
JQUERY undefined

I am getting "JQUERY undefined" error. Do you have any idea (code below). <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" Inherits="faturaYazici2" CodeBehind="faturaYazici2.aspx.cs" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns="http://www.w3.or...

Testing for undefined variables in Ruby a la JavaScript?

Hi, In JavaScript there's a useful way to test for a variable which has never been defined at any given point. For example, the following snippet of code will return true if the variable bob has not been defined: typeof(bob)=='undefined' How do I accomplish the same test in Ruby? edit: I'm looking for a test which is equally compact...

Javascript undefined variable

I have a problem with a javascript error: $("#slider") is undefined How can i solve this problem? <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("#slider").easySlider({ controlsBefore: '<p id="controls">', controlsAfter: '</p>', prevId: 'prevBtn', nextId: 'nextBtn' }); }); </scr...

Rails Throws Error When Using redirect_to :back

Hello, Whenever I use: redirect_to :back in my Rails controllers, I get the following error: undefined method `object_url' for SubmissionController:0xb7a37764 I'll paste the application trace below as well: /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-2.2.2/lib/action_controller/polymorphic_routes.rb:112:in __send__' /usr/li...

rails models

i have a model named test.rb and when i use @tests=Test.new in my controller i get the following error. Can someone temme how can i resolve this? "undefined method `new' for Test:Module" ...

undefined reference within the same file

I'm getting an undefined reference to one private methods in a class. Here is a short snippet of the code (but the whole thing currently is in one source file and not separated into header and source files). #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct node { int key_value; node *left; node *right; }; class btree { ...

Is it a good idea to use IEEE754 floating point NaN for values which are not set?

Is it a good idea to use IEEE754 floating point NaN (not-a-number) for values which are undefined for non-mathematical reasons? In our case they are not yet set because the values have not been received from some other device. The context is an embedded system using IEC1131 REAL32 values. Edit: The programming language is C, so we would...

What't the common idiom to avoid IE throw: Error: 'console' is undefined.

I install firebug and I'm done with my logs. I test it in IE and of course I've got "undefined" error. What's the common idiom to avoid this. I don't really feel like commenting all the console.log statements in my file nor to mock it. Well I'm not sure what to do. ...

Fatal error: undefined function - why?

I'm new to object oriented programming in PHP. I included a class and called it, then, inside this class's constructor I'm calling a private function called handleConnections. For some reason, it's giving me a fatal error (undefined function). Any idea why? The class: class Test { function __construct() { handleConnections(...

JQuery IE8 Variable Undefined Error

I am trying to read the value of the FlashVars parameter off of a Flash .swf file that's being embedded onto a page using swfobject. I can't change anything about how the Flash is being put on the page so I'm trying to manipulate it with JQuery. In Firefox the following selector works: $flashvars1 = $(".homepagecolumn1 embed").attr("fla...

$_FILES Empty When Uploading

When trying to access the $_FILES array, PHP returns the error "Undefined index: picture". In my php.ini file, File Uploads are turned on, and any user can write in the /tmp directory. In the HTML form, enctype is set to "multipart/form-data". Interestingly enough, the basename for the uploaded file prints so I believe that PHP has actua...

PHP $_GET and $_POST undefined problem

I'm new to PHP so I apologize if this is a simple problem... I am moving a PHP site from one server to another. The new server is IIS 7.0, PHP 5.2.1, with short open tag turned "On", and I don't know how the original server was set-up (I was just given the code). The following is the very first section of code on one of the pages: <?...

Returning const reference to local variable from a function

I have some questions on returning a reference to a local variable from a function: class A { public: A(int xx):x(xx) { printf("A::A()\n"); } }; const A& getA1() { A a(5); return a; } A& getA2() { A a(5); return a; } A getA3() { A a(5); return a; } int main() { const A& newA1 = getA1(); //1 A& newA2 = ge...

NoMethodError in basic scaffolded View?

I created a basic scaffold for a Foo model with a single property - bar:String foos/new.html.erb: <h1>New foo</h1> <% form_for(@foo) do |f| %> <%= f.error_messages %> <p> <%= f.label :bar %><br /> <%= f.text_field :bar %> </p> <p> <%= f.submit 'Create' %> </p> <% end %> <%= link_to 'Back', foos_path %> But I ...

actionscript: undefined public variables??

I have a class like this.. public class Doc { public function Doc():void {} public var myVar:Boolean; } How can I know if the value hold by myVar is the default false, or someone has assigned false to it ?!? Isn't there an undefined state? How can I achieve such a thing? ...

When javascript returns null & undefined??

I have been using javascript for couple of years and never cared about the difference between null & undefined earlier, i always use undefined to validate the object existence. But recently i came through this article. Here they said JavaScript distinguishes between null, which is an object of type 'object' that indicates a del...

why this javascript is line is Right and the other isn't

javascript with> var customer=document.getElementById('custList').value; and that works... Why does it work BUT... var customer=(form1.custList.value); I get an error that form1 is not defined. Especially why would this work in IE, and Chrome but not Firefox. It seems just as clearly stated to me, but I am not a script engine J...

Access of undefined property for timeline addChild code :(

I'm trying to do a simple test to figure out another bug, but I'm getting Access of undefined property tsLogo for addChild(tsLogo); I don't get it because this is simple timeline code on the first frame: var tsFont = new TextFormat(); tsFont.font = FranklinGothic; tsFont.size = 8; tsFont.color = 0xFFFFFF; tsFont.align =...

How to unset a Javascript variable?

I have a global variable in Javascript (actually a window property, but I don't think it matters) which was already populated by a previous script but I don't want another script that will run later to see its value or that it was even defined. I've put some_var = undefined and it works for the purpose of testing typeof some_var == "und...

Object undefined error in IE8

I have this external JS file included in a web page. It is a absolute positioned footer toolbar with toggle view functionality. It works perfect in FF3. But IE8 gives error 'animatedcollapse' is undefiened and it is just hanging at the bottom of the page. Could you please figure out what is missing here? document.write("<link href=\"css...