
How relations in UML class diagram inherit?

Hi SO, I was wondering how associations, dependencies and such relations inherit in UML (or let's say, in general). So, in a situation like this: ┌──────────┐ ┌──────────┐ │ ClassA │ │ ClassB │ ├──────────┤ ├──...

Changing diagram notation to UML in Visual Paradigm

I have drawn an ER Diagram in Visual Paradigm (DBVA Software) for my database. As i know, Viusal Paradigm uses Crow's Foot notation for showing ERD objects. Is there any way to convert my ER diagram to UML notation in DBVA? Here you can see Crow's Foot and UML notations. ...

Tools to create class methods interaction diagram

Let's say I have a MyClass class, with various methods, and let's say that method MyClass.A() calls methods MyClass.B() which calls MyClass.C(). Method MyClass.A() also calls MyClass.D() which also calls MyClass.C() and so on :) Is there any tool to visualize this as a diagram? UPD. I see NDepend can do what I need but it costs too much...

Are there any good resources discussing the creation and use of UML component diagrams?

As part of an assignment, I have to create a component diagram for existing code. I understand what a component diagram is and the information it presents, but I'm not sure of a process to follow when looking at code to diagram it out to produce a component diagram. I'm also not sold on how a component diagram, if I am presented with one...

Modelling / documenting functional programs

I've found UML useful for documenting various aspects of OO systems, particularly class diagrams for overall architecture and sequence diagrams to illustrate particular routines. I'd like to do the same kind of thing for my clojure applications. I'm not currently interested in Model Driven Development, simply on communicating how applica...

Java architecture coding conventions.

I have been working at a few different companies now and every one has different rules about how to name classes and packages. They each have different package layouts and workflow between classes. Through these experiences I have picked up an understanding of how to layout out a project; however, I would like a more concrete definition ...

UML: disjoint vs. overlapping academical scrap?

It's not a real programming (coding) problem, sorry for that (but design comes first). But anyway I don't understand whats the difference between disjoint and overlapping, it occured in several books, has a relation to OCL which is considered to be part of UML but the lastest OCL specification by OMG does no longer mention these terms, ...

recomendation for an open source software design tool

hi, i am sorry but i had enough from MS Vi$$o as a software design application, i have been using it for ages and i find the user experience comparable to a Chinese torture (with out insulting the Chinese nation). we are just drowning Squares there is no reason for it to look so gray and complicated ... ;-) can anyone recommend me a ...

Show business process information flow direction on UML interfaces

UML component diagrams are good at showing technical client-server-like inteface relationships between components, using the "lollipop" notation or dependency arrows. Is there a notation in component diagrams for showing in which direction information flows through interfaces on business process level? Like a client can connect to a ser...

What's the UML syntax for multiplicity? ( inside the class box )

I know it is possible to specify the multiplicity within the same class box, without having to draw the link to another class. My question is, Where should the multiplicity go, after the name or after the type? Is it: visibility name multiplicity : type as + clients [0..n] : Client or visibility name : type multiplicity as + ...

Do you know of a tool to turn an XSD definition of how classes will be marshalled to XML into a class diagram (UML?)?

I've been given an XSD file that describes how objects will be marshalled into XML. The XSD is complex enough that I can't keep it all in my head while trying to write some code to parse it (with SAX). What I'd like is some sort of tool that could turn this XSD definition into a class diagram. Do you know of any? Bonus points if it'll ...

Which diagram I should change in UML?

Hi, Can anyone tell which UML diagram I should change if there is a slight change in the design of application. The change is -> Earlier the application was using Active directory for authentication now I want to use the Membership provider instead. I want to keep the change minimum in diagrams. Thanks ...

UML for C programming language

UML is most commonly used for modelling system by using C++. In my projects C is the implementation language. I am looking for resources on UML strategies which are applicable for C. I want to use UML during design and represent the different aspects of the system. ...

Importing UML Diagrams into Visual Studio

In school I have learned that creating UML Diagrams/Models is great design practice before taking on a project. I have found it quite useful myself, in doing so I tackle projects much faster, and my overall design tends to be better. I've noticed a basic redundancy issue when it comes to writing code. In Visio you can be very descriptiv...

applying UML in PHP

most of the books that I have read on UML uses the Java language to show examples (one notable book is the ICONIX book from Apress entitle UML-Driven Object Modeling with ICONIX). The book follows several steps using UML diagrams and then implemented in JSP. Are there methodologies to "formally" implement UML diagrams in PHP? (something ...

Common use of UML

In my experience most architectural documentation has been ad-hoc at best,and, aside from more structured dead-tree kinds of writing I've yet to see formal UML in actual use, and I've worked with few, if any developers who'd be able to clearly or correctly build UML diagrams - it seems to be used more as a kind of "graphical psuedocode"....

What is the best Open Source, linux-compatible UML modeling tool?

I've been looking around at the different options, and it seems that even some of the most popular open source tools are Windows-only (StarUML, for example). What is the best open source alternative to programs like Visio and Rational Rose for linux? ...

How to communicate between Rhapsody models in different processes/systems?

We are using IBM (formerly Telelogic) Rhapsody for a new project to do model driven development of a complex device. The device consists of several subsystems that are connected by various network interfaces. We'd like to model the entire system in Rhapsody and then generate code separately for the various subsystems. The problem is thi...

How can I create a class diagram from my J2ME project? (netbeans used to do this)

Hey guys, thanks for reading! I have created a game and would like to automatically create a class diagram from my J2ME code. Netbeans (pre 6.5 I think) used to have uml plugin to do this, but as I am using the latest 6.8 version of netbeans I cant this old UML plugin anymore! Does anyone know how I can automatically create a class di...

Is there an Open Source UML tool that can handle "association classes" and export java code?

Hi folks, I am looking for an open source UML tool that can handle association classes. So far I have looked at several out there (ArgoUML, Fujaba, etc.) and unfortunately so far none of them support association classes. Also, the tool must have the ability to generate Java code from the diagram, including the ability to generate the pr...