navigation bar at the top. The hardcoded uiwebview shows a login prompt. Once the user goes in and enters the correct login credentials and hits GO on the keyboard, I not only need it to authenticate me into the server, bu...

iPhone UIWebView - Can auto complete be turned off on a input text field?

Hi, I've searched high & low for an answer on this and I can't seem to find an answer or anybody else having the same issue. Hope some one can assist? I have a web page for signup which I'm viewing in an iPhone UIWebView. A user is asking if we can stop capitalization on the first letter of the email address being entered. I thought...

Get direction UIWebView is scrolling

Hey! I need to find a way to keep my page's bounce scrolling looking good. Here's what I need: When the user scroll past a UIWebViews scrollable area (top), the background color of the view should be set to [UIColor colorWithRed:0.839 green:0.871 blue:0.871 alpha:1.000] and when the scrollable area is drug too far on the bottom, the c...

Detecting JavaScript errors in a UIWebView

I'm running into a very annoying issue developing javascript for a UIWebView in an iPhone application. If there is an error in the javascript, it silently fails and halts execution of the function it was running. And some errors do not happen in a desktop browser, so all appears fine. I then run it on an iPhone and get a massive failu...

Wikipedia Reader on iPhone

I want to make a Wikipedia Reader for the iPhone. What's the best approach? I've already made a few thought about that. Loading the content of the Wikipedia site is quite easy using the Wikipedia API.But the difficulty is how to display the content in a nice way. The content is marked up with wikipedia tags, not html. My idea is to pars...

Saving UIWebView to view it offline.

I need to save the content (images, scripts, css, ...) of a UIWebView (as in "save as" in FireFox or IE) so that it can be opened offline, so is there any way to do this using the iPhone SDK. ...

Detect long press on UIWebview and pop up a menu if I'm pressing on a link

Hi guys, Running into a problem with UIWebview, it doesn't seem to react to gesture recognizer. I would like to get a popover to appear whenever I do a long press on a link (or image) with different actions. Any help would be greatly appreciated =). Thanks. ...

Using network activity indicator while browsing in webview.

I have a button that load a link into a webview. While those links are loading, the networkActivityIndicator is animated until the site completely loads. But once a link is loaded, and I try to browse the website in the webview, by logging on to it or something, the network activity indicator does not animate. How would I implement it t...

Notification after Video playback in mobile safari

Hi, I am trying to play some videos in a UIWebView and required to get some feedback when the video playback is finished, without any user interaction. I am looking for something similar to MPMoviePlayerPlaybackDidFinishNotification, but in UIWebView. Appreciate if anyone can share a work around. Thanks in advance. ...

Load A Chinese Web (CHM) url using UIWebView in iPhone?

I am trying to use UIWebView to load a Chinese web url. If I encode it with utf-8 then it becomes: html/libfunctions/%CA%FD%D7%E9%B9%DC%C0%ED(Array).htm -- xchm://03000000-0A00-0400-F25E-D84B09001600/ which cannot be loaded from UIWebView. If I try to put it using the default one of Chinese: html/libfunctions/录脝脢卤脝梅鹿脺脌铆(Timers).htm, th...

UIWebView isn't accepting multiple touches

To display attachments on a messaging system I'm developing for my app, I've got a UIWebView which is presented in a ModalViewController, displaying the file contained in the attachment. If it's any help, the code I'm using to display the file is as follows: NSUrl docUrl = NSUrl.FromFilename(filePath); NSUrlRequest request = new NSUrlR...

Two Views (UIView and UIWebView) in the same view controller. How to hide WebView?

I have an app which has a 2 view contollers (main one and details one) In the 1st view I load items from a RSS feed. Clicking on one item takes you to another view with Title and Description of teh item, then I have a "details" button that should open complete news details from a web Page into a UIWebView. I added to the 2nd view Contr...

iPhone - UIWebView: Detect User Scrolling to Bottom of Page

So, I have a UIView with a UIWebView inside serving up a local HTML file (a document preview). I also have "Accept" & "Reject" UIButtons. I need these buttons to only appear after the user has scrolled to the bottom of the web page. Is there a way to capture an event for scrolling to the bottom of a UIWebView? I have not seen any g...

Scroll scrollbar in browser without using window.scrollBy

Hi All. I am trying to create a board game using html/css/javascript to be played on the iphone. My board is a 2d grid designed using a table with 128 elements both in height and width and each element is 128x128px. I want the game to start in the center of the board. That is the vertical and horizontal scrollbars roughly in the center o...