
Getting undefined in javascript when calling ajax

function get_request(url) { var request = new getXMLObject(); request.onreadystatechange = function () { if (request.readyState == 4) { alert(request.responseText); var data = eval('(' + request.responseText + ')'); alert(data); return data; } } request.open("GET", url, true); //alert(document...

why "event is undefined" when rightclick on google-map-v3

this is my code: google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'rightclick', function(event) { //delete marker var nowIndex1='nowIndex1'; function callback1(element, index){ if(marker == element) nowIndex1=index } markers.forEach(callback1) if(nowIndex1!='nowIndex1') markers.removeAt(nowIndex1) //delete pat...

Xcode and AdMob on iPhone 3.2

How do I fix the following error: Undefined symbols: "_OBJC_CLASS_$_AdMobView", referenced from: objc-class-ref-to-AdMobView in AdWhirlAdapterAdMob.o ld: symbol(s) not found ...

function called in function throwing undefined function error

using the object-oriented approach, i'm trying to call a public function in a function in the same class, but it throws an error: Call to undefined function h() php: class Name { . .. . public function h($s) { echo htmlspecialchars($s, ENT_QUOTES); } public function formatQuotes($row) { return "<p id...

Javascript error: object seems to "disappear" in the middle of a statement

I am experencing a very odd javascript error that I can't figure out how to get rid of. The following code throws an exception saying "'options' is not defined" on line 29. As you can see, the object is defined (or should be...), and it is being used without exceptions on the line right before, in the middle of an array initializer. Th...

When is "undefined" fatal or just warning?

test.c(6) : warning C4013: 'add' undefined; assuming extern returning int I've encountered many times when an undefined function will report an error,thus stopping the building process. Why this time just a warning? ...

PHP Unset + Undefined Offset

I'm having a little trouble with losing my array order after using unset(). Here's the code first: $id = $_GET['id']; for($i = 0; $i < count($my_array); $i++) { if($my_array[$i] == $id) { unset($my_array[$i]); } } Assume that $my_array has 4 items and $my_array[1] is equal to $id. After I unset that I try to run a ...

Best way to check for "undefined" in javascript

Possible Duplicates: Detecting an undefined object property in JavaScript How to check for undefined in javascript? What is the most appropriate way to test if a variable is undefined in js? I've seen people use if (window.myVariable) also if (typeof(myVariable) != "undefined") and if (myVariable) //this throws an ...

Javascript function containing JQuery ajax - Function returns undefined

Hi, Can any give me a clue why this isn't working? The function returns undefined. It alerts a boolean values but still return undefined?! Thanks function IsUniqueEmail() { var email = $("#<%=EmailAddress.ClientID%>").val(); if (email.length > 0) { $.ajax({ url: 'handlers/validator.as...

Var is not defined but why?

Hi, i have a little problem with Codemirror (http://codemirror.net/manual.html) My code $(document).ready(function ust() { pa_textareas(); }); function pa_textareas() { var textarea = document.getElementById('ta_1'); var editor_1 = new MirrorFrame(CodeMirror.replace(textarea), { ...

Flex 3 to Flex 4 Conversion and Undefined Methods

I have an application I am attempting to convert from a flex 3 air application to a flex 4 air application. I am running into an issue in my main class. When calling the Instance method on the class I am getting an error: Access of possibly undefined property Instance through a reference with static type Class. My main class is pretty...

Why do I get an "Undefined function or variable <variable name>" error in this MATLAB code?

load X_Q2.data load T_Q2.data x = X_Q2(:,1); y = X_Q2(:,2); learningrate = 0.2; max_iteration = 50; % initialize parameters count = length(x); weights = rand(1,3); % creates a 1-by-3 array with random weights globalerror = 0; iter = 0; while globalerror ~= 0 && iter <= max_iteration iter = iter + 1; globalerror = 0; for p = 1:cou...

undefined method `topics_path'

Not sure what this means and why... I got the undefined method error when I try to go to http://localhost:3000/forums, and after I generate my first forum. ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `topics_path' for #<ActionView::Base:0x10319f2e0>) on line #25 of app/views/forums/index.html.erb: The area of code the error refers to...

Adding a new file and calling functions from that file yields undefined function add_action()...

Hi, I am adding a new file called subtypes.php to my theme /library/includes in order to allow for a dynamic dropdown list. This file uses functions from /library/functions/custom_functions.php. The problem: whenever I call any function from custom_functions.php, I get fatal errors: Call to undefined function add_action(), other times...

netStream Client.onMetaData not recieving width/height

hello, i search the forum but i cant find answer i am streaming flv video,everything works fine, but client i have added to netStream is recieving(via onMeatData function) only this parameters canSeekToEnd, audiocodecid, duration, videocodecid, if is not posibble get width and height from metadata how i can get them? thank you for ...

Undefined reference to fp_init() Using fprint in QT

I am trying to use the libfprint in my QT application #include <QtGui/QApplication> #include "mainwindow.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <libfprint/fprint.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int r = 1; struct fp_dscv_dev *ddev; struct fp_dscv_dev **discovered_devs; str...

Undefined Index PHP issue.Please help

I have the following error: Notice: Undefined index: submit in C:\wamp\www\registration\register.php on line 6 Can't seem to work out whats wrong??? Here's the code:: <?php //Create registration form (register.php) include "../includes/db_connect.php"; if(!$_POST['submit']) ///Line 6 { ?> <html> <head>...

Undefined method `+@' for false:FalseClass (NoMethodError) ruby

def next_prime_number (last_known_prime) while true last_known_prime++ found_factor = false # ERROR for i in 1...last_known_prime if last_known_prime % i == 0 found_factor = true break end end if !found_factor puts "new prime: #{last_known_prime}" Kernel.exit end end en...

PHP and undefined variables strategy

Hello, I am a C++ programmer starting with PHP. I find that I lose most of debugging time (and my selfesteem!) due to undefined variables. From what I know the only way to deal with them is to watch the output at execution time. Are other strategies to notice earliers these faults? (something like with C++ that a single compile gives ...

JavaScript undefined check

I often see JavaScript code where a function may take in an "options" object and use it like: var name = typeof options.name !== 'undefined' ? options.name : "Bob"; This seems like it would be equivalent to the following: var name = options.name || "Bob"; Now, I understand that in certain situations you may actually care that opti...