
UIWebView init crash on ipad

Hello everyone, I used following code to initialize instance of UIWebView: -(void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; UIWebView *webView; if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad) { webView = [[UIWebView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 768, 964)]; //crash } else { webView = [[UIWebVie...

Passing a URL from one UIWebView to another UIWebview

When a user clicks a link in the present UIWebView a new view is pushed onto the navigationController's stack that contains a UIWebView. I'd like to pass the URL that was touched to this new UIWebView. How do I go about doing this? ...

Open iTunes from an UIWebView

How can I open the iTunes App Store from an UIWebView? what code (javascript?) should i use? ...

UIWebView over TabBar

Hi, I have a Tabbar application with a navigation controller (classic). At some point when a url is selected a WebView controller is displayed with the appropriate url address. I want to be able to use the tabbar area placing the webview over it. I tried [self.tabBarController.tabBar setHidden:TRUE]; but this just makes the tabbar wh...

How do I reload or refresh a webview

... with a button outside of the uiwebview? please see screenshot attached. the thing is, that I have a local html site in the webview, that goes to further local web sites. I want the user to be able to get back to the "home page" of the local website by clicking on the "home" button on the top, which is not part of the uiwebview. (m...

Navigate by page in UIWebView - like setPagingEnabled

Is there a way to navigate within a webview using paging - like UIScrollView's 'pagingEnabled'? There are several suggestions out there about setting this parameter on UIWebViews internal scrollview, but this solution does not work e.g. in the case that you set the webcontent offset using javascript. In this case, the first tap on the s...

UIWebView gets cleared after dismissing a fullscreen modal

I have a UIWebView which loads a html string on viewDidLoad. It detects if the user clicks a link and display a modal view, but when i close the modal view the UIWebView's html has gone! If i use a FormSheet Modal Style the content stays behind, its only fullscreen modals that cause this. Obviously i can just input the html string again ...

webview loaddata scroll setting not updating till clicked

Hi, I update the html in a webView using loadData() followed by a reload(). I get the new data to display but the scroll of the page has not updated. I want to keep the view of the page at the bottom. I can wait a long time and it still doesn't update. Once I click the webView the scroll bars adjust and I can drag to the bottom of th...

UIWebView in iphone4.0

I use UIWebView in iphone4.0 show a html page,but can show one page and cannot scroll. after rotate iphone It can show all page and scroll normally ,this problem is not exist in 3.1 ...

Objective C - WebView back button

Hi, I have a navigation that loads a ViewController (containing a mobile website) like [self.navigationController pushViewController:webVC animated:YES]; And in webVC, I have a back button that is like [self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES]; If I click around the mobile website that is contained in webVC, it...

Scroll to top broken with Ads on iPhone

The scroll-to-top feature (touching the status bar to scroll to the top of a UITableView) seems to be broken when Ads load in my app. I did add the following in the viewDidLoad of my UITableViewControllers to try to solve the problem but it doesn't help: [self.tableView setScrollsToTop:YES]; [[self.tableView window] makeKeyAndVisible]...

UI Webview + Google Maps V3 KML Support?

Hello, For quite some time I've been developing an iPhone/iPad app that uses a UIWebView to display specific KML overlays. Everything has worked fine up until a few days ago, when my KML files suddenly were not appearing on the webview. The javascript used to execute the KML overlay is still working (the map resizes to the intended KM...

Why is the title bar appearing behind the status bar after a rotation?

I have a UIViewController whose view is a UIWebView with an embedded movie. When the movie is playing full screen, and the device is rotated, the title bar ends up behind the status bar after the movie is dismissed. Why might this happen? ...

Getting notifications from movie player in UIWebView

Hi all. My application is streaming YouTube videos by loading a URL in a UIWebView: NSString *videoURLStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"http://www.youtube.com/embed/%@?autoplay=1", videoId]; NSURL* videoURL = [NSURL URLWithString:videoURLStr]; [movieView loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:videoURL]]; This works great, except ...

<select> tag doesn't work in UIWebView on iOS4

Hello heroes, I'm new to iOS programming, so please allow me to ask stupid questions if it is :) I have a program, using UIWebView to load HTML page and display to the end users. The page is quite simple, <select> <option>A</option> <option>B</option> <option>C</option> <option>D</option> </select> WebView controlle...

Iphone : Getting the Form Param using UIWebView

Hi all, I'm working on a app which will use a uiwebview to submit a form. I wonder if it's possible to catch the post and parameters then reuse them to set a calendar event for ex. I mean : - fill the form (in webview) - submit the form (in webview) - catch form parameters and fill calendar event (native iphone framework). Is it possi...

How to launch links in UIWebView with the Safari app?

I have an small embedded UIWebView for my about-section of the app. When the user taps a link in there, the link opens in that small embedded UIWebView which of course has no navigation controls and isn't full-screen. I don't like that. Can I force it to open links with Safari instead? ...

UIWebView zoom on load?

Hi All, I am loading content into a UIWebView via a string : - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; NSString *html = [[[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:(@"<html><head><style type=\"text/css\">body { text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 14px;width: 300px;font-family: Helvetica, Verdana, Arial;}table {text-overflow: hidden...

How to Play Two Videos Simultaneously in a UIWebView

I'd like to play two videos at the same time from an HTML page in a UIWebView. By default any playing video is stopped when another is started. This happens even if the two videos live in different web views. Is there a way to force continued play for the first video? ...

UIWebView - When (or how) does CFData get released?

Hi, after multiple days of banging my head against the wall and having sleepless nights I'm hoping to find some help here. I've gone through various posts here, but none of the answers seem to provide a resolution for me. In short, my problem is that my App crashes after heavy usage (>10min) of the UIWebView (e.g. opening larger news p...