
How to make a UIWebView show it's text in the same font as [UIFont systemFontOfSize:15] ?

It looks like if the font in UIWebView is by default some kind of "Times New Roman". I guess I would have to figure out what font apple uses for [UIFont systemFontOfSize:15] ... or is there some intelligent way to do it? ...

How to embed local images in UIWebView?

Is there an easy way to embed local images in an UIWebView? For example, I would want to embed an logo.png image in the UIWebView, which I've added to the Resources folder in Xcode. Would I simply add an img HTML tag for this? ...

How to make expandable/collapsable text boxes in UIWebView?

I want to display some text in UIWebView with boxes that can be expanded or collapsed. The box has the title in it, and when tapping the bar of the collapsed box, it expands. I guess there's already some cool solution for this that could be easily incorporated into an local UIWebView html file? ...

uiwebview autodetection phone number

hi friends, Is it possible on uiwebview autodetection phone number is stored with my json value on contact page automatically(without manual data entering in it). Regards, sathish ...

How to replace variables in an html file which is feeded to an UIWebView?

In my app, I want to replace some variables inside an html file when it goes to an UIWebView. The file is local. For example, I add a variable $userName$ and then I would replace that with @"John". Would I have to read the file in as string, and then perform some string replacement action? ...

How to load an local HTML file as string into UIWebView?

I'd like to use UIWebView's - (void)loadHTMLString:(NSString *)string baseURL:(NSURL *)baseURL but I'm not sure what this baseURL is good for or how I would create that. My file is called localHTMLfile.html and I know how I would load this file the normal way: NSURL *url = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"localHTMLfile" withExte...

iPhone - Save URL without setURL:forKey: and NSURL

Is there anyway to save a URL with NSUserDefaults without setURL:forKey: that is only available to iOS 4.0 and later? I am loading HTML files locally with fileURLWithPath, and it starts at an intro page and the user can click through to whatever. For now, everytime a user starts over it loads back default to intro.htm. I would like to b...

stringWithContentsOfFile works, but requestWithURL doesn't

For some reason, the first method doesn't display anything, while the second does: //Common NSString *path=[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"about" ofType:@"html"]; //Method1 [webView loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL: [NSURL fileURLWithPath: path isDirectory: NO]]]; //Method 2 NSString *HTML=[NSString stringWithContentsOf...

uiwebview autodetection storing data to addressbook issue.

Hi friends, I am working on webview. I am loading a html page on my webview. the thing is when i clicked phone number in my page, it should automatically add into the contact of my json data. The issue it is working finely in simulator on device it is not working Any suggestion is highly appreciated Thanks in advance Regards, sathish ...

Passing URL, via UIWebView click, incorrectly

Okay, what I currently have is a TabBarController with five tabs. Each of these tabs are UINavigationControllers. Each of the Views associated with the tabs link to a XIB file that contains a View with a UIWebView. What I want to happen is when a link is clicked in the UIWebView a new navigation view (with a back button) is pushed ont...

Searching XML from Objective-C

My ipad app draws large amounts of text from an xml file and displays them on individual pages in a UIWebView, with the page determined by the XML element containing the text. What is the best way to enable the user to search the entire text for an input string? Should I have Objective-C search the XML and get back the page data, etc? ...

Why does UIWebView has problems with & characters in URL (wants &)

I have a problem with a UIWebView, that I use in my iPhone app. The source code shown in the UIWebView, contains the following markup besides many other things: <object width="150" height="121"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/SOMEVIDEO&amp;hl=de&amp;fs=1"&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"...

How to get the content height of a UIWebView in iPhone sdk, objective-c?

Hai Guys, I got a problem while lodaing the htmlString into UIWebView, I have set the frame height of a webview in iphone is 265 always. webView = [[UIWebView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 41, 320, 265)]; Is there any property to get content height of a UIWebView. If I got the content only one or two lines then it is lookin...

20px gap on top of landscape view in iPhone app running on iPad

I am running an "iPhone-only" app in the iPad simulator...When the orientation of the device is changed to landscape mode, I have a view controller that kicks in and programmatically loads a WebView. This works swimmingly in the iPhone (no gap on top of landscape view), but when simulating in the iPad, there's a 20px (I think?) gap at th...

Iphone secondary xib, UIWebview local htm file will not load. I have tried numerous methods nothing has worked.

I am loading as secondary view with its own xib file. I can load it fine, but cannot get the webview in it to load any content. I have another app where this proces works, but it is in the main view. Here is the code I am using. @synthesize webView; - (void)viewDidLoad { NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"...

UIWebView delay in loading local content

I'm displayed a small amount of local content in a UIWebView, roughly 3 paragraphs of text and one 100x100px image. When the UIWebView is pushed onto to the nav controller, it takes about half a second before the content is displayed. This occurs on the device, not in the simulator. Obviously the UIWebView needs to do some work before di...

Map UIWebView tap to HTML element

How would I go about detecting which HTML element was tapped inside a UIWebView? It seems a bit hacky, but right now the only way I can think of would be to evaluate JavaScript and use JS to traverse the DOM. Any help with this direction would be appreciated, too. ...

Memory Leak while using UIWebView Load request in IOS4.0

Hi, I have a Web View Which loaded as a modal view. I am having memory leaks after loading a webpage using the following code. [myView loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:url] cachePolicy:NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringLocalCacheData timeoutInter...

Changing the zoom out action for a UIWebView

I'm trying to change the way a UIWebView reacts when the user do a pinch out gesture (when he's doing that, I zoom out and show multiple webView). I see 2 solutions but I can't make them work : Setting scalesPageToFit to YES, and then getting events that are sent by the API to change the behavior. Problem: I don't find how to catch th...

Enable/Disable button using webViewDidFinishLoad

I'm working on an iOS app, and I need to prevent a UIButton from being usable until the page has finished loading (it uses resources that might not be on the page until it has loaded completely.) Right now, I've disabled the button in Interface Builder and am trying to use setEnabled in the webViewDidFinishLoad function. Here's what it ...