
Visual Studio 2010 unit testing windows and running tests in general

I'm writing and running my tests on VS2010 with mstest. When I want to run a test, or entire tests in a class, sometimes Visual Studio decides to run all my tests. Why is that? How can I avoid it? Any tips? ...

Unit tests crashes because unknown method defined in category in linked library

I have weird problem running logic unit test on my app. My app is build using some parts of three20 library. When I run the app in the Simulator, everything works well. But when I fire my unit tests, it crashes with exception "Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[NSCFString md5Hash]: unreco...

memory leak unit test c++

I have just resolved a memory leak in my application and now I want to write a unit test to ensure that this does not happen again. I'm look for a way to detect the memory usage of the current application (working set), before and after some functions. For example: long mem_used= GetMemUsed(); /* Do some work */ /* clean up */ if...

Generating many almost identical ruby unit tests

I have a number of ruby files (a.rb, b.rb, c.rb) which define very similar classes. (They should test the same) I've written a unit test to test these subclasses and I've generated contexts for each of the classes programatically (see below) — should I instead programatically create entire Test Classes instead? If so why and how? I'm u...

What are standard/best practices for creating unit tests for functionality using databases?

I get the idea behind unit testing however am trying to think of a clean simple way do it when it requires database functionality. For instance I have a function that return result based off a database select query. Would the database alway have to remain the same for me to properly see that only the correct results are being returned....

Mocking, Unit Testing (NUnit) setup problem with HttpHandler

This post relates to two other posts, here and here. I'm new to Unit Testing & Mocking. I have a test fixture that is trying to mock a HttpContext object including the response and request. I think the test code is not setup properly, as after calling the handler I get an error immediately. There error I am getting is: UnitTests.UADHan...

What are the predominant .NET 3.0 mocking frameworks?

To preface this, I love Moq. I wish I could use it in .NET 3.0. Sadly, however, I cannot, but I would still like to use mocks for unit testing purposes. Also, I've used Rhino before, but I absolutely hate it. To be a little more descriptive, though, it's because the interface feels clunky and unintuitive--which can be dealt with--and the...

How to terminate a program when it crashes? (which should just fail a unit test instead of getting stuck forever)

Our unit tests fire off child processes, and sometimes these child processes crash. When this happens, a Windows Error Reporting dialog pops up, and the process stays alive until this is manually dismissed. This of course prevents the unit tests from ever terminating. How can this be avoided? Here's an example dialog in Win7 with the...

Where does a rails (3) application define what is supposed to happen in activesupport-3.0.0.rc/lib/active_support/testing/setup_and_teardown.rb?

I generated a model file but then chose to let it single table inherit from another model. I had to run no migration, because the columns all were already there. Now whenever I want to run tests, I get complaints that the table for the model does not exist. So I have Product < Article < ActiveRecord::Base, product has no own table (doe...

distributed unit testing/scenario based unit testing with boost.test

Hello, I am developing unit test cases for an application using Boost.test libraries. There are certain APIs which can directly be tested. But, there are APIs which require interaction between test machines. So for example, execution of a certain API in machine 1 should trigger an API in test machine 2 and its response needs to be use...

Good readable testnames in c#

I read in FsUnit that the following are valid method/classnames in F#: [<TestFixture>] type ``Given a LightBulb that has had its state set to true`` ()= let lightBulb = new LightBulb(true) [<Test>] member test. ``when I ask whether it is On it answers true.`` ()= lightBulb.On |> should be True Is there a way to have...

Application Testing with Rails

Hi, This is more of a general question and some sort of best practice discussion. How would one test a Rails application? There are mantras like BDD and TDD and frameworks like RSpec and Cucumber but how much is enough and what is the best way to go? Is it enough to use Cucumber as integration tests? Are you guys writing additional ...

JUnit - testing a web site

I'm very new to JUnit, but I want to set up some tests which does the following.. Tests a range of server to server API calls - verifying the responses are correct - I can do that fine. Open a web page, enter data onto it and verify what happens on submit - This I am struggling with. Is it even possible? I am thinking that I could c...

Access the "request" variable on Rails controller tests

I have the following code require 'test_helper' class ApplicationControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase test "should display the page in german" do get :index assert_response :success # ... request.env["HTTP_REFERER"] = :index # ... end end If I run this rails functional test with $ rake test:functionals...

is it possible to send JUnit test report by email?

Hello, with ant it is possible to run JUnit tests and generate test reports in several formats: text, HTML, XML .. and it is recurrent to send test results by email to the responsible, so my question: is it possible to use the xml file generated by Junit in order to send a summary(Html) of the test execution? or is there another better s...

Is there any "advanced" testing framework for .NET?

I am looking for a testing framework that allows me to have: Different kinds(categories) of tests. I want to be able to just run all "fast" tests or all "slow" tests. I know MSTest allows you to create lists and run then run them, but I find it annoying and distracting. I'd like to just tag the tests with attributes as I am developing ...

.Net: State of the Art in tools & frameworks

This is question for those who work in .Net and are curious enough to expand their toolset, including also things beyond Microsoft's solutions. Coming from the Java world, there is a toolset I would consider using every new project, such as: Spring for IoC and MVC. JPA/Hibernate for persistence and ORM. JUnit/TestNG for unit testing. ...

Unit testing in MS Access

I have an Access database project that is getting a bit to large to try to keep track of in my head. I know it is a little late in the game, but better late than never right? I have Googled but found nothing to my satisfaction. Is there any such thing as a unit testing framework for MS VBA? ...

EasyMock and modifing a mutable method parameter

How does one use EasyMock to modify a mocked method's mutable method parameter? For example, I have class that uses a BlockingQueue. I want to mock the BlockingQueue member for unit testing. My class calls the method queue.drainTo(Collection c). Calling this method removes elements from the queue and adds them to the collection. How...

Using TestCategory attribute in Silverlight unit tests

I'm trying to write some unit tests in a Silverlight project and I wanted to tag them with attributes like we do in a regular test project (VS2010). For example, something like this: [TestMethod] [TestCategory("BVT")] public void TestMethod1() { } I added a reference to Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTesting.Silverlight.dll w...