
Getting undefined method `username' for #<UserSession: no credentials provided> with Authlogic after push to production

We've never gotten this app to run in production. The application runs just fine in dev. I've made sure all rake tasks are up to date and acts_as_authentic is set for the user and everything else that everyone has posted on all the forums. The server has been bounced multiple times. This error comes up every single time on all URLs. ...

Undefined/Unspecified/Implementation-defined behaviour warnings?

Can't a compiler warn (even better if it throws errors) when it notices a statement with undefined/unspecified/implementation-defined behaviour? Probably to flag a statement as error, the standard should say so, but it can warn the coder at least. Is there any technical difficulties in implementing such an option? Or is it merely imposs...

SESSION variable show before its defined.

Hello. Im standing out with a issue, that the SESSION variable is "showing" before its defined.. Index.php is my site, where there is a design and inside that there is a frame. Now, index.php have this: <div id='message2' onclick="closeNotice2()" style="display: none"> <? echo $_SESSION["user_message_123456"]; ?> </div> Inside the f...

Jquery DropDownlist undefined item İE 8

Hi All; $.get("CallBack.aspx", { nm: StateTx, nm2: StateTx2 }, function(data) { $.each(data, function() { $('[id$=DropDown1]').append("<option value=" + this['I3D'] + ">" + this['prmv'] + "</option>"); }); }); İe 8 Mozilla Firefox my problem ie8 last ...

Prototype find element and only perform if found

Hi Guys, Struggling a little here with prototype = I've created this function Event.observe(window, 'load', function() { if ($$('#test li:first')!=null) { $('test').down('li').down('a').update('Test'); } }); Basically, it works on pages where #test li:first is found but on pages it isn't it returns $("test").down("li") is undef...

Simple jQuery callbacks break in IE.

I have a few functions like this: $(this).find('.subnav').fadeIn(200, buttonHide ); Now, buttonHide, in this case, is a function I've declared elsewhere. Once the 200ms fadeIn is complete, I want to call that function. Great. Works in FF and Safari. In IE, though, it returns an error as undefined. In fact, I experienced the SAME prob...

What library to be to be used to avoid undefined reference to `pthread_atfork'

I get undefined reference to `pthread_atfork' even after using pthread library. Is there any separate library for this? ...

for iteration, element is undefined

I have this code: for(var i in this.units) { if(this.units[i].x==att.x && this.units[i].y==att.y){} //... some more code } and sometimes, randomly, I get an error this.units[i] is undefined. Anybody got any idea how this is possible? ...

find_or_create_by_facebook_id method not found

Hi guys, I'm trying to find out where this function comes from. Any one have any clue? It's used by this: http://github.com/fluidtickets/facebooker-authlogic-bridge with a working example here: http://facebooker-authlogic-bridge.heroku.com Downloading the code, it throws: undefined method 'find_or_create_by_facebook_id' for #<Cl...

jQuery Cycle plugin pagerAnchorBuilder images becoming undefined

I have a slideshow built in flash that I want to mimic in jQuery. The slide show uses the images from the slideshow as the pager numbers. The problem im having is once i apply links to the slideshow images the pagerAnchorBuilder image returns an undefined for the src of the image. Javascript - $(function() { $('#slideshow').before('<u...

php claims my defined variable is undefined

My php is a little rusty but this is boggling my mind right now. I googled this and read all the stackoverflow questions I could find that looked related, but those all seemed to have legitimate undefined variables in them. That leads me to believe that mine is the same problem, but no amount of staring at the simple bit of code I have r...

Figures occurring after ^ and _ macros (was: LaTeX limitation?)

Hi, I've hit an annoying problem in LaTeX. I've got a tex file of about 1000 lines. I've already got a few figures, but when I try to add another figure, It barfs with: ! Undefined control sequence. <argument> ... \sf@size \z@ \selectfont \@currbox l.937 \begin{figure}[t] If I move the figure to other parts of the file, I can get s...

php Undefined variable: article_id

I keep getting this as a warning I want to avoid getting this warning when it is undefined without turning warnings off here is the context $url_items = array("foo"); $article_id = db_escape($url_items[1]); $article = get_article($article_id); function get_article($article_id = NULL) {.....} ...

IMDB Grabber PHP

I am recieving an error: Notice: Undefined variable: content in C:\wamp\www\includes\imdbgrabber.php on line 17 When using this code: <?php //url $url = 'http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0367882/'; //get the page content $imdb_content = get_data($url); //parse for product name $name = get_match('/<title>(.*)<\/title>/isU',$imdb_content);...

Undefined behavior on deleting char array trought void *

Hello! Is it correct that following yields undefined behavior: void * something = NULL; char * buffer = new char[10]; something = buffer; buffer = NULL; delete [] something; // undefined?? Do I first need to cast something to char * ? Thank you! ...

Function inside jquery returns undefined

Hello Guys, The function I called inside jquery returns undefined. I checked the function and it returns correct data when I firebugged it. function addToPlaylist(component_type,add_to_pl_value,pl_list_no) { add_to_pl_value_split = add_to_pl_value.split(":"); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "ds...

Undefined offset PHP error

I am recieving the following error: Notice indefined offset 1: in C:\wamp\www\includes\imdbgrabber.php line 36 the code is for getting information from IMDB. The link is posted to the page using ajax on another page, I have tested that i am getting the correct response using echo $url <?php $url = $_GET['link']; echo $url; //$...

PHP use of undefined constant error

Using a great script to grab details from imdb, I would like to thank Fabian Beiner. Just one error i have encountered with it is: Use of undefined constant sys_get_temp_dir assumed 'sys_get_temp_dir' in '/path/to/directory' on line 49 This is the complete script <?php /** * IMDB PHP Parser * * This class can be used to retrieve data...

How to check undefined javascript value in facebook?

In normal javascript, I can check either if (i == undefined) or if (i === undefined) or the "typeof" however, within facebook, it will have the api_key append as the prefix in undefined. i.e. it will become if (a12345_i == a12345_undefined) which is NOT undefined so, what can I do to find out the variable is undefined or not...

AS3 Access of undefined property

Hi, first of all I am completely new to AS3. I want to create a simple website, with 3 buttons. Once you click on the button, content should appear next to it. But i have trouble programming even one button. Here is the script: stop(); photography_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, photoclick); function photoclick(event:MouseEvent...