
WPF Lock Window Size to Viewbox Size

I have a window that contains a resizable viewbox with a uniform stretch. The window frame however does not stretch uniformly. So when someone resizes the form gaps of whitespace open up along one or another edge of the form. Looks bad. Any way to force the window to only expand uniformly? (or another way to look at it, lock it to t...

how to convert a beta distribution into a uniform one?

i want to convert a beta distribution with shape parameters a=b=0.5 into a uniform one. is this possible and if it is, how can i do it? ...

How to use shader uniforms in general?

Shaders can have lots of different uniform names + attributes. How can I make a system which works in general case so that I do not have to know each shader uniform's name beforehand and hardcode it to code to get its location. I use OpenGL. ...

Is it possible to make four (and more) part Uniform Type Identifiers?

I'm trying to register my custom UTI for document-based app. It seems ok, because a get correct type in -initWithType:error: method and in -dataOfType:error:. BUT my app fails to open the newly created files. The UTI is similar to this, notice the four components used: ru.mycompany.myapp.myformat I thought it is possible to create fo...

How to transform directional light to camera space in GLSL

I have the following GLSL code for lighting: uniform vec3 lightDir; // Parallel light uniform float ambient; uniform vec3 lightColour; void main() { gl_Position = ftransform(); vec3 eyeNormal = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal); float intensity = max(ambient, dot(eyeNormal, normalize(-lightDir)); gl_FrontColo...

algorithms problem in uniform cost solution

I am doing the unifrom cost search algorithm. I am getting my solution slightly larger than actual. The number of expanded nodes are coming larger than actual. I used this algorithm: Get the initial node and put it into the priority queue.The P.queue will itself arranges the nodes in it according to the cost. Lower cost node will come ...

Conversion of non-uniform distribution to uniform distribution.

how could i change a random non-uniform distribution to a uniform distribution ? Is there a formula ? thanks . ...

Mysterious and weird lines after using uni-form

I'm using django-uni-form to display forms. I've included all the css and javascript (notably jquery) in the page. But now I get some weird looking lines. The image below show how it looks: http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff176/cwalkrox/uni-form1.jpg You can notice that for username and email address, the lines are aligned with the ...

uniform, change style in another file

Hi, i have this site structure: First page: <script src="../jquery.uniform.min.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> $(function(){ $("input, textarea, select, button").uniform(); $("#show_image_error").load("adv_dell_img_err.html?id="+ Math....

How to signup to run a code after the name/method has been defined using jQuery?

I am trying to run a code but I get $.uniform is undefined [Break on this error] $.uniform.restore("#f_variedbyoperator"); How can I use jQuery, to detect if .uniform has been defined? And to signup the code to run after that. ...